Showing posts with label yassa book 2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label yassa book 2012. Show all posts

Saturday, May 5, 2012

These Boots Were Made for Walking!

And that's what every character must do. In every story - every good story - a character must walk through the proverbial doorway of change. When the story begins, they must be one way, and when the story ends, they must be another. After all, the story is the telling of their journey from point A to point B. Without the journey, you have no tale to tell.

Your character also has a point of decision making. If they choose the left path, they end up one way and if they choose the right path, they end up another.

I will again use one of my characters to illustrate this point.

Temujin, from Yassa (due out in June) -

When the tale begins, Temujin is just nine years old. He is an innocent young man who is about to be betrothed to an innocent young girl. When his father is murdered and he is left in charge of his family, he experiences change. "But," you say, "That wasn't a choice!" Quite right. That is not his proverbial door, he was just a victim of circumstance in that situation. His doorway presents itself when he is ten years old and is forced to make a decision on whether or not to kill his half brother, Bekhter. If Temujin kills the young man, he will be an outlaw. If he doesn't, there's a good chance Bekhter will murder Temujin in his sleep. What to do?

Once a character passes through the door, their life must change forever. There must be no way to return to what they knew before. If you murder someone, you are a murderer and will go to prison - appealing? - and that will irrevocably change your life forever. It's not something you can take back or undo and it will change you when it changes your life. A good story has this moment; usually within the first third of the book.

Yassa's prologue is written from a different point of view than the rest of the book and provides a moment of change for the antagonist, Jamuka. Temujin's moment of change doesn't happen until the end of chapter 3 on page 50. Yassa is around 400 pages long so you can see that the moment of change happens well within the first third of the story.

A journey for a character from the moment of change until some sort of resolution is reached is the rest of your book. Resolution is almost always found in the last fourth of the book. I have found a few books where resolution is on the very last page. It depends on your writing style.

Just remember, one thing is universally true no matter what kind of story you are writing. Your character must change and walk through a door.

What characters do you remember most and what was their moment of change? Discuss!

Time to head out! I will be back Monday!

If you missed it, don't forget to grab your copy of The Abigale Chronicles - Book One today!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Friday, May 4, 2012

Characters, You Say?

Characters are an integral part of every writer's arsenal. They are the life of the story; literally. Today is about creation of those characters.

Here is how I dream up my characters: I meet people and I read books about people. That seems too simple, huh? Well, it is a little more complicated than that. Surely you didn't think you were going to get off that easily! Come on, this is a learning experience! Dive in and have some fun with it!

A character is made up of TWO parts: 1. Physical appearance 2. Personality

I will go through some characters I have used in stories and tell you where they came from.

Yassa - Temujin (Genghis Khan), Borte, and Kutula

Temujin comes from history. I read everything I could get my hands on about this kid and the man he became. History told me a lot but to fill in what it was lacking, I had to pull characteristics from people I know and myself. Because there aren't photographs of young Temujin or old Genghis floating around (they didn't exactly have cameras in the twelfth century) I had to make up what they looked like based on rough paintings. Because I didn't meet the man, I have no idea what his character was like. I can only guess based on how he behaved and what he accomplished.

Ditto for Borte and Kutula.

Now, Kutula didn't actually exist, as far as I know, but he was a minor character in the beginning who demanded that he be put into the story. Because he provided a break from monotony and a little comic relief, I left him in there and let him run wild.

Temujin is quirky and does things sometimes that no one can see the worth in until later; these traits come from me. He is proud, brave, protective, vengeful, honorable, and loyal as well; these come from my boyfriend. His physical appearance was based on text I read about the people of Mongolia as a whole, though I did make some allotments to suit myself. After all, he is supposed to be a bit of a dream guy.

Borte is demure, wise, beautiful, and fiercely loyal; these come from characters I have known in books. She's kind of a mishmash of what I would want in a partner if I were a mighty conqueror of continents. Ha! She has her flaws and those I have pulled from myself. She tries to fix everything and has a harsh tongue at times. She can be bitchy and her mind is very fragile. You'll see that during the course of the story and you'll see what fixes her insanity as well. I made the decision to make her look as different as possible from other women in Mongolia because she is supposed to be a rare treasure that is coveted. She had to stand out from the crowd and inspire men to do great things in her name.

Kutula is a male concubine who has aspirations of grandeur and is very very clever. He is a very beautiful man who is willing to help another if they are kind to him or if he sees something in them that is good. I imagined him as the quiet type who is very deadly. His fun side comes from me and how I really enjoy tumbling through fields of flowers and bright colors. Okay, that was a joke. His fun side I got from my daughter. She is disarming, gentle, enjoys life, and is in love with everything colorful. His looks I based on gay men I have known and are kind of a mishmash of all of them in one glowingly lovable character.

I don't keep a journal of interesting traits or interesting people I meet because if I find them interesting enough I will remember them.

Little Abigale, of The Abigale Chronicles, is fully based on me as a child. She is unassuming, honest, and loves adventure.

If you missed the giveaway of the book, stay tuned! I will be giving a deep promotional discount when Yassa releases in June!

I hope this post got you thinking about making your characters round. A flat character, while they will get you through the story, will not make a reader want to turn the page. Your protagonist must have flaws, they must go through change (post on that tomorrow), and they absolutely must have some trait that people will fall head over heels in love with. Otherwise, they are boring and people will fall asleep when they try to read your book.

I'd love to hear about some of your characters and where you got the idea for them. Pop a little comment in below!

9am and time to get to work!!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Writers that Cannot Feel... Cannot Write

Today I am discussing feelings (or lack thereof) and what happens to a writer that cannot feel.

We all have those days when we are upset and the words flow. We all have those days where we are sublimely happy and the words flow. But what happens when we are numb? When the brain empties itself of all ability to do more than stare at a blank wall?

We read. At least, I do. I find solace in the words of others and they provide me with an escape from my numbness. When I read that Mr. Darcy insulted Ms. Eliza, I feel his insult just as she would have. It provides a way for me to connect to another human being (even if they are fictional).

Readers - and all writers MUST be readers - are a hypersensitive bunch. A true reader will pick up a book and become lost in the story flowing from the pages. If the story is well written, the reader carries a little piece of that book with them for the rest of their lives; especially if the characters have qualities we admire.

Example: When I read about the totally unassuming way that Ms. Jane Bennet looks at every person on the Earth and makes allotments for their shortcomings and flaws and never speaks ill of anyone, I find that quality endearing and my drive to be more like Jane increases. Ms. Eliza Bennet has a sharp tongue and a quick wit that keeps me engaged with her and those are qualities I find most people lacking. I instantly want to be more like Elizabeth.

If you ever find yourself lost in a book or character, ask yourself why. What is it about them that you love? Maybe they are so evil that you are stunned and that's why they stick with you. You begin to watch other people for signs that the character displayed so you will know to avoid them.

Books have a deep impact on our psyche, whether we want to admit it or not. Writers need books to read in order to fuel their passion and introduce them to unique qualities in people that we may never have met in real life.

When we cannot feel, we cannot write because we cannot bring passion to the pages of our stories.

But we can always read.

Remember, today is the last day to get your copy of The Abigale Chronicles - Book One!! Follow me on twitter (@writejomichaels) or follow my blog to get your code for the free download.

I am early today so I am going to poke around and comment on other blogs that I follow.

A question for all you writers out there: What do you do when you can't write? What causes your block?

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Working on a Novel is Like...?

What can compare to working on a novel? Digging your way out of sand when you are buried up to your neck and the only way out is grain by grain? How about swimming in a sea of spaghetti that pushes you backward one stroke for every two you make?

Some days, that is EXACTLY what working on a  novel feels like.

Then why do we write? Well...

We write because on other days, we are allowed to fly and the freedom our writing gives us on those days is worth one hundred days in the muck. It feels like nothing else in the world to know you have written a compelling story. Most of us just want to share that story with others and allow them a peek inside something they never thought possible. Writers always think of the possible and the impossible and figure out a way to turn it into prose.

When you read someone's book, you get a look inside a whole other realm of possibility. Books can change the way people think. Books can inform. Hell, books can even inspire other books. There is a very good reason that they say the pen is mightier than the sword. Sure the sword WON the battle, but the pen is what made it necessary in the first place. People who went to war or revolted because of words on a page were opened up to injustice that they might never have seen if not for a writer taking the time to put them on paper.

Writing is like breathing to an author. We walk around with our head in the clouds sometimes - okay, OFTEN - but we are usually very charismatic people who LOVE life and see it just a little bit differently than other people. If we couldn't write, we would suffocate and be miserable - even if we had everything else one could want. It is a part of who we are.

But those days when writing a novel is like digging yourself out of that damned sand are the days we doubt ourselves.

A call to action:

Go leave a review on your FAVORITE book by your FAVORITE LIVING author today. Give them their wings so they can give you that next great story.

What do you writers say working on a novel is like? Good days and bad days?

Time to go and get to work myself!!

Don't forget, the offer for a free copy of The Abigale Chronicles - Book One ends TODAY!!

Follow my blog (hint: look on the right side), follow me on Twitter or come like my Facebook page and shoot me a message to get the code for the download.

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Monday, April 30, 2012

Difficulties of a Writer

This post was spawned by a post over on Rachelle Gardner's blog about the difficulties we face as writers. She asked "What Makes the Writing Life Hard?" and I had an instant answer: Believing in yourself and getting others to believe in you. She talked about it today.

Why is that? My thoughts:

Well, as authors, we all seem to be crammed into a convoluted box that the outside world sees as mystical and scary. They don't know how to step into the box because - let's face it - authors think differently. This goes back to my post from the other day about a true writer being born and not made. We see the World in a different way than other people. They have difficulty identifying with us.

But it can happen!! Don't lose hope!

I believe that if YOU believe in yourself, others will follow in your footsteps. Look at Jim Jones - the guy who got all those people to drink the Kool-Aid laced with cyanide - and you'll have an idea of what I'm talking about. That guy preached with such conviction, people followed him and paid the ultimate price. Now, I'm not suggesting you go get people to believe in your writing so much that they feel compelled to drink poison, but I am trying to get you to see that if YOU are excited about your work and TRULY believe in yourself, others will be too.

What most people fail to realize is, we work for ourselves and write because we have something to say. Period. We aren't unrealistic, we just function on a different plane of imagination. We are different, not crazy. No, we likely won't end up as famous as Suzanne Collins or J.K. Rowling, but we will achieve fame in our own way and in our own hearts.

If you are the spouse or loved one of a writer, please be supportive and PROUD of them. It is quite an accomplishment just to write 100k words; not to mention the edits and re-writes and advertising we all have to do. Most people go their whole lives and never write 100k words. Be proud and tell them you are proud.

I know how it feels to have someone that believes in you. Someone who is behind you, pushing you to do more and be better. He is my driving force and always celebrates my achievements! I would likely never have finished my novel, Yassa, if he wasn't there, encouraging me and telling me how great I am while plying me with an endless supply of coffee!

We all need that special someone who supports us in our endeavors. Link up with fellow authors if you don't have someone else. We should all be there to support and encourage each other!

That's all for today. I am running late!! 9am and time to write!!

Don't forget to follow this blog, follow me on Twitter, or like my Facebook page for your free copy of The Abigale Chronicles - Book One over on Smashwords. It's available in all formats. Just two days left to get yours!!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Bringing Truth to Fiction

Something I think every author struggles with is telling the truth in their story. So you write fantasy, you say? Well, there is still a note of truth even in a fantasy novel. Your characters must be true to life or you do your readers a great disservice.

Here's an example:

Carol is a mother of three who just lost her job, her husband, and is angry at the world. Let's give Carol something to complain about other than that. We will pile pain on top of pain and see how she reacts...

Carol was worn out from the day of fighting with Jake and from trolling the city looking for a new job. She changed her clothes, turned off the light, and started for bed. She stubbed her toe, hard, on the corner of the open bathroom door near the switch. "Ouch!" she yelled, grabbing her foot and hopping around before tumbling into bed and crying herself to sleep. How could he do this to her and their kids?

Now, I don't know about you, but if I were going through all that, I'm positive that "Ouch!" would NOT be my reaction. Let's try again, being true to Carol's character...

Carol was exhausted and pissed off after her day of fighting with Jake, her bastard ex, and from trolling the city looking for a new job - what a joke that was in the current market! She changed her clothes, turned off the light, and started for bed. She stubbed her toe, hard, on the corner of the open bathroom door near the switch. "Shiiiiiiiiiit!" she yelled, grabbing her foot and continuing to scream a stream of curse words while hopping on one foot to the bed and crying herself to sleep with thoughts of ripping Jake's head from his slimy ass shoulders. How the hell could he do this to her and her kids?

Now, the Carol in example one is sterile. Most readers would read that and be okay with it. However, Carol in example two is passionate and you can feel how she feels. But there is something else!! Carol in example one seems defeated, worn down and ready to feel sorry for herself. Carol in example two shows grit and a woman who is angry but who is pushed by that anger.

If you continued both stories in your head, the first would likely continue with her waking up and hitting the streets again to find a job. But the second would likely lead you to Carol dreaming up some sort of revenge to exact on dear old Jake. If you write and are true to your character's personality and life struggles, your book will take on a quality all its own.

Not everyone can do that. I always say, writers are born, not made. Anyone can learn to write well, it's the ability to write with passion and drive that separates the two.

That's all for today!! I hope you enjoyed the read.

Remember, there's just three more days before the coupon on The Abigale Chronicles - Book One expires! So, start following today and get your code for your FREE copy of this great first book in the series!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Friday, April 27, 2012

Reviews for Yassa and The Abigale Chronicles - Book One

A couple of readers (one was a beta reader) have taken time out of their busy days to write reviews for a couple of my books.

Yassa -

Watch for it here: to be released in June, 2012!!

"In this riveting portrayal of the emperor of the Mongol Empire Genghis Khan, Yassa depicts the untold story of the undying love between Genghis and his wife Borte. The novel creates speculation that who Genghis Khan had become is a result of the turmoil amongst his wife, family, and brotherhood, and the betrayal of the ones he remained devoted to until the end. The author Jo Michaels demonstrates her curiosity of the history behind Genghis Khan in this brave replica of the leader of the largest contiguous empire in history. You will find yourself laughing, crying, smiling, and sympathizing with the characters throughout the entire book. Yassa is a must read that will keep you wanting more of the bygone times that have never before been depicted like this."
- Katlynn Goggin

Thank you, Ms. Goggin!!

The Abigale Chronicles - Book One -

Get it here:

Don't forget to message me to get a coupon code for your FREE copy before May 2, 2012!!

Review by: Mike G on April 26, 2012 : star star star star star
I have been downloading new books to read to my son each week. He was drawn to the book cover and asked if we could get this one. I was very hesitant as it appeared to be a book geared for a girl. This book turned out to be very easy to read and I was very surprised that I actually enjoyed this book as it reminded me of events in my childhood. I normally do not like fantasy but it helped to keep my interest and my son thought that was cool. It made him use his noggin because he kept asking me if Abigale was in a dream. If you are looking for an interesting book that will make your child have to use their imagination than I recommend you download this book. My son is already bugging me on when I can download book 2.

Can you believe the FIVE stars? I was blown away!! Thank you, Mr. G!!

Until next time, WRITE ON!


Abigale Free for 5 More Days!

You have just five days left to get your free copy of The Abigale Chronicles - Book One! It's an amazing little book that reads fast. If you have a child in your life that enjoys books, they will love this one. My own daughter, who is six, was left scratching her head and asked me, "Mommy, is it really happening or is she dreaming?" There are subtle clues in the book that will lead you in the right direction but even Abigale doesn't know if her visits to these other places are truly taking place.

Only one way to find out, right?

Get your coupon code for a free copy today one of the following ways: Send me a message either here or on Twitter or click "Like" on my Facebook page it's really as simple as that!

The Abigale Chronicles - Book One is available for purchase on Smashwords for the low price of just $1.99. You may sample 20% of the book before you decide to take the next step.

Remember, just five days left!

Thank you to everyone that took the time to read this story or leave a review on Smashwords.

Also keep your eyes open for Yassa, due out in June!! You can watch my Smashwords page for news on this exciting release!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Player, Yassa, The Abigale Chronicles - In Earnest

With The Abigale Chronicles - Book One published, it's time to continue work on Player. I'm very excited about it because it holds what we all know but are afraid sometimes to write: the truth.

I am following the mantra of Stephen King and writing about what I know. I knew the characters in Yassa almost as well as I know myself. If there are fractions of me here and there in them, then I achieved my goal. I have written my synopsis of Yassa and am presenting it to you now. My cover will be option 3 (the one with the cherry tree on it) and you'll get a good sense of the book by combining the imagery with the synopsis.

Without further ado:


In ancient Mongolia there lived two great and ferocious men who became fast friends at the hands of slavers and pledged to be brothers in life. When one of the men sees the wife of the other and falls madly in love, what ensues is the greatest recorded rivalry of all time. Bound by Yassa law, young Temujin is torn when the time comes to make the ultimate decision: Kill his best friend and brother in life for the dishonor of coveting the precious and beautiful Borte, or break the law Temujin wrote himself and show mercy. But is the beautiful Borte in love with Temujin's best friend, Jamuka, or is she faithful to her husband through all of the obstacles thrown in their way; even his infidelity? When Temujin is named Khan, changes his name to Genghis, and becomes drunk with power, what will happen to the love he has so carefully nurtured for his wife?

Find the answer in the book!! Due out in June!

I hope you are all enjoying this blog and accompanying me on my journey through the wide world of self publishing!

Don't forget to leave a comment here or send me a message via Twitter to get your coupon code for a FREE copy of The Abigale Chronicles - Book One. Remember, it's a Young Reader's chapter book with a lot of suspense so if you know a child that loves to read, this is the book for them!! This offer is only good until May 2, 2012, so get your copy today!!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Yassa Art Part 2

One more...

Option 3

Until next time, WRITE ON!!!


Yassa Cover Art

Came up with two designs. Would love some feedback from all you readers of this blog. Which one?

Option 1

Option 2

I can't wait to hear your thoughts.

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Abigale is Done - New Novel!

The Abigale Chronicles - Book One is complete. A short, 10k word Young Readers book is what I ended up with. I am so proud of myself for getting it done so quickly! I can't wait to share the cover art for Yassa and TAC!! I would love to hear feedback from any reader of this blog so, keep your eyes open and make sure to vote!!

I started a new novel titled Player that is the story of a man looking to change his life. He finds something along the way that he never expected to find but the end has a twist that will leave you reeling. Here is my synopsis:

Richard Meritis has it all figured out. He has enrolled in an MBA program in order to change his life and get out from under his wife of fourteen years, Julia, who cares more about her nails and social life than she does about Richard, and he begins a journey that he has carefully planned every step of over the last year.

Kathy Miller is a young woman struggling to find her purpose in life. With five children and a husband that treats and uses her like property, she feels like there is no way she can change anything and has, instead, found ways to live with her situation. When she discovers a deep, dark secret about her husband, Gordon, and her life begins to unravel, she realizes it’s a sign that it’s time to take a leap of faith.

Richard meets Kathy and both of them find something they never expected. Will Richard’s ultimate plan succeed or will he be derailed by the unexpected newfound companionship? Will Kathy be able to see Richard’s true intentions? What is his game?

Player brings surprises at every turn and you will be left guessing what Richard’s true plan was and if meeting someone like Kathy was really planned from the beginning. You will fall in love with Richard because of his flaws, Kathy because of her temerity, and by the end, you will realize that not everything is what it seems to be.

I hope this piques your interest and I hope you will follow along with Richard and Kathy as they make life-changing decisions.

Remember, keep an eye out for cover art choices coming soon!! I look forward to hearing from you!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Abigale - An Overview

The Abigale Chronicles - Book One is almost done (just one chapter left). I can't believe I told her story so quickly. I am afraid that when I edit, I will have to find some new/easier words though.

I sent out my queries for Yassa. Today I plan to work on cover art. It is far too cool outside to be writing :)

I may also work on the cover art for The Abigale Chronicles. We shall see.

Time to get busy!!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!!!


Monday, April 16, 2012

Abigale On Fire

Work has begun on The Abigale Chronicles - Book 1 and I couldn't be more pleased. I am up to chapter 7 already and cracking it out like my brain and fingers are on fire.

I made some decisions and just began writing. Her story is flowing so well, I'm scaring myself a little. It feels a little like my writing has gone to a whole different level since finishing Yassa and I am very pleased.

For all the authors out there, have you ever had that epiphany where you realize that you can do it? Where all your stars seem to align and you feel like your dreams have finally been recognized by your muse?

I have a deep love of photography, art, and literature. I recognize these things within myself and know that, as long as I embrace them, I will find contentedness within myself.

I have to take a moment here and thank my boyfriend. If any of you have someone in your life like him, you will understand what I am about to say. If you don't, I'm very sorry.

To the Love of My Life:

You encouraged me when I needed it most and refused to let me give up on myself; even when I thought there was no way I could ever finish. Thank you. You were there and drove my passion and gave me a reason to push forward. Thank you. You offered help constantly and pushed me to limits I didn't realize I could breach while providing me comfort and a pair of arms to make me feel secure. Thank you. You provided support, love, and were a constant reminder that I could do it. Thank you. Thank you for being the man you are and for loving me so much. I could never have done it without you. Thank you.

I hope you all keep following this blog for updates on Abigale and her frienemy, Emmett. I know I said I would be linking to the new blog from this one, but I'm not sure I'll be doing a different blog for the new series. We'll see.

Time to go and write!!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I feel...


Yassa is written and ready to hit the drawer for the next month.

I will be doing the cover art and typesetting myself (thinking maybe my degree will come in handy here) and am looking forward to publishing in June. I would give you all an excerpt, but it would likely give away a number of interesting things that occur in the last 6 chapters.

I am moving on to my next story sometime this week and will post a link to that blog from this one.

I hope you have all enjoyed my journey through history and my ramblings.

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Monday, April 9, 2012

Almost There!

I have but FOUR chapters left!!

I will then place my manuscript in a drawer for a month and forget I wrote it.

I need to feel like I am coming home to an old friend when I edit but I am still on track for an early June release on NOOK and an early August release on Kindle. I plan to begin the cover art work next month as well. I wish I could snap my fingers and finish it but I know that would be cheating and I NEED to put in the time and effort to reap maximum benefits. After all, how many people in this world have written 400 pages of ANYthing in their lifetime? Not many.

I have consumed books numbering well into the tens of thousands over my lifetime. I am hoping that readers like myself pick up my book and delve between the pages only to get lost and have to scratch their way back out. This story is a mighty adventure.

Back to the keyboard!! Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Some days, it is just difficult to find the words. Once in a while, the words must be extracted like old teeth. Other days, they flow like a gentle brook over smooth stones. Occasionally, they spew out with the force of a volcanic eruption. This week, they have alternated between the first two.

I am hoping that today is a volcanic day.

Time change has screwed with my head...

I have decided that, in order to write, one must be able to shut everything but the story down. I find a problem in needing my emotions in order to write because, when I am feeling this way or that way, it tends to directly impact my ability to put one word with another but I need to feel in order to write. It is quite a conundrum and has left me puzzled as to how to accomplish a daily goal when yesterday is very different from today.


Time to look Temujin (now Genghis) in the eye and tell him to straighten the hell up or get the hell out of my book, methinks. But how to do that when he is the protagonist? Ah, such is life. Borte is speaking to me today and she sounds very wan. Jamuka is scared because he knows it won't be long before Genghis gets his hands on him. Time to even the odds a bit where those two are concerned...

I hope everyone has a HAPPY HUMP DAY!! We are headed toward the weekend!! YAY!! Time to get down to business and put my characters back in their places.

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday, Monday, Monday!!! 6,000!

Yes, you read that right. It's Monday! UGH to daylight savings time - it has me alllll screwed up.

Time for a short story!

As I stand, alone, in the darkness, letting my eyes try to adjust, I begin to panic. I can feel my palms sweating and my heart racing in my chest; it's loud in the silence of the night. My legs begin to shake and I am fighting back both the urge to scream and the urge to run. I know that I can't give away my location but can't remember why or how I had gotten here. All I remember is falling asleep in my bed and waking up to this pitch blackness and the smell of trees, leaves, and grass. I am barefoot, dressed only in my nightgown, and I can feel a slight dampness in the ground beneath my feet. My hearing and smell are heightened to a state I have never experienced before. I am blind.

Suddenly, the thin waning crescent of the moon appears and my eyes are able to pick up a hint of light. What I see makes my blood run cold. I am standing in a small clearing in a forest and there are two very large, very red eyes looking at me from the brush on the other side. There is no body to go with those eyes yet but the sight of them makes my stomach tie into knots and every muscle in my body tense with fear.

It slowly takes a step out and I have to will my feet not to move and clench my jaw shut to avoid screaming. I know that if I scream, it will be on me in a second. Where that knowledge comes from, I can't remember. I lick my dry lips with my dry tongue as the animal emerges and my eyes widen in fear when the full form of the dog finally emerges. It is the biggest canine I have ever seen and I want to cry but find I am afraid to blur my vision with my tears and lose sight of my stalker.

His lips curl back in a snarl and I get the scent of blood in my nose. I can see the stains on its muzzle now and, as it moves closer, I am struck with the certainty that it is here to kill me. When it gets within mere feet of my position, my will breaks and I turn and run; crashing through the trees and bushes and cutting my skin deeply. I feel the sticks penetrating the soft bottom of my feet but I cannot take the time to care. I run like I have never run before in my life. I can hear the dog's feet as they pound the Earth behind me and I can  imagine its breath on the back of my neck.

I want to stop and throw up. My stomach feels like it is going to explode and my legs feel numb and detached from my body. I am breathing hard and fast from my panic and know that I will pass out soon if I am not careful; but I can't stop. I must keep running until the animal gives up. I know this as surely as I know my name is Bonnie; but I can't remember anything else.

I look back for a moment to see where my pursuer is and realize my mistake too late. In the dark, I don't see the end of the ground until I'm falling. I feel my hair whipping up and around my face for a moment and I think, "This is how I am going to die." but I slam into the ground a moment later and the sound of my bones snapping throughout my body sounds alien. I am lying on my back and cannot move but can see the place where I began my decent. As I stare, the dog leaps off the edge with no fear and lands, snarling, a few feet from me.

As he turns and looks at me, I allow my tears to flow at last. When he finally lunges for my throat, I feel a fear that I have never felt before...

The fear of death.

THE END - Literally!

I plan to crack out three chapters this week, my daily goal is 6,000 words. I need to finish by the end of March to hit my no-later-than-June release date.

Temujin, Jamuka, and Borte are about to have some tension and this is about to get real. I hope you all enjoyed my lil story above and that it made you cringe for a moment in this early morning light.

Now that I am all warmed up, time to write some book!!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Friday, March 9, 2012

Relationships are Difficult

Not only in life, but also in fiction. Writing about Borte and Temujin has made me stop and analyze real relationships. I analyze my parents, my siblings, and myself. I find that they are all with their caveats and sacrifices but the good ones have one thing in common: They want to be together.

Temujin and Borte follow this rule and, despite everything that has been thrown in their path, they continue to desire one another and want the love they have together so badly, that they are willing to continue to press forward and not give up.

Temujin has his moments where he is angry with Borte, but he loves her very deeply and she shares that feeling. When he is away, she misses him and he misses her. When he is angry with her, she hurts just like he does. It is their shared love that makes them last. If he loved her more than she loved him, or if she loved him more than he loves her, I just don't think the relationship would have survived like it did - in real life.

As I write more about these two and put history in its place, I realize what they endured to be together and it makes me understand better the meaning of promising yourself to someone. When you make that promise, you are saying that no matter what, you will love and care for that person; but it is a two-way street. No one likes to be the only one that cares. Temujin cares about and loves Borte no matter what. If you want to learn about everything they have endured and survived thus far, you will have to read the book! Ha!

Off to put the finishing touches on some chapters!!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Chapter 20 Excerpt

Here is a little snatch from the almost completed chapter 20 - Rivalry

    I relieved Graêl of his burden and rubbed him down with a piece of cloth dipped in the water trough nearby; he nuzzled my hand in thanks.

    I said, “At least someone around here likes me.” and stroked his neck.

    When I was done and Graêl was comfortable, I headed back to speak with my wife again. I knew she was angry with me and I was lost as to how to fix it or make it just a little better. I entered a very silent house and wondered where all the children were. Just as I was about to bellow that I had arrived, my mother ambled out of her room. When I saw her, bent with age and with a full head of gray hair, my heart stung and I hurried over to help her to her yak fur.

    “Most honorable mother, what happened? Why are you bent over like this?”

    She smiled at me and said, “I am simply growing old. I have raised many sons and a daughter. You did not think I would be young and spry forever, did you?”

    I smiled back and said, “No. But I didn’t think age would take you so quickly. I have only been gone…” I began to count in my head.

    She interrupted and said, “Almost two years, my son.”

    Two years! How could that be? I was just home a few months prior! I tried to give voice to my thoughts but she cut me off again.

    “Twenty months you have been gone. Tolui is almost two years of age. He has never even seen you. Börte grows more withdrawn and sad every day. I am hoping your return will bring her life back. I believe she thought you abandoned her forever.”

    My heart hurt in that moment. Pain that began in my chest poured through my body and spiraled outward from that central point; I began to shake. What pain I had caused my wife! Where did my twenty months go? I choked back my tears and looked at my mother with remorse in my eyes.

    She touched my face and said, “Many men make mistakes. I knew when you left that you would be gone from us for a long time; Börte refused to believe me and held on to her thought that you would return within a few days. When a few days turned into a few weeks, and a few weeks turned into a few months, she began to wilt like a flower. I fear that if you had stayed gone much longer, she would have died of a broken heart.”

Temujin may redeem himself but you will have to read the book to find out how. Ha!

I hope you are all enjoying the excerpts and snatches thus far.

Until next time, WRITE ON!
