Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Indie Author's Guide to: Building a Great Book

Happy Thursday, good people of the blogosphere! I was gonna write another review today, but I didn't get finished with the book I was reading. Since I never half-a$$ anything, I refuse to review before I'm done. Sorry! So, instead, I'm gonna talk about one of my books that's an asset for Indie authors. Why? Well, I see a ton of questions popping up all over the place about self-publishing. The Indie Author's Guide to: Building a Great Book has the answers you're looking for. Let's get going, shall we?

First, about the book:
Title: The Indie Author's Guide to: Building a Great Book
Author: Jo Michaels
Genre: Non-Fiction How-To
Length: 54 Printed pages
Links: Amazon $2.99 Smashwords $2.99 B&N $2.99

Indie author? Banging your head on your desk? You need The Indie Author's Guide to: Building a Great Book. Not just for e-books. This guide contains helpful tips and tricks to make your book look like it came from a major publisher. Guided sections walk you through how to format your book for all platforms, how to create a dynamite cover, how to brand yourself as an author, and how to build a perfect book for printing. Indie authors, let's give the big houses a real run for their money!

I'm sure you're all wondering why I wrote this book. Well, it's because, like most Indie authors, I struggled to learn all I needed to know in order to self publish. I thought: Why not help others since I've been through a lot of this stuff and save them the headache?

It's not just about building books. It's about building your brand, your e-book, and your print book.

Why is it so short? Because it's also meant to be a pocket reference. Something that won't take up a ton of space in your bag or purse. A book you can carry with you everywhere. I priced it low because Indie authors just starting out don't usually have a ton of money to play with.

But in a book that short, what can you possibly get out of it?

To tell you the truth, I cut out all the fluff. It's very straight to the point. Here's a ToC for you to look over:

Section One – Branding Yourself
  • Choosing an Identity
  • Creating a Logo (or having one created for you)
  • Color Scheme Dos and Don’ts
  • Consistency is Queen – Because Kings are controlled by Queens!
Section Two – Formatting Your Manuscript
  • Dos and Don’ts when Writing Your Book
  • Quick Tips for Better Legibility
  • Building Your Save System
  • Different Formats for Different Platforms
Section Three – Building a Digital Cover
  • Size IS Important!
  • Images
  • Font Choices – Why does it Matter?
  • Using Layers
Section Four – Final Checks
  • Uploading and Proofing
Section Five – Business Considerations
  • Choosing your distributor(s)
  • Places to Sell and Market Your Book
Section Six – If Your Book is a Print Version
  • Your Book’s Guts
  • Orphans and Widows
  • Pesky Page Numbers
  • Running Headers
  • Cover Considerations
  • Explaining Bleed and Safety
  • Conversion to CMYK for print
  • Math Involved

Why do I feel I can write such a book with this kind of information?

Here's the forward from the book:
Before we begin, let me tell you the basic things you will need to format your book by these guidelines. If you have another program you’re more familiar with, use that. This book is meant to be a guide only.

I reference Adobe Photoshop for building covers in The Indie Author’s Guide to: Building a Great Book. If you use Gimp or some other image manipulation software and know where the panels I discuss in this book are, use your program.

I reference Microsoft Word 2007 for formatting interiors in The Indie Author’s Guide to Building a Great Book. If you know how to do the things outlined in this book in another program and prefer it, use yours.
In most of this book, I’m assuming you have a basic working knowledge of your chosen program and are familiar with tabs and menus.

I’m passing on knowledge that will help your book appear more professional in the mass market. Period.
My expertise lies in the field of Graphic Design and a lot of what you’ll find here imparts knowledge I learned during my studies and things I have discovered on my own while publishing my books. I spent a year as a Graphic Design tutor and was chosen amongst the other graduates in my final year to design the commencement cover (they loved it so much they used it again the following year).

I’ve listened to common complaints people have about self-published books and tried to address those areas here as well so we all look like we went to design school and have worked at a big publishing house our whole lives (or at the very least, that we can play with the big boys – and do it well).

Section six is the longest section because consideration of a print version of your book requires a lot of work. Follow me once and keep me around for a quick reference guide.

You may ask me additional questions via Twitter @WriteJoMichaels if you feel compelled to do so.
If you indulge in banging your head on the desk or tearing out your hair while reading this book (the very thing I’m trying to help you avoid – bald authors with red foreheads make us all look nuts), I take no responsibility. Enter at your own risk and enjoy!

As a funny, I also created an awesome mousepad over on Zazzle that screams to the world how this book saved you. check it out: TIAG Mousepad.

I hope this helps some of you achieve your dreams!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Book Review - Fearless by Cornelia Funke

Happy Wednesday, blogospherians! Before I begin, I gotta let you know that tickets for UtopYA Con 2014 went on sale yesterday. Be sure and hoof it over there to get yours A.S.A.P.! They go FAST! Today, I bring you another book review of one of my favorite authors, Cornelia Funke. If you've followed the blog for a while, you'll probably remember my review of Reckless, the first book in the Mirrorworld series. If not, click the title and go check it out. Fearless, the book for today, is the second installment. I gotta tell you, it was one hell of a read! So, grab your coffee, strap in, and let's get going!

First, about the book that's on the chopping block today:
Title: Fearless
Author: Cornelia Funke
Genre: YA Fantasy
Length: 400 printed pages
Links to Amazon: Kindle $8.89 Hardcover $13.98 Paperback $7.50

Description from Amazon:
Jacob Reckless returns once again to the Mirrorworld--filled with profound characters, extraordinary creatures, and epic life-or-death treasure hunts that could only come from the mind of the master storyteller of our generation, Cornelia Funke.

Jacob Reckless has only a few months left to live. He's tried everything to shake the Fairy curse that traded his life for his brother's--legends such as the All-Healing Apple, the Well of Eternal Youth, the blood of a northern Djinn. And yet hope after hope is extinguished. After months of fruitless searching, Jacob journeys through his father's mirror one final time to deliver the bad news to Fox.

But there they hear of one last possibility--an item so legendary that not even Mirrorworlders believe it exists: a crossbow that can kill thousands, or heal one, when shot through the heart. But a Goyl treasure hunter is also searching for the prized crossbow. Jacob must find it first--and somehow convince Fox to do whatever it takes to save him.

Now that you know all about it, it's time to give you my review!

From a reader's perspective:
Ahhhhh how Fox and Jacob drive me crazy with their relationship! I love these two characters most from the series so far. They're frustrating, adorable, and concern-worthy. Sometimes, I want to reach in the pages and give them both a good shake. An introduction to a new kind of Goyl brings fun and tension as Jacob travels on his quest to save his own life. I adore the interweaving of known fairy-tales throughout the story. It brings a whole other level of coolness to the tale. Most enjoyable, perhaps, was learning more about the wily, cunning character known as Fox. It was great to get to know about her family and what she went through before she met Jacob. She gained a new level of endearment through the reveal. World-building in this series is phenomenal. It'll make you want to step through your own mirror. I can't wait for the next book in the series. There's a major twist in this book that will leave you with your mouth hanging open.That's all I'm going to say on that front.

From an editor's perspective:
Pronouns were still rocky, but I'm guessing it's because this book was translated from German. Ah well, something I can easily overlook when engrossed in a tale. Other than that, the book was grade A.

My Rating:
1 Star for phenomenal world-building
1 Star for making me bite my nails off from worry
1 Star for giving me characters with flaws that I care about
1 Star for shedding new light on a character that's endearing
1 Star for leaving me with my mouth hanging open in the end
Overall, 5 out of 5 stars. A most excellent read.

Ya'll come on back tomorrow for one more review this week. Then we'll be hoofing it into more about writing, grammar, and those sorts of things. I have some very cool stuff to bring you!

Don't forget to check out the author interview with Felicia Tatum, the feature post for this week, while you're here! She has an awesome giveaway going on.

Also, be sure you check out the post from yesterday about OMC's book auction to benefit the Spina Bifida Association. It's a great cause and you'll get some wonderful stuff to read!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

OMC Book Auction for Spina Bifida, Fall Into UtopYA, and Giveaway Winners

Happy Tuesday, good people of the blogosphere! I was gonna thrill you all with another book review today, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow! I have awesome things to share. Grab some coffee, get your butts in your chairs, and get ready to do some clickin'! Here we go...

First up, I'm sharing a book auction held by One More Chapter to benefit Spina Bifida.

These ladies are amazing and help Indie authors out so much! You should like love their Facebook Page and then take a peek at this:

A BLIND book auction can be found on their blog: One More Chapter BBA

A RAFFLECOPTER giveaway that includes:
A Kindle Paperwhite
$65 in Giftcards
Swag and e-books (over 50 prizes)

You can find the Rafflecopter widget here: One More Chapter Rafflecopter Giveaway

Flash giveaways all month if you join in the fun here: One More Chapter's SB Book Auction on Facebok

Because I donated to the event, I get to proudly display this:

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

What are you waiting for? Getcher booties over there and bid on a book! Most begin at $5. It's for a GREAT cause. Sharing is caring! Share the event as much as possible, please.

Second on the agenda, is the Fall Into UtopYA Party going on! Check it out.

Today is the first day of the Fall into UtopYa Party
It is RELEASE DAY for Veiled Shadows (The Age of Alandria: Book Two)!!
Genre: YA Fantasy
Publisher: Red Cabin Publishing
Release date: Oct 1, 2013
Shadows linger where light is obstructed, and truth is veiled.
Evil is an untreated disease in the once beautiful realm of Alandria.
Kaeleigh is faced with a revelation that she must reconcile. She will decide if discovering the truth is worth the unknown consequences to both herself and her friends.
Daegan, the Ferrishyn warrior, is conflicted by more than his loyalties, and is confronted with emotions he doesn’t know how to deal with. A choice must be made. A choice… that may cost him more than he ever wanted to give.
The Droch-ShĂșil—enforcers and servants of the ancient darkness—continue to cast their shadow over Alandria seeking those who can be turned to their side.
The magic of The Orchids is growing, but not everyone will survive what is to come.
Veiled Shadows is the second installment in The Age of Alandria series: the story of the Sol-lumieth’s quest for freedom of self and the power to battle the evil of the Droch-ShĂșil.
Buy links:

Add to Goodreads!!

Morgan Wylie,
originally from the Pacific Northwest, now resides near Nashville, TN with her
husband and daughter. She and her husband work everyday at their individual and
combined creative pursuits while she learns to balance being “Mama”, wife, and
mediator to the many voices and muses constantly chattering in her head.
You can find her
and news on her books at the following:
MorganWylieBooks on Facebook
@MWylieBooks on Twitter
Goodreads and Amazon
(Author Bio)

(The Age of Alandria: Book One):
A dying realm.
The ancient evil of the Droch-ShĂșil has been unleashed.
The Orchids have been silenced… but for how long?
Daegan, elite of the Ferrishyn warrior tribe of Faeries, is charged
with a mission to find the Sol-lumieth, a mysterious new power that
could change the fate of all in the realm of Alandria. But he is conflicted by
his purpose, and he cannot trust the motives of those he serves. He has too
many questions and they must be answered.
Kaeleigh, a girl
abandoned as a small child just outside Missoula, Montana
, is now 18. She is trying to discover who she is and where she belongs.
In her heart, she feels she has family out there… somewhere. Desperate to
unravel the mysteries of her past, she embarks on a journey that will forever
change her along with her two best friends, Finn and Chel—who have secrets of
their own.

And last, but certainly not least, I'm proud to share the winners of my giveaway for Mystic~Melody!

Congratulations to: Alana and Jennifer! Check your e-mail inboxes, ladies!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

While you're here, don't forget to check out my featured author of the week, Ms. Felicia Tatum, and enter her giveaway!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, September 30, 2013

Felicia Tatum Author Interview

Happy Monday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I bring you our second UtopYA Con 2014 author, Ms. Felicia Tatum. Now, if you’ve followed the blog for a while, you’ll know I wrote a review of The White Aura not too long ago. Check it out here: Book Review - The White Aura
I hope you enjoy getting to know this author as much as I have. Grab a cup of java, sit back, and read on!

Jo: Hello, Felicia! Nice to have you with us today.
Felicia: Hi, Jo! Thanks so much for having me.

Jo: Let’s skip all the pleasantries and jump in with both feet, shall we? I’m gonna be frank, I Google every author I do an interview on, go read their blog, Twitter feed, and Facebook page, and try to dig up as much “stuff” as I can on them. I like to make ya’ll think and shake a bit in your proverbial boots. So, what I found when I plugged your name into Google was that you completely own the search. I had to go through seven pages before I found another Felicia Tatum (and there are about ten of them in the U.S.). How often do you Google yourself and how did you manage to boost your visibility so high?
Felicia: I’ve been doing it more recently because I’ve been having some issues with my books being pirated. I have no idea how my visibility is so high, but it’s awesome!

Jo: I see you started blogging in May of 2012. What led you to begin a blog and how did you decide what to post there?
Felicia: When I started writing, I thought “hey, a blog would be fun.” After talking to some other authors, I decided having interviews every Friday would be a good way to stay active. It’s evolved from there.

Jo: Have you done anything to drive more traffic to your blog? What are your daily stats?
Felicia: I joined Girls Heart Books as a host and that’s led to a lot more traffic. I get about 4,000 views a month. Daily changes so much it’s hard to give a direct answer.

Jo: I know the feeling. Blogs are such finicky things. I saw you made your first book, The White Aura, free forever. What drove you to make that decision and how has it helped in other areas?
Felicia: After attending UTopYA in June 2013 and hearing sooooo many amazing, successful author saying perma-free is a great way to gain readership, I decided to give it a go. Especially since the third book, Devlin’s Descendant, released this month.

Jo: That makes sense, actually. I wish I could do that with my first book of the Mystic series. Alas, I can’t. It will be $0.99 forever, I guess. Changing topic! I see you live in Tennessee (I lived in Dayton for over ten years *waves*). What do you love most about the state?
Felicia: How awesome!! I love the natural beauty everywhere I go...the Great Smoky Mountains are probably my favorite place. Ever.

Jo: Beautiful, yes. But the ticks up there are out of control. That’s one thing I don’t miss at all! Do you use any of the settings or imagery in your books?
Felicia: Tennessee is what I know, what I love, so yes, I use it for my books :)

Jo: Shoe lover? Tell me about your favorite pair. Do you have a photo of them?
Felicia: I can’t pick my favorite pair! Are you crazy? It’s like asking to pick my favorite child! (Which, I mean, I only have one...but still!) I don’t have a photo of my favorite...but I want these...badly.

Jo: Wow. Those are gorgeous! Here’s my favorite pair (yes, I own them). I love sparkles or ribbons. haha! Anywho… I noticed you re-released The White Aura. Tell me where you found your editor, Jeanie Creech, and about your relationship there.
Felicia: I found her from the amazing Ariana Browning, who recommended her when she was just starting out. Jeanie is absolutely amazing and I love her. She makes my books pretty and she loves them, too. It’s a great relationship. 

Jo: I adore my editors. Couldn’t imagine life without them. *Shout out to Crystal Lee and Tia Silverthorne Bach!* UtopYA Con 2014 should be an interesting event. The “Take Me to Your Reader” theme is awesome. I’m looking forward to meeting everyone face-to-face! Will you be sporting something with an alien theme, or do you have cool stuff like t-shirts you’re gonna wear with your name on them? In other words, how will we recognize you?
Felicia: I don’t have any alien’ll have to think of something. Good thing I have a while to figure it out, huh? What about this shirt? Only have it say “I want to read.”

Jo: That’s a rockin’ shirt! Maybe I’ll cook something up between now and then. How’s college treating you? Do you get pretty good grades? And, what’s your major?
Felicia: I’m in graduate school for my MBA and it’s not treating me well. I’m a bit stressed at the moment haha I enjoy learning and my business degree is really helping me with my writing business, so I try to apply my books to all the situations. I get decent grades...I’m passing!

Jo: Master’s Degrees are tough. The Best Boyfriend in the World got his MBA back in April of last year. He was stressed! Kudos to you for reaching for the stars! What’s your favorite thing to wear while writing and why?
Felicia: My pjs. Cause I’m lazy and like to be comfy.

Jo: Me too! I saw on one of your blog posts that you found some old stuff you’d written way back when you were younger. What was your first story like and do you remember how it made you feel when you finished it?
Felicia: It was ridiculous! lol It was about an English guy and he wanted this girl (aka me) and it was just Writing always made me feel complete when I was younger.

Jo: I know the feeling. My first story isn’t really one I’d ever like to read again. But only because it still scares the bejeebies outta me. Favorite color?
Felicia: Pink

Jo: Pink is good. Unless you’re a boy. Then you just get teased about it. Toilet paper – under the roll or over the roll? This question is regarding how you put the roll on the holder - if it spools from the top or the bottom.
Felicia:  Over

Jo: Using your writer know-how, tell the readers how the first scary movie you ever saw made you feel and the title.
Felicia: I don’t do scary...I watched Halloween, the old, old version, when I was a young teen and it haunted me. My mom and brother stood in the yard and stared in my window like Michael Myers so that was it for me. No more scary movies. I don’t sleep if I watch them! 

Jo: I wonder if that’s an author thing. I don’t watch them for the same reason! If there were such a thing as time-machines, tell me one thing you’d go back and change, and what effect you think it would have on everything that’s happened since then.
Felicia: I wouldn’t do this just because I have my daughter and I wouldn’t change that for anything...but I do wish I had majored in writing and kept with it after high school instead of worrying about a job that would make more money. Happiness is so much more important.

Jo: I agree. One last question! Tell us about the huge giveaway you’re having in December of this year.
Felicia: EEK! Megan Curd and I were just chatting away and she mentioned she wanted to do a Christmas giveaway. Well, I love holidays and think doing giveaways is soooo much more fun on them, so I told her I’d help. We asked the UTopYA authors if they’d be interested in donating and received a great response!! The 25 days of Giveaways starts December 1st, so keep a look out ;)

Jo: I’ll do that. I think Megan’s interview falls in that window of time so maybe she’ll shout it out! Well, that’s all the time we have for today. Any parting shots?
Felicia: Thank you, Jo!! Can’t wait to meet you next year! And if you read this, thank you! Come say hi on my Facebook or Twitter :)

I hope you all loved meeting author Felicia Tatum! She’ll be back next Monday with a guest post for you. I encourage you to come back again and say hi.

For her featured book this week, I give you The White Aura:

How do you live with the gut clenching truth that the one you love will die if you meet them? Twenty year old sorcerer Scott Tabors is learning how. After seeing seventeen year old Olivia Whitehead outside of a coffee shop, his heart will never be the same. He longs for her, he wants her, and he knows she will be his. They are heart mates. …but due to a curse on his family, he can’t meet her. Not yet.  So for now, he visits her in her dreams. Her dreams where he can tell her everything but his name.
Olivia Whitehead is a typical junior in high school. She and her best friend are having the time of their lives, but she can’t help but notice the changes happening to her.  Especially the changes in her heart after she begins dreaming about a mysterious dark haired young man. But what will happen when the school heartthrob decides he wants Olivia? Will she realize the dream man is real or will she move on? 

Find the book here (FREE):

Follow Felicia on social media!
Facebook: Felicia Tatum
Pinterest: FMTatum
Enter Felicia’s giveaway here:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I’m opening up the floor for questions. Ask away!
Well, that’s all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Book Review - Twisted by N.L. Greene

Happy Friday, good people of the blogosphere! It's time for another round of book reviews. I read a number of books at once so you'll tend to see them in clumps here on the blog. Today, Tuesday, and Wednesday, I'll be writing reviews for those I've finished. Monday is the special day you'll get to meet author Felicia Tatum, one of the ladies planning to attend UtopYA Con next year. Tickets for that event go on sale October 1st!

At the end of this post, I'll be sharing a giveaway by a wonderful Indie author, Tia Silverthorne Bach, and a giveaway that includes the book I'm reviewing today. So strap in, read on, and get ready to enter to win!

First, a little about the book on the chopping block today:
Title: Twisted
Author: N.L. Greene
Length: 248 Printed pages
Genre: New Adult Contemporary
Price: $2.99 on Amazon

Description from Amazon:
Growing up isn’t always easy. But for most teenage girls, they can rely on their best friend to help them get through the process. A BFF is something that is truly treasured and completely irreplaceable. You share all of your secrets, and are loyal and honest with each other, even when you’re acting just a little bit crazy. You have each other’s backs no matter what and you form a bond that is virtually unbreakable.

At least that’s what normal teenage girls experience.

Nat and Mel have been bestie’s since childhood and Nat has followed her blindly ever since. But as Nat’s friendship with Mel begins to lead her down the wrong path, she starts to question the sincerity of their relationship. Nat starts to see Mel’s manipulative, deceitful ways become more focused on her. Will Natalie hold on tight to the friendship she’s had her entire life, no matter what it cost her? Or will she let her heart lead her to a relationship that’s not so twisted.

***Attention*** Book recommended for mature audiences! Contains underage drinking, smoking, drug use and some sexual content.

I'm gonna start off by saying I really like the cover on this book. One thing I'd like to see changed is the size of the title font. It's difficult to read when tiny. But the cover isn't what drew me in; it was the synopsis. I could totally relate. This book was brought to my attention when I liked the author's Facebook page, and I went to check it out and purchased it. *She has no idea this review is even being done* How much fun is that? I love surprises. Haha!

Enough of my rambling! On to the review.

From a reader's perspective:
I picked up a copy of this book on Amazon and it was well worth what I paid. I loved the characters in Twisted. They reminded me of people I knew growing up. Yes, even Melanie was someone I could picture in my head and recognized right away. I got so wrapped up in the story, I couldn't stop reading. I wanted to know where Natalie was going to end up and how she was going to be brought to the epiphany at the end. First person past tense was a clever way to tell this story, because it put me right in Nat's shoes. By the end, I needed a tissue. It's heartbreaking to read about someone going through what Nat does and not be able to give them advice or guide them in any way. That's when you know you've gotten hold of a great book! I cared about what happened to her.

From an editor's perspective:
This book is very well written. Emotions were strong and there was plenty of tension throughout. Characters were well developed. One thing it needs is a proofread. There were small errors throughout that a proofreader would catch that actually threw me out of the story a few times. But errors are expected in any book, even those traditionally published. So don't let the tiny ones in this book sway you from picking up a copy.

My Rating:
+1 Star for creating characters I loved
+1 Star for making me care
+1 Star for pulling my heartstrings
+1 Star for great storytelling
+.5 Star for editing
-.5 Star for need of a proofreader
Overall, 4.5 out of 5 stars! And you all know I round up, not down!

Now for the Rafflecopter giveaway widgets. With the first, you have a chance to win a copy of Chasing Memories (link goes to my review of that book) by Tia Silverthorne Bach and a really cool necklace! With the second, you have a chance to win a TON of really great books, gift cards, and swag!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck, everyone!

While you're here, don't forget to check out my special guest for the week, M.R. Polish. Next week I have author Felicia Tatum! She's running a giveaway for the duration of her stay so make sure you come on back for all that!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Great Books and Human Nature

Happy Thursday, good people of the blogosphere! What a crazy week it's been. I've managed to get into a couple of really awesome books lately and want to share those as well as talk about a series of posts I wrote last year on Human Nature. So grab your pens and notebooks and let's get going!

A library card is something I'm still in awe of having. Libraries give you the ability to, not only read, but take home a multitude of books you can learn from if you simply give them your name, number, and address. It stuns me every time I go in and see all those books for the consuming just sitting there on the shelves, waiting for me to pluck them out, take them home, and read the words on the pages. As a library hound, I've run across a couple of amazing books for bloggers and authors you guys might want to consider picking up yourselves.

If you go to your library and they don't have one of these books, you can request one and should have it within a week or two. How cool is that? Plus, it's all free!

So, here's the list:
  • Blogging for Creatives: How Designers, Artists, Crafters and Writers can blog to make contacts, win business and build success. by Robin Houghton

This book was helpful in giving advice on how to blog, make social networking contacts, and attract visitors. If you want to monetize your blog, there's advice in there about that, too. I skimmed over that part, because I refuse to run ads on my blog other than my own, but it has a lot of great information in it.
  • Wired for Story: The writer's guide to using brain science to hook readers from the very first sentence. by Lisa Cron

I'm about halfway through this book and I can already tell it's a winner. It really gets into why people read and what they want, rather than telling you how to craft a novel. You can check it out when I'm done with it. Haha!
  • I love the For Dummies series and picked this one up because it looked awesome: Writing Young Adult Fiction - for Dummies. by Deborah Halverson

I've only glanced through the contents, but I'm eager to get into it this weekend.

One thing I noticed as I was reading Wired for Story, is she talks a lot about Human Nature and how it plays a big part in how people get hooked on a tale. I thought it might be a good idea to give you a few links to those posts while you're here, so you have some supplemental materials if you decide to check out the book.

Human Nature Series:
The Love Affair
Holding a Grudge
Seeking Revenge
Situation Reaction
Thought Processes

If you take the time to flip through and read those posts, you'll have a good foundation on which to build as you read Wired.

Do you have a library card? How often do you visit?

Remember, today is the last day to pick up Mystic~Bronya for free over on Amazon so get on over there and grab a copy!

If you haven't entered to win a copy of Sixty Days of Grace, today's your last chance on that one, too! Here's the Rafflecopter entry form one more time:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Be sure and check out the guest post from Monday by M.R. Polish! Next week, we'll have a new author and you don't wanna miss this one.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Announcing: the Twin Flames Trilogy by Danielle Bannister

Happy Hump-Day, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I bring you an awesome little tidbit about a series I think you'll all enjoy. Sit back and grab a read.

I wrote a review for Pulled, the first book in the trilogy, back in October, 2012. While I never posted it on the blog, you can check it out over on Goodreads here. Here's a snipped from the review:

"From a story perspective, Pulled was an excellent one. I am compelled to Google "twin flames" and see if it's actually a part of mythology. I took a mythology class but we never discussed that topic. I love books that introduce me to new things, and I adore stories that leave me room to fill in the blanks with my own imagination. The main characters were nicely fleshed out."

Without further ado, I give you the information for the whole trilogy! Click the headings for the book trailers!


   When college freshman Naya meets Etash, a terribly scarred sophomore, she finds herself inexplicably ‘pulled’ toward him.
   As Naya and Etash fight against the pull drawing them together, they discover that their connection is too strong to be denied. A connection deeper than either of them could fathom.
   Together they will learn that this is not the first time they have been ‘pulled’ together.
   Nor will it be their last.
   Get Pulled into a love story like no other.

Pulled Back

   Some believe that true love never dies.  Instead their love is simply, reborn. 
Jada is not one of those people. Used to being moved around by a father running
from his past by drowning his sorrows in booze, Jada learns that love is for fools.
   Until she meets Tobias and Hawk; childhood friends since birth. What will happen to their friendship when fate takes over?
   Two flames will reconnect while a third burns with rage.
   Will the reunited lovers burn bright? Or will their flames be smothered?
   Get Pulled Back into a love story that has been reborn.

Pulled Back Again

   What if the love of your life was taken from you?
   What would you be willing to risk to get her back?
   Jada and Tobias thought moving away from their former predatorial friend, Hawk, would keep them safe.     
   They were wrong.
   Join Twin Flames, Tobias and Jada, as they fight to keep their love burning bright.
   Get Pulled Back Again into a love story that has no end.

About the author:
Danielle Bannister is a work-from-home mom of two children, Tristan and Marina, living in a small coastal town in Maine with her husband Jason and bunny Floppinator. She has her BA in theatre, her Master’s in Literary Education, and has written two other novels, Pulled and Pulled Back as well as a collection of short stories entitled Short Shorts.
You can follow her writing struggles on her website
Find her on Facebook
Or Tweet her @getpulled

Time for the buy links!
Pulled: FREE on Amazon
FREE on iBooks 

Pulled Back: $2.99 On Amazon
$2.99 On iBooks

Pulled Back Again: $2.99 on Amazon
$2.99 on iBooks

I hope you all enjoyed reading this little blurb! Tomorrow, back to our regularly scheduled program. Don't forget, while you're here, head on over to the guest post for Monday written by M.R. Polish, one of the authors attending UtopYA Con 2014.

And pick up a copy of Mystic~Bronya while it's still FREE on Amazon!

What do you think about the Twin Flame trilogy?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
