Showing posts with label author interview. Show all posts
Showing posts with label author interview. Show all posts

Monday, February 23, 2015

World of Ink - Radio Show Sponsorship

Happy Monday, everyone! Sorry you aren't getting an author interview today; I had some things fall through. Fingers crossed it'll be here tomorrow! So, for today, I'm gonna talk about something I did last year that I had a blast with. I also got to meet a couple of really amazing ladies that I'll tell you about later in this post. Ready? Grab your pens and notebooks and let's get going!

The World of Ink Network
Virtual blog tours, book trailers and marketing services; along with radio shows on books, authors, illustrators, the publishing industry, marketing and much more.

That's from their website. You can find them here.

Now, on to my notes from my experience with their radio segment. You can go listen to past interviews and stuff here, and you can check out my interview here.

I saw where one of the hosts posted on Facebook to indicate they were looking for author sponsorships for their WOI radio show. Since I've been a guest with Sandi Tuttle a couple of times, I was familiar with how it worked, and I asked for more information on WOI's sponsorship levels/costs. Their response time was wicked fast, and I was never left out of the loop on anything that was going on.

I was thrilled when I received their package. It wasn't super expensive, and they guaranteed to run my book covers and information about my blog for the whole month of October. Plus, I was getting to spend time talking with women who are successful and strong in their own right.

Everything was well coordinated, and my phone rang right when it was supposed to on the day of the interview.

What took place after that ring was nothing short of awesome. We chatted about books, editors, utopYA Con, writing, strong women in fiction novels, and so much more.

Who did I get to talk with?

Marsha Casper Cook and Willow Cross. Both are super fun to chat with, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Marsha was pleasant and easy to talk to, and Willow is a fellow writer who also features strong women in her novels. We had a lot in common.

It was awesome.

Now for other information (like sales during my sponsorship).

I sold 85 books that month, and had 582 downloads of my free books on Kindle.

So, yeah, I recouped my costs. Both monetarily and in new potential fans of my work.

I don't pay for blog tours, so this sponsorship was something I could really sink my teeth into.

As you all know, I don't get kickbacks for anything I recommend on the blog, and I only suggest things I've tried myself and had success with.

WOI is totally worth every penny I spent.

Now, I wanna hear from you! Have you ever sponsored a radio show? Ever done an interview? Gimmie your links!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, February 9, 2015

Author Interview - Kristina Circelli

Happy Monday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I bring you another author interview from one of the fine ladies attending utopYA Con 2015! I did an interview with Kristina about a year ago (check it out here), and I had the pleasure of meeting her at the 2014 con. If you don't have your tickets yet, you need to get them now. Go here. Prices go up February 28th. You don't wanna be the only one left out of the party, do you? *grin* Anywho, grab your coffee and let's get going.

Jo: Welcome back to the blog, Kristina! I’m honored to have you here. It was so amazing to meet you at utopYA 2014, and I can’t wait to see you again this year. Are you ready to get rolling with this interview?

Kristina: You know it! I love to talk about writing :).

Jo: Yee haw! Let’s get to it. I totally didn’t realize you were a shy lady, and I was shocked to hear how you felt uncomfortable (didn’t pick up on that when I hugged you at ALL, but maybe I was just overly excited to meet you LOL). How are you planning to help yourself push through it this year? Any way we can all help?

Kristina: I’m always uncomfortable in large groups, haha. I am not exactly the best at small talk and close contact - but I have mastered the one-arm hug! To be honest, I push through it at every event, but I think I’m getting better now that I know more people, so I’m more comfortable just going up and saying hi.

Ways to help? I’m not really sure. But I will say that if you do approach me, I’ll talk your ear off about books, writing, movies, Disney, cats, elves that live in the forest. You’ll be wondering how to shut me up.

Jo: Heck no! I'll be asking for more. *grin* Now, I hear you’re writing a couple of horror books. Fill me in, lady! I want all the juicy details: Title of the series, main idea, and when we can (possibly) expect the first one.

Kristina: I am! I had actually planned on writing one horror book in a couple years, but I had the opportunity to pitch the book to a publisher, Permuted Press, at Indie BookFest last August. Permuted signed me, on the condition that instead of one book, I would make it five. So, the Five Flames series was born!

Without giving too much away, the premise is about a spirit that contains within it five demons, and when this spirit comes in contact with a human, those demons enter into a bidding war for the person’s soul. Five demons, five souls, five books. Though each book focuses on a different demon and person, they are all interconnected. So, a minor character from book one just might be the main character of book five, and so on.

The idea was born out of my own greatest fear - being possessed by an alien, ghost, or demon. My husband and I planned a trip to Savannah and went on a ghost tour, and the story built from there. The entire series centers around one house in Savannah, and its many horror stories.

The series will be out in 2016. The first book, Follow Me Home, will be out in November 2016 and then the others will be released in the following consecutive months.

Jo: It sounds incredible! I can't wait to read them. Congratulations on getting signed! How exciting is that? So, did you return to teaching at UNF? Why not? What did you learn by teaching writing?

Kristina: No, I never did return, and I’m pretty sure that I won’t. Between writing, editing, and my other job, it was too much and, in the end, not worth it financially. I enjoyed teaching but it was really more an opportunity that fell into my lap, and I didn’t want to pass it up because it was great experience and I learned a lot. I learned not only how to connect with students (which translates to connecting with readers and fans), but also how to better express myself. I’m great when I can write things down, but when I speak I can get jumbled and my words don’t come out right. Obviously as a teacher that’s frowned upon, ha. So I had to get better at presentation.

Jo: It's good to know exactly what you want and go for it. I applaud you. How’s the business going? Any awesome updates since the last time we chatted? I know you were wanting to expand your business and take on some new faces. Any luck on making that happen? What’s the plan?

Kristina: Business is great! I’ve taken on several new clients and worked with lots of current clients that I absolutely adore. I also began offering blurb writing services. I’m one of the rare few who loves writing blurbs :). That’s about it expansion wise. I actually took a few months off at the end of the year to write Follow Me Home, since it’s due at the publisher in February (book two is due in June), but now I’m back in it full swing. I don’t have plans to do anything big and crazy this year since I have a lot of books to write, so it’s business as usual for now.

Jo: I'm not a fan of writing blurbs, either. Great idea! I'm knee-deep in Markaza, and will be taking time for that one over the next month. I set a goal to have it written by March 10th. We'll see. Now, tell me about the book you wrote about your cousin that passed, and what writing A Single Swim did for you (kudos to you for writing that novel to raise awareness; I can’t imagine how difficult it was). By the way, it’s not on your Amazon author page. Is there a reason for that?

Kristina: Simple oversight - it’s on my Amazon author page now! Thanks for the heads up.

A Single Swim began as a book for my cousin who passed away, and her family. But the more I researched it, the more I saw an opportunity to really raise awareness on the amoeba, Naegleria fowleri, so that people everywhere could protect their loved ones. I worked a lot with my cousin’s mom, PJ, and their organization, The Courtney Nash Amoeba Awareness Foundation in Florida, and with Heidi LaMeyer of Swim Above Water in Minnesota. With their help I learned about the amoeba and the families who lost young children, and a couple who lost adult family members (children are more common victims due to their immune system and the way the cribriform plate in the nose is constructed). I also met with infectious disease specialists who taught me the science behind the amoeba so I could better present that in the book.

It was heartbreaking to write, and hard because above all I wanted to do these families justice. I wanted to honor the victims, not create something that was sensationalist and used their stories for personal gain. So I sought to find a way to incorporate their stories and quotes from their loved ones, primarily the parents of young children, in a way that would speak to the hearts of readers.

The reception to the book has been phenomenal. People are aware, and they are thankful this issue has come to light, that stories are being told. I am actually planning to go back and add more to the book about awareness efforts. Now that I’ve been to events held by the organizations, I want to showcase them better, and offer updates on progress in terms of treatment.

Jo: You're welcome! Do you know you're one of my favorite people? How amazing of you to use your writing skills to try and save lives. *bows* You do so many awesome things to bring awareness with your books. *wipes away tear* Let's lighten the mood a little! Rapid fire question time! Aliens or ghosts?

Kristina: Oh man. Aliens, I suppose. I’m kinda terrified of a ghost possessing me. Aliens could too, but at least then I’d have proof of life from outer space.

Jo: Great answer! Cheese or mustard with soft pretzels?

Kristina: Cheese! Not a mustard fan.

Jo: Puppies or kittens?

Kristina: Kittens. I love puppies but my kittens (Lord Finnegin the Fierce and Master Malachi the Mighty) are the best.

Side note - if I ever get a dog, I’m going to name him Bohannon, Bo for short. Named after Cullen Bohannon from Hell on Wheels.

Jo: You totally need an itsy bitsy one! Great name for a tiny dog. haha! Time travel question (because the theme for 2015 demands it)! *grins* If you went back in time to the days when your Native American family was roaming what’s now the U.S., what do you think would be the most interesting thing you’d learn from them? What specific questions would you ask?

Kristina: Ooh, that’s a good one. I think the most interesting thing I’d learn is simply their way of life. Living off the land, truly being absorbed in the culture, everything from hunting to making crafts to spiritual beliefs.

I would ask a lot about that, spiritual beliefs and the cultural legends. I love origin stories, not necessarily of a people as a whole but of everything. Why the butterfly is silent, why only certain trees lose their leaves, and so on. Being able to connect to the spiritual aspect of the culture would mean the world to me, especially if I could then come back to my time and carry on those ways having personally experienced them. I try to do that now, particularly as a storyteller.

Jo: I agree. Spiritual beliefs are all kinds of interesting. Talk to me about the panel Tense Time Warp: Raise the Tension with Past & Present Tense & POV. What kinds of things will you guys be discussing and why should people attend?

Kristina: We … should probably start planning that, haha. I guess I can’t really speak to what all will be discussed just yet, but I can guarantee I’ll have some things to say :). This topic is a great one for me because I plan to come at it from the viewpoint of an editor rather than writer (because I write third person omniscient exclusively and don’t see that changing).

Regardless of what’s discussed, the panel will be extremely helpful to authors because it will help them get a feel for the tense and POV that is truly right for their story and genre, rather than choosing a tense/POV to follow or go against a trend. Knowing the benefits and pitfalls of each makes for a stronger book overall!

Jo: I noticed when reading Fragile Creatures. It's different, to be sure. I'm looking forward to attending! On a personal note, what did you think about Tom Hardy being Bane, and are you hoping he gets the role of Apocalypse in the new X-Men film? *wicked grin*

Kristina: Oh, you caught on that I have a little thing for Hardy, did ya? I could go on all day about the many wonders of Tom Hardy, but I’ll stick to the question at hand. What did I think of him as Bane? I think I’ve never been more attracted to a man wearing a mask that covers the majority of his face. Hardy in the X-Men? Be still, my heart.

PS - Reese was an idiot for choosing Chris Pine over Tom Hardy.

Jo: I figured that question would interest you. LOL! Yeah, my research goes deep! This interview could go on forever, but I’m out of space! Anything else you’d like to share with my readers before you go?

Kristina: Just to thank everyone for taking the time to read the interview! And, if anyone decides to check out my work, I hope you like it! I write something for everyone, which is why I am known for genre-hopping when it comes to my books. You never know what you’ll get!

Jo: I'm sure they'll love it. I know I'm digging your novel. What a great story! Thanks so much for joining me on the blog, Kristina! I’m looking forward to June so much. Can’t wait to see you!

Now, it’s time to tell you all about the featured book of the week!

Title: Fragile Creatures
Author: Kristina Circelli
Genre: YA Contemporary
Length (print): 274 Pages
Buy links: Amazon Kindle $2.99  ~  Smashwords $2.99  ~  iBooks $2.99  ~  B&N $2.99

Seventeen-year-old Evangeline Frost had a great life, until the car accident that killed her father and turned her mother into a bitter alcoholic. Unable to bear the guilt, Evangeline attempts to take her own life, saved only by the memory of her beloved father.

Left with no other options, Evangeline is enrolled in a program for troubled teens at Kindred Hides Wildlife Preserve. There she meets Caster, a keeper as annoying as he is caring; Jett and Lettie, who treat her more like a daughter than troubled teen; and Ruke, a prized giraffe in mourning for his lost mate.

Immersed in the preserve with her new friends, Evangeline finally begins to heal. But the haunting memories of the accident and her mother’s unforgiving words threaten to destroy her progress. Only her new friends and their unconditional support, along with her own special connection with Ruke, can save her.

Evangeline must learn that there is redemption for her father’s death, and that the bonds between human, animal, and life are not as fragile as she once thought.

While your fingers are in the clicking mode, why not give Kristina a follow on every social media platform I could think of when writing up the template for these interviews (plus some)?

Blog: An Awfully Big Adventure
Facebook: Author Kristina Circelli
Twitter: @KCircelli
Goodreads: Kristina Circelli
Website: Kristina Circelli
Amazon Author Page: Kristina Circelli

If you have any questions, pop them into the comments below. Kristina will be happy to answer them!

Well, that’s all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, January 26, 2015

Author Interview - Rachael Brownell

Happy, happy Monday, everyone! Today I have another unofficial utopYA Con 2015 author interview for you. This time, we're meeting author Rachael Brownell. I think you'll love this little lady! She's got a lot going on, and has a ton of cool information for you. If you're new to the blog and wondering what utopYA Con is, click here to find out and get your tickets at the early-bird price! You only have a couple weeks left. Don't be the sad girl (or guy) left out in the cold! Okay, I'll shut up and get to the interview now. Grab a cup of coffee and let's get going!

Jo: Hiya, Rachael! Welcome to the blog. So good to have you here! Any friend of Casey L. Bond is a friend of mine. I hope you’re ready for all the junk I managed to dig up. Got your fingers ready and your nerves steeled? *grin*

Rachael: Thanks so much for having me. I’m really excited to be here!

Jo: You say that now... *wags eyebrows* So, I know you’re an author who writes for the love of the craft and the readers. Tell me, at what point did you decide not to go with the traditional publisher that picked up the first two books in the Holding On series? Do you look back and wish you had?

Rachael: Actually I have never looked back since leaving my publisher. There was so much that I didn’t agree with and had no control over that I will never go back unless I have more control.

Jo: I hear that from a lot of authors. Excitement that fades to black after just a few weeks or months. I may go digging around on that topic. *grin* Okay, I have to ask you if you still have a snip of something you wrote in high school. Would you share it with us? If not, tell me what writing did for you (on a personal level) back then.

Rachael: Writing was my outlet back then. I would love to share a snippet of that with everyone but the only thing left I’ve already shared. Holding On is the product of the one very long, not so great, book that I wrote when I was 17. I put my heart and soul into that book to make it what it is today.

Jo: I understand. I lost most of my early writings, too. So, what made you decide to change your book covers for the Holding On series? How many options did you go through?

Rachael: I wasn’t considering changing the cover, really. I liked the covers that I had but I was browsing Marisa’s website after looking at one of her posts and fell in love with a pre-made set that she had. It just felt right. I knew the second I saw them that I wanted them to represent the series. The rest is history.

Jo: Well, they certainly are beautiful. During my stalking research, I found another author with your name. Are you ever confused with that Rachael Brownell? Has it ever made for a super awkward situation?

Rachael: Ummm... yeah. About her. Let me just say for the record that I don’t know her, I’m not related to her and no, I didn’t write a book about getting sober. When I realized that someone else was already published under my real name, spelled the same and everything, I contemplated using a pen name but decided against it.

Jo: I can't imagine the comments. *face/palm* Time for rapid fire questions! Yellow or blue?

Rachael: blue

Jo: Niiiiice! Over the roll or under the roll (this is referring to the way the toilet paper comes off the roll on the holder)?

Rachael: under

Jo: B.J. Sheldon, did you hear that? *giggles* Fantasy or fact?

Rachael: fantasy

Jo: Great answer! Not that I expected anything less. Now I get to ask a cool question! *grin* Since the theme of utopYA Con 2015 is time travel, I’m going bananas with these little inserts. In the future, how many books do you think you’ll have published total, and what kind of impact do you see your stories having on the world?

Rachael: I hope to have at least 3 more out this year. The rest is yet to be determined. I try not to look too far into the future, I don’t want to let myself or anyone else down. As far as an impact on readers, if I am able to make one person love one of my books, one of my characters, or just one cover, it will all be worth it.

Jo: Well, one baby step at a time! *grin* I know you’re embroiled in a super-secret project with author Casey L. Bond—and it’s super-duper secret—but would you share a tiny tidbit (like a genre) with my readers? What made you two decide to write together?

Rachael: We’ve been talking about writing something together for a while. We’ve only shared a few fun facts with our street teams so I’ll share those with all of you as well…
  1. It's a serial series.
  2. It's dark, twisted and unlike anything we've ever written as individuals.
  3. It's very unique--in a good way!
  4. Here's the tag line of book one: HE'S NEVER LOST A GAME...

Jo: Eep! Sounds like it'll be amazing. I can't wait to read it! Do you see your writing career as something you’d like to eventually do full time, or do you think you’ll always be an off-time keybanger? Why/why not?

Rachael: I would love to do this all day every day but I also have a passion for my day job that will probably always keep me from giving it up.

Jo: Isn't it nice to love what you do? A huge thumbs-up for you, lady! Is there anything I didn’t ask that you wish I had? Any little secrets hiding in your repertoire you’d like to share? *grin*

Rachael: If I gave away all my secrets there would be no mystery :)

Jo: True! Thought I had you for a second there. LOL! *wiggles brows* Sadly, that’s all the time I have for today. Thanks so much for being an awesome guest, Rachael! I’m looking forward to meeting you at utopYA in June!

Now, it’s time to tell you all about the featured book of the week!

Title: Holding On
Author: Rachael Brownell
Genre: Young Adult Romance
Length (print): 235 Pages
Buy links: Amazon Kindle FREE  ~  Kobo FREE  ~  iBooks FREE  ~  B&N FREE

For five years Becca has been struggling to hide her feelings for her best friend, Brad. Now she finally has a chance to move on. She’s in a new city, she’s attending a new school, and she’s met the first guy besides Brad who’s held her attention in a long time. Not only is Ethan attractive, he’s an amazing tennis player, and he might just be Becca’s match on and off the courts.

Brad has loved Becca for as long as he can remember. Now that Becca’s family has moved two thousand miles away, Brad may finally be ready to lay his heart on the line and do whatever it takes to hold on to Becca.

But is Brad too late? Or will Ethan’s secret drive Becca back into Brad’s arms? Torn between her love for Brad and the promise of something new and exciting with Ethan, Becca has an almost impossible choice to make, the choice between letting go or holding on.

While your fingers are in the clicking mode, why not give this lovely lady a follow on every social media platform I could think of when writing up the template for these interviews (plus some)?

FacebookAuthor Rachael Brownell
Twitter: @HoldingOn2013
Goodreads: Rachael Brownell
Website: Author Rachael Brownell
Amazon Author Page: Rachael Brownell on Amazon

Rachael has honored us with a giveaway! Get your clickin' fingers goin!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you have any questions, pop them into the comments below. Rachael will be around to answer and/or respond!

Well, that’s all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, January 12, 2015

Author Interview - Casey Peeler

Happy Monday, everyone! It's time for another unofficial utopYA author interview! Today, I bring you Ms. Casey Peeler! You're gonna love her southern charm and spunk. If you aren't familiar with utopYA, I have to wonder if you've been hiding under a rock, or if this is your first visit to my blog. *grin* Are you an author or reader of awesome books? Then this is a conference you don't want to miss out on! Find more information about the con here. Once you've decided this IS the con for you (how could it not be?), get your tickets while they're still on sale at early bird prices! Then, come on back to the blog and meet some of the people attending! Every Monday from now until the middle of June, you'll get either an author interview or some awesome information on the featured author's books. Don't miss out! Okay, enough of my jawing. Let's get to the good stuff!

Jo: Welcome to the blog, Casey! Wow, are you ever an interesting lady. I spent a good amount of time researching you for this interview. I hope you’re ready for what I found. *grin*

Casey: Oh my gosh! I can’t wait to see what you’ve found! I’m super excited about this interview and utopYA 2015!

Jo: Right? Just six months away now. Wow. Okay, let’s jump right in so the natives don’t get restless, shall we? What made you choose the Southern Romance genre?

Casey: I have lived in North Carolina my entire life. Some people don’t think of NC as “that Southern.” Once I open my mouth, you’ll never doubt it.  :) I chose Southern Romance because that is what I know. I absolutely love a good ole country boy, country music, hunting, fishing, and a good field party back in the day! I’m also a girl who believes there are fairytales and happily ever afters.

Jo: There are most certainly happy ever afters. I'm totally living my own. *grin* North Carolina is certainly in the South. Love that you have an accent! So, which aspects of romance can we find in your six novels?

Casey: Full Circle Series (No Turning Back, Full Circle, and Loving Charley) is about overcoming your past and discovering who you are as an individual in order to find your HEA. It can be read from anyone that’s in high school to 100, even though it is considered New Adult. Our Song is a Contemporary Romance novella. It’s one of my favorites that I’ve written. I told y’all I’m a sucker for a country boy. Now make him a country singer in a pair of tight jeans shaking it on stage, and I’m a goner! In Tune: A Love’s Duet is an anthology that features several authors and includes Our Song. All proceeds go to Fender Music Foundation to put music back in classrooms. Southern Perfection is a Young Adult romance, but it’s so much more than just romance. It’s about a family, secrets, faith, and love. This one holds a piece of my heart!

Jo: Those sound amazing. I love books with a life lesson of some kind. What event or events brought you to the decision to re-release Southern Perfection? Can you give us an example of a major change we might find?

Casey: This answer could be really long, so I’m going to be as brief as possible. Kenzie, Jillian Dodd’s daughter, read Southern Perfection after a conversation Jillian and I had in September. She liked it, but thought I could make a few changes to make it even better. After a call with Jillian and Beth Suit, editor, the rest is history! It’s releasing 1/13/15, tomorrow! ** Eeeep! Two stepping all over the house right now! **

In the new Southern Perfection, there are major changes in the prologue, the flow of the story, one major scene/turning point, and Emmett and Raegan’s future is laid out for you.

Jo: Sometimes, you just gotta have those re-writes! Sounds like a lot of work went into the second edition. I wish you awesome luck with it. I have to know: Where’d you come up with the name Emmett?

Casey: Honestly, I always try to find names that sound like strong, southern men. I also try to use names you don’t see often in other novels. If you look up the meaning, you will find it means, “a powerful force to all those lives they touch.” ( ) If you’ve read Southern Perfection, you would agree that the name suits the character. Ladies, he’s going to make you swoon even more in the NEW Southern Perfection!

Jo: I use that name in my Abigale Chronicles Series for middle grade readers. It's my son and my grandfather's name. *grin* I love it! Does your dance mom background ever show up in your novels? If yes, which one and how? If no, why not?

Casey: At this point, that hasn’t happened yet! Now that you bring it up, it totally could in the future.

Jo: Why not, right? *wiggles eyebrows* Tell me a little about being a special needs teacher. What grade do you teach? What’s it like working with special needs kids?

Casey: I have taught high school special education for eleven years. I have students from grades 9-12, and I teach anything from English to a class called Occupation Preparation which is where students learn job skills to be productive citizens. Teaching students with special needs is an adventure each and every day, and sometimes the things kids say you honestly wouldn’t believe unless you were there. Most people tell me that they admire what I do, but honestly, I wouldn’t teach any other type of student. The students I teach each day are the ones that are our future. They aren’t going to be a doctor or lawyer, but they are the ones that will keep this world functioning. We all know that a college degree is nice, but if you didn’t have a mechanic, plumber, electrician, or any other vocational trade, this world would be in a mess. The biggest obstacle I face each and every day is their self confidence. They think everyone “knows” that they aren’t the top of the class. What I try to instill in them is that it doesn’t matter if you are number one in your class or two thousand as long as you are comfortable with who you are - strengths, weaknesses, likes, and dislikes - you will go far in life.

Jo: *claps* What an awesome thing you're doing. My niece is a deaf interpreter for special needs high schoolers. I totally admire you ladies. Rapid fire questions! Wine or beer?

Casey: Beer!

Jo: Woman after my own heart! Beautiful Disaster or Walking Disaster?

Casey: Beautiful Disaster <3<3<3<3 #TravisMaddox4Life #mypermanentbookboyfriend

Jo: I knew that. *laughs* Big or small?

Casey: Small

Jo: Like, really tiny? I do adore small dogs. Now I have to ask you the time travel question because that’s the theme of utopYA 2015! Since you love country, you might like this one! *grin* If you could go back to the old west in America, what type of business would you be most interested in seeing? What town would you go to? Is there anything you’d want to do while you were there?

Casey: The Saloons! Helloooooo! I’m all about a cold beverage, loud music, and entertainment!

Jo: Sounds like fun! You could host a party there! Besides utopYA, you’re going to four other events in 2015 including A Novel Experience in Las Vegas. Have you ever attended any of those events before, and which one is your favorite? Why?

Casey: This year, utopYA is the only event that I have attended in the past. I will have to say, I’m super excited for Vegas!

Jo: Vegas should be fun. If you see A. G. Howard, high-five her for me! *grin* I poked around your review blog, Hardcover Therapy. Love it! I adore how it started with people asking you what they should read next. Tell me a couple of the difficulties you’ve had running a review blog, and what you get out of it.

Casey: The hardest thing is balancing everything - everyday life, reading, and writing. At one point when I was just reviewing, I felt horrible telling people no. Needless to say, I learned that you can’t read everything. My cousin loves to read as much as me. Chelly is now part of the Hardcover Therapy team, and she will be at utopYA with me again this year! :)

Jo: Amen. Balance is difficult at the best of times. Awesome that you're bringing Chelly on! I bet she's stoked. What are you working on right now? Care to give us a quick rundown?

Casey: **Takes a deep breath**
~Southern Perfection re-releases on 1/13/15.
~By Chance, a NA standalone novel, will release late March 2015.
~Full Circle Series will re-release in time for utopYA.
~Waiting on Walker, a MC Novella with a country twist releases early August 2015
~Full Circle Spinoff: Piper’s story (title TBD) will release in late October 2015.
~In December 2015, you will see either a Christmas novella featuring the Full Circle Series OR a novel to go along with Our Song!

Jo: Whoa, that's a lot to manage! I'm crossing my fingers all goes well for you. I’ve taken up a TON of your time (hey, I’m thorough if nothing else), but I have just one more question. I saw that you named Travis Maddox as your perma-book boyfriend. What is it about that character that makes you swoon?

Casey: He was my “first” I guess you could say. Yes, I have read all kinds of books, but nothing compares to him. I swear, I was never the one that liked the bad boy kind, but I have always looked for the good in everyone. Even though he does some stupid things, he has a good heart. He tries so hard! Bless his heart! He wants to do what’s right and take care of Abby but he doesn’t know how. Oh and him fighting – HOT, tattoos - HOT, and that dang dimple – BEYOND HOT! Most of all, I love that when he loves with his whole heart, he is never the same. 
 “I know we're fucked up, alright? I'm impulsive, and hot tempered, and you get under my skin like no one else. You act like you hate me one minute, and then need me the next. I never get anything right, and I don't deserve you...but I fucking love you, Abby. I love you more than I loved anyone or anything ever. When you're around, I don't need booze, or money, or the fighting, or the one-night stands...” ~ snippet from Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire

I guess you could say every dang detail about him makes me swoon. I’ve read that book at least 8 times, and each time I fall harder and harder! Needless to say that Walking Disaster let me in on everything I wanted to know, and oh I was in tears at one point! I could ramble on for DAYS about why Travis “Maddog” Maddox is my permanent book boyfriend, or I should say book husband because if didn’t you know, I married him in a Beautiful Wedding! ;)

Jo: How sweet is that? I read some of the lesser reviews of that novel before I wrote mine. Holy crap people can be mean! Anyway, moving on! Well, that’s all the blog space we have for today. It was lovely having you on the blog, Casey! Thank you so very much for your time. I can’t wait to meet you at utopYA in June!

Casey: Thank you again for having me today! Jo, you have outdone yourself! You went above and beyond with your research and I <3 it! Thank you for wanting to know more about me and letting everyone coming to UTopYA know a little more about me! This has been a blast… now I’m going to swoon over Travis! ;)

Now, it’s time to reveal the featured book of the week! **PLEASE NOTE! Price changes to $3.99 on all platforms on 1/14/15 at 12:01am**

Title: Southern Perfection
Author: Casey Peeler
Genre: Young Adult Romance
Length (print): 221 pages
Buy links: Amazon Kindle $0.99  ~  Barnes and Noble Nook $0.99  ~  iBooks $0.99  ~  Google Play $0.99

Synopsis: Life is full of choices: good, bad, and ones you can’t control.

Raegan strives to be perfect in every way. Varsity cheerleader, honor student, and proud granddaughter of Dover Lowery. By day, Raegan is an over-achieving high school student, but at three o’clock, her real work begins.

What happens when appearances are not what they seem? Will Raegan be able to hold on to her life as she knows it, or will she be left all alone? All of these questions are answered with one night, one song, one story, and one boy.

While your fingers are in the clicking mode, why not give Ms. Peeler a follow on every social media platform I could think of when writing up the template for these interviews (plus some)?

Website: Author Casey Peeler
Amazon: Casey Peeler's Author Page
Facebook: Casey Peeler Author
Twitter: @AuthorCasey
Tumblr: Casey Peeler Author
Pinterest: Author Casey
Goodreads: Casey Peeler
YouTube: Author Casey Peeler's YouTube Channel
Tsu: Casey Peeler
Wattpad: Author Casey
Google +: Casey Peeler Author

a Rafflecopter giveaway
If you have any questions for Casey, pop them into the comments below.

Well, that’s all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, December 29, 2014

Author Interview - Casey Bond

Happy, happy Monday, good people of the blogosphere! Wow. My fingers are trying to find the keyboard again, and it feels a little awkward. Amazing what a week off work will do, huh? Sorry if you commented last week and got no reply. I was taking a forced vacation (yes, I forced myself not to look at anything while I was away) and have just returned. While I missed everyone and my blog, I needed very badly to get away from it all for a moment or two.

Anyway, enough of all that! I'm back and it's time for another unofficial UtopYA author interview! What's UtopYA? Well, find out more here and grab your ticket now while they're still at earlybird prices! Today, I bring you a second interview with the awesome Casey L. Bond. If you missed the first one, check it out here. Casey's been a crazy busy author over the last twelve months... Let me allow her to tell you! Grab a cup of coffee and let's get going.

Jo: Okay, please allow me a moment. “Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!” *recomposes face* Welcome to the blog, Casey! I’m so excited to have you here I can barely contain myself. I have so many questions for you! Since last time [link] you were here, you’ve been a very busy writer. Ready?

Casey: I was born ready! :) Thanks so much for having me on your blog, Jo.

Jo: *nods* Squee! *grin* First of all, tell me about your section of the new release Fractured Glass. What genre is it, and which characters did you introduce? Where did you come up with the idea(s)?

Casey: *Wags eyebrows* My section was fantasy and it’s literally in the center of the book. The best thing about writing, for me, is the world-building. It’s why I love paranormal, fantasy and dystopian novels. It’s really why I love reading in general. The author creates a world that I can escape to for a little while. I cannot wait for readers to explore the worlds (yes, that was plural) in Fractured Glass!

I introduced a few important characters and some minor ones, as well. My favorite is Calix. He’s tall, dark, hot and secretive—yum! I also love Yurit and Heema. They are amazing and I don’t want to ruin too much of the plot by telling you who or what they are, but….EEEEEP! Can you tell I’m excited? There are several creatures in this book and while some are frightening, some are just plain awesome!

Inspiration came from my crazy mind, songs I heard while writing, Pinterest boards and the previous sections written by Tia Silverthorne Bach and your awesome self. Upon revising the work, I also drew from the creativity of fellow anthology contributors, Kelly Risser and N.L. Greene. This project was amazing in concept, but seeing everyone work together to deepen the inventive story line and watching the novel anthology come to life was a blessing.

Jo: So much freaking fun writing that book. I also must admit, our Facebook party was amazing! Now, tell me three of your goals for 2015.

Casey: I want to finish writing Reclaim, book three in The Harvest Saga. I’d like to finish writing Paradox, book two in The New Covenant series….And, honestly, I need to learn how to plan and manage my time in a more efficient way. So many things are black holes, sucking my time away so fast that it’s gone before I even realized it was being pulled away. Those are the big three! Hopefully, I can work on all of them and conquer one at a TIME. (Pun totally intended.)

Jo: OMG you must finish Reclaim! I'm soooo eager to read that one. How many books did you release in 2014, and what are the titles? Which one is your favorite?

Casey: WOW! It’s been such an amazing and busy year! In 2014, I released the following books:

Reap (Book 1 of The Harvest Saga)
Resist (Book 2 of The Harvest Saga)
Pariah (Book 1 of The New Covenant Series)
Shady Bay (NA Romance)
Sin (Serial series consisting of five parts)
And my daughter and I released Chasing Wishes just a couple of weeks ago! It’s a children’s book that we plotted while driving home from a road trip to Cincinnati!

Jo: *passes out* Wow. You rock. I know your parents are huge supporters of your writing, and you’re pretty close with them. If you could write your younger self a letter to give advice on how to behave, what would it say?

Casey: Oh, my goodness! I’d tell me to listen to my mama (and Dad!). Teenagers and young adults have to make mistakes in order to learn from them, unfortunately. And believe me, I made my fair share. Thankfully, parents’ love is unconditional. My parents have always been amazingly supportive and loving and I just hope I can teach my children the same by loving them in the same way.

Jo: How sweet! I'm positive your kids are gonna grow up just fine. Maybe a little crazy, but... *grin* I know you’re on every social media platform known to man, but which two are your favorite and why?

Casey: Honestly, I don’t know enough about to make a decision on that. The jury is still out for me. So many people jumped on the bandwagon, myself included, assuming that if Facebook limits promo posts in 2015, they would be able to promo there. And I guess that’s true to a point, but tsu limits posts as well. Ultimately, it’s all about money. Facebook wants to limit promos in the newsfeed, at least they want to limit the ones that businesses aren’t paying them for. Tsu uses some sort of point system to allow users to accrue money. They probably don’t want to pay out and so they limit posts, shares, the amounts of friend requests you can make per week, etc.

To answer your question, I would say my favorites are Facebook and Pinterest. I’m very new to Insta and Tumblr, so I’m still working on figuring them out. Facebook is fun. I know they can be a pain, but it’s the best social media site out there, in my opinion. And I’m a Pinterest addict. I love to pin. I have a zillion boards and I love to just relax, browse and soak in some inspiration.

Jo: That's totally true. You gotta check out Casey's boards. Amazingness! You recently wrote a book with your daughter. Tell us a little bit about how that worked and what the ups and downs of the project were. Title?

Casey: My oldest daughter and I came up with a basic plot on the way home from a road trip. When I got home, I saw a post from Regina Wamba that indicated that she worked with an amazing illustrator and wondered if anyone was interested in having a Children’s book illustrated. *Beams shone down from the heavens and the angels sang*

So, I messaged her. When we finished our story, I sent it to her and she had Hetty Mitchell bring the book to life through her drawings. Then, Regina worked her magic on the cover. It’s stunning. The book is called Chasing Wishes. And, my daughter is thrilled to be a part of it. She can’t wait to go to some signings with me.

Jo: How freaking exciting is that? I bet she's over the moon to hang with her mom and put her name in some books! I would be. Now, it's the dreaded time travel question! Since the theme for utopYA 2015 is time travel and write your own future, if you had a magical typewriter that let you do just that, what would you give yourself? What impact do you think it would have (what would you do with whatever you chose)?

Casey: A long and joyful life. I love living and love watching my babies grow. I want to be there for all of their milestones. I’m not sure what impact that might have on the world, but it would sure make me happy.

Jo: Great answer, Casey! Rapid fire questions! Up or down?

Casey: Up!

Jo: Left or right?

Casey: Left.

Jo: Gah! Thought I had you on that last one! Peanut Butter and Jelly or Ham and Cheese?

Casey: PB & J!

Jo: Every time. *grins* What are you working on right now? Any ideas in the shed you’d like to advance share with my readers? *bats eyelashes*

Casey: Right now, I’m working on two projects. Crazy Love is a new adult romance with a dystopian vibe. And, I’m working on Reclaim.

I also have some projects planned for later in 2015. If you know about the Sin series, you know that the title was inspired by main character, Morgan Sinclare and the fact that the story is set in Sin City—Las Vegas, Nevada.

How about a hint? *grins* One of those projects will take place in a very famous city, one that I’ve recently visited: The Big Apple. Can you guess who the main character will be?

Jo: Oh my! Reclaim? Abby? Eeeeeeeep! So excited!!!!!!!! How’s the move going? Is it having an impact on your productivity? I ask this because I did the same recently and only now have gotten back into the swing of things. I gotta know if it’s just me, or if all authors have this issue during a move. LOL

Casey: Ugh. We have placed our house on the market and haven’t actually moved yet. Though, we’ve packed up and are cleaning like psychos everyday (just in case someone calls and schedules an appointment to look at the house). So, it’s a frustrating process at times. I’ve been reluctant to schedule Facebook parties, etc. because of the possibility that an appointment will be scheduled during the event and my kids and pets will have to vacate the premises! LOL! It’s a long process, but in the end will be worth it.

Jo: Yes it will be. Settling in is the hardest part. Well, that’s all the time we have. Is there anything I didn’t ask that you wish I had?

Casey: I’m a Taurus. My favorite color is teal. I love spaghetti. I think that’s all! Thank you so much!

Jo: I'm ROFL! You're so cool. It was awesome having you here, Casey! I can’t wait to see you at the conference. We’re gonna have such a good time (and maybe come up with another book idea – yes, readers, you heard that right)! Expect squees and tackle hugs!

Now, it’s time to reveal the featured book of the week!

Title: Pariah
Author: Casey L. Bond
Genre: YA Paranormal/Fantasy
Length (print): 315 pages
Buy links: Amazon Kindle $3.99 ~ Barnes and Noble Nook $3.99 ~ iBooks $3.99

What are the things that you need most in life—the things you crave? Solara longs for freedom. Having been raised under the Kingdom’s lock and key since the age of two, she wants to see the world. Upon turning seventeen and receiving no mark from the Lord, she believes freedom is finally within her grasp. Unfortunately, she is wrong. The Kingdom has been fooled. She is marked by an angel of light and one of the fallen dark ones. Solara is God’s chosen, and with her birth, the new covenant made with mankind is made manifest.

Solara also longs for love, strong enough to last a lifetime, and beyond. Riven loves her. But is one of the fallen prophesied to betray the chosen. Can she trust him? Love him?

Prophesy states that she is the key. The fate of humanity rests with her decision. She alone will determine whether the doors of Heaven or the gates of Hell open upon the Earth. But how can a normal girl, who has been raised with no knowledge of either side, make such a decision? And how can she turn away from finally tasting those things she has craved for so long.

While your fingers are in the clicking mode, why not give this lovely lady a follow on every social media platform I could think of when writing up the template for these interviews (plus some)?

Twitter: @authorcaseybond
Facebook: Author Casey Bond
Pinterest: CaseyB007
Website: Author Casey Bond
Blog: Author Casey Bond Blog
Goodreads: Casey L. Bond
Google +: Casey L. Bond
Tsu: Author Casey L. Bond

Rafflecopter giveaway time!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you have any questions for Casey, pop them into the comments below. She’ll be around to interact with you.

Well, that’s all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, November 17, 2014

Author Interview - Kelly Risser

It's time for another Unofficial UtopYA author interview! Yay! I know you're all super excited to meet this next author and hear all about the awesomeness that's Kelly Risser. I first met Kelly when she sent me a sample of her work as an offer to be included in an anthology I was putting together. Holy mackerel, Batman! It grew to more than I ever could've imagined. We sat around the pool, sipping cocktails, chatting, and brainstorming. Behold, Fractured Glass was born! Pre-orders will be available in just two weeks (eek!), so keep your eyes open for that!

If you don't have tickets to the con yet, you're too late. Enough jabbering! Let's go talk with Kelly!

Jo: Welcome to the blog, Kelly! I’m so excited to have you here I can barely stand myself. I did a ton of research on you, and I think I’ve come up with some deep questions my readers will go bananas over. Ready?

Kelly: Hi, Jo! *waves with mitten hands from Wisconsin* Wish I was hanging out in the warmer southern region of the US with you right now. I’ve loved reading your interviews of other UtopYA Con authors. I’m absolutely ready for your questions. Hit me!!

Jo: Brrrrrr. Mittens! *grin* Okay, let’s start with something light and fun before we get into the heavy stuff. Your fans and friends know about your “KellyMark” cards, but I’m dying to actually see one. Do you happen to have a little photo to share, and could you tell us about the process of making one of those cards?

Kelly: I don’t have any. Sadly, I think I made my last KellyMark in high school, and since I gave them to others, I don’t have copies. I can, however, share two other creative pieces from my youth. I made this Gizmo puppet from a paper lunch bag when I was in fourth grade, and I wrote and illustrated this children’s story, Tellevisella, when I was a junior in high school. It won a contest, and I was supposed to go to UW-Whitewater for a writing workshop, but the event was cancelled due to a snow storm. I was majorly bummed, but hey—that’s life in Wisconsin for you.

Jo: That stinks! But the art is just lovely. I adore Gizzy! How cute. You’re signed with Clean Teen Publishing (congratulations), and I’d like to know how you found them and what your application process felt like.

Kelly: I started to query for an agent and/or publisher in June, 2013. At first, I really wasn’t sure which route I wanted to go. The writer in me dreamed of signing with one of the big five houses and seeing my book EVERYWHERE, but the artist in me didn’t want to lose control of my story. I wanted say in the cover, the edits, how it was promoted—you name it. I found Clean Teen Publishing when I did a Google search on teen publishing companies. Can you believe it? It was total dumb luck! Once I researched their rating system and saw their current book listing, I knew that I wanted to sign with them. I queried them in January, 2014 and was signed with them by the end of the month. It’s been a thrill ride ever since! I love my publisher and fellow CTP authors. It’s like one big, crazy family!

Jo: That's awesome. I'm glad you got in with them, because they're the ones who hooked you up with UtopYA! I read the review over on Kirkus for your book. What prompted you to submit to them, and was it worth it? Did you like the review you got?

Kelly: Actually, Clean Teen submitted an ARC of my book to the review houses. Submitting does not mean that your book will be picked to review, so I was super thrilled when Kirkus Reviews chose to review mine. I had also been warned that Kirkus is a tough review house, so I was very pleased with the review of Never Forgotten. It is very complimentary. The only negative seemed to be that the reviewer didn’t care for the fantasy element, and that’s okay with me. Not everyone loves fantasy, but I do, which is why I write it.

Jo: Amen. Write what you want! I read that review, and hated that they didn't want mermaids. How’d that recent signing at the Library in Cedarburg, Wisconsin, go? Tell us a bit about the folks you met.

Kelly: We had a small turnout, but the YA librarian was absolutely fantastic, and now the Cedarburg Public Library has both of my books! A fun fact: Cedarburg is where Meara is living with her mom at the beginning of Never Forgotten. Meara finishes her junior year of high school there, and then they move to Peggy’s Cove, Nova Scotia. I chose it because I love Cedarburg. It’s a gorgeous little city with fun shops, great restaurants, and a winery. They have a strawberry festival in June and a harvest festival in September. Imagine the streets filled with colorful tents housing food vendors as well as beautiful crafts and baubles for sale. Both festivals are a blast to attend. Okay, sorry, that was a bit of a tangent, and I promise you I don’t work for the tourism department! I met some very nice people at the book signing, as well as four fabulous YA authors who are also from Wisconsin. We had a blast hanging out and getting to know each other.

Jo: I LOVE strawberry festivals! Yum! They're my favorite fruit. *grin* Sounds like a cool town to visit. Maybe in the summer? haha *shivers* Tell me how you felt when you found out Never Forgotten was chosen to be one of the Amazon Editors’ Favorite Books of the Year. What did you do to celebrate?

Kelly: Can I tell you that I almost died when I read this question? I was like…What? WHAT? and I had to go and check it out. Then I was super elated, until…*sigh*…I realized that it was a poor advertising choice on Amazon’s part and the 2014 Editors’ Pick seal was appearing on many, many book pages and did not mean the books had been chosen. They must’ve quickly realized their mistake, because the ad changed by mid-afternoon, making it clear that it was promoting the Amazon picks, not the book on the page. If I ever did get picked, I would scream from the rooftops. I can share that Never Forgotten did recently get picked as an Award-Winning Finalist in the “Fiction: Science Fiction” category of the 2014 USA Best Book Awards.

Jo: Well, it was there when I looked it up. Sorry to scare the crap out of you. *shamefaced* Excited about your USA BBA finalist! Congratulations! So, I think you might be one of the craftiest people I know. You also make bookmarks. Care to share a picture of one with us? What’s the process for those like?

Kelly: I find crafting to be very relaxing, and I come from several generations of handy women. My grandmother was the queen of sewing and baking. She made me an Easter dress every year with a matching bonnet and dress coat. She also made me custom Halloween costumes, my favorite being Batgirl. I have photographs of the beautiful cakes she made me, and I carry on the tradition of homemade cakes with my own kids and my nieces and nephews. My mom is also a great sewer and crafter.

The bookmarks are surprisingly easy to make, although they take a little time to put together. I usually do the assembly while watching TV with my husband. The charms I make ahead of time with tiny printouts of my book covers. They are placed in a silver frame and coated with resin. Then, I use velvet ribbon, ribbon crimps, eye pins, beads and charms to assemble the rest. I like that each one is a little unique because it’s homemade, and it’s fun to tell fans that I make them myself.

Jo: Those are flipping gorgeous! I know what you mean about coming from a long line of crafters. I have to stay OUT of Hobby Lobby. #brokegirlproblems *grin* Now for the time travel question of the interview. Since UtopYA Con 2015 is time travel themed, I’ve been asking all the authors I interview about disruption of the timeline. *grin* These questions tell me more about the authors than any others, I think. So, that being said… If you could go back and mentor your younger self, what would you endeavor to communicate that you think might have an impact on the way you are now? What do you think it would change?

Kelly: I was very insecure and shy when I was younger. I know that would surprise people who have known me my whole life, but I had tons of self-doubt. I worried constantly about what people thought of me. If I could go back, I’d tell myself that it doesn’t matter what everyone thinks of you, only what you think of you. I have wonderful friends who I have known since grade school and a very supportive family. I’d also tell myself to be thankful for what you have – you have more than most. Those words of advice would hopefully just help the younger me get to the state I am at now…hopefully a little sooner!:)

Jo: That's a wonderful message! Let's put it on t-shirts! Rapid fire question time! Syrup or honey?

Kelly: Honey

Jo: Oh, yeah! Fave fantasy novel of all time?

Kelly: You’re making me pick ONE? Not fair! I will tell you the most memorable to me, because I truly can’t pick one favorite. I love so many. The one that I remember making an impression on me for its haunting imagery is called Behind the Attic Wall by Sylvia Cassedy. It was published by Avon Camelot in 1983. A few years ago, I bought myself a copy from a used book website since I no longer had my own childhood copy. It is the story of a troubled girl living with her great-aunts in a stuffy old house, and she finds this magical world with dolls that come to life. It’s really a lovely, poignant book.

Jo: I did an author interview last year with someone who MET Sylvia Cassedy. If I can find it, I'll certainly link it for you. She was star struck! Now, high or low?

Kelly: High if I can overcome my fears. I love the panoramic view, but I also have slight aeroacrophobia. If I get too close to the edge of a high space, even if there is glass in between, I feel lightheaded and dizzy. The first time I remember experiencing this was in the St. Louis Arch. It hasn’t stopped me, though, from going into tall buildings with observation decks or, my favorite, the Eiffel Tower in Paris. But, don’t expect me to go mountain climbing with you. It’s not going to happen!

Jo: I've been in that arch. Yikes! If you can get over the claustrophobia, it's pretty cool. *grin* Talk to me about your section of our upcoming release Fractured Glass. I have to say, I love the lighthearted feeling in your part. Adorable creatures. Please share with my readers: What’s your genre? How long did it take you to write it? What’s your favorite aspect of the novel?

Kelly: My genre is magic, which I love. I have long been a fan of Walt Disney. To me, he was the king of magic—making dreams come true, and he inspired so many others to follow that same path. It doesn’t get much better than that. That said, I’m thrilled you loved my section. I really had fun writing it. I have to tell you, I freaked out a smidge when we decided each section would be written in two weeks. I thought, how am I going to do that with a full time job, plus my second job known as “Mom”? But you know what? It flowed so perfectly from my head to the page! I wrote 20,000 in one week, and that is the fastest that I have ever written anything! I loved bringing my part of the story to life, and these characters were a blast to write. This novel is so unique, and that is what makes it special. We brought five genres and five different voices into a story, but it flows and just works. I can’t wait to hear what our readers think!

Jo: I can't believe we pulled it off either. I was so behind when my section came up. haha! I think I took three weeks. *frowns* But we got 'er done! We're breaking new ground! So excited. I know you’re an advocate for anti-bullying. Why? What happened in your life (one moment) that made the biggest impression on you? Feel free to share links to your story.

Kelly: All of the moments I shared made an impression on me, but let me start by saying, I don’t live in a glass house. I know I did things as a child that hurt others, sometimes even my friends, and I’m sorry for that. We learn as we grow. Hopefully, we learn to be kinder to others as we learn to be less hard on ourselves. I also don’t hold grudges. While I remember certain moments, I don’t have hard feelings towards those individuals. So, with that said, let me share a story that was not in my anti-bullying blog post, which you can find here on Clean Teen Publishing’s blog if you want to read it:

I was a chunky kid. Not obese, but I naturally have larger bones and a body with a tendency to hold onto a few pounds. Eighth grade was my toughest year. It’s an awkward time for most of us, but I was pudgy and self-conscious about it. I was also teased by classmates. One boy in particular was rather persistent about it. I held my own against him, but it hurt. Over the summer, I vowed that I would not be teased for my weight. I counted every calorie that went into my mouth. I obsessed over the scale and every pound that I dropped. By the time I started ninth grade, I lost over twenty pounds. I dropped from a size 12 to a size 5. I was, for the first time in my life, skinny. The boy that teased me the year before spent that year apologizing to me. His words were sincere, and he became a friend of mine. That experience sticks out because I think, we all can be mean, we all can be bullies, but it takes courage to apologize and admit you were wrong.

We are not always going to be nice to each other, but we need to try. As a human race, the more we seek to understand or at least empathize with others, the better off we will be as a whole. Hatred gets us nowhere.

Jo: Agreed. Kindness will pull us through. *huge smile* Well, we’re out of time for today. Is there anything I didn’t ask that you wish I had? Any little juicy tid-bits you’d like to share?

Kelly: Current Impressions, the second book in the Never Forgotten series, leaves the reader hanging just a little. I love those kinds of endings, but I know they can be frustrating to others. I have many readers anxiously awaiting book three, Always Remembered. I’m happy to share that I’m working on revisions, and it will be out in 2015, although I don’t have a date or even a release month yet. Thank you all for your patience…it’s coming!

Jo: How exciting! I have a copy of Never Forgotten, and it's on my UtopYA TBR. *grin* It was awesome having you on the blog, Kelly! I can’t wait to see you in June at UtopYA. Hugs!

Now, it’s time to reveal the featured book of the week!

Title: Never Forgotten
Author: Kelly Risser
Genre: YA Fantasy
Length (print): 314 pages
Price: FREE
Buy links:
Amazon Kindle  ~  Barnes and Noble Nook  ~  Smashwords  ~  iTunes

How can one day go so very wrong? One minute Meara Quinn is making plans for how she will spend the summer before her senior year and the next she's finding out that her mother's cancer has returned and they are moving away from the only home she's ever known.

Now every day is a struggle as Meara tries to cope with her mother's illness, being forced to move to another country to live with grandparents—whom she thought disowned her mother—and having weird visions of a father who was absent her entire life. Top it all off with one whopping secret that everyone seems bent on keeping from her, and Meara has the perfect ingredients for a major melt down.

The only things keeping her from coming unglued are some new friends and Evan—the son of her mother's childhood friend—who seems to know Meara almost better than she knows herself.

Together with Evan and her friends, Meara embarks on a journey to unlock the secrets that will not only tell Meara who she is, but what she is.

While your fingers are in the clicking mode, why not give this lovely lady a follow on every social media platform I could think of when writing up the template for these interviews (plus some)?

Twitter: @Kar2b
Facebook: Author Kelly Risser
Pinterest: kar2b
Website: Kelly Risser
Blog: Kelly Risser Blog
Goodreads: Kelly Risser
LinkedIN: Krisser

If you have any questions for Kelly, pop them into the comments below. She’ll be around to answer what you ask.

Well, that’s all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Author Interview - Sharon Rose Mayes

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Today, I bring you another author interview from the fab ladies of UtopYA Con. If you don't have tickets to the event, don't worry, there'll be a new chance to jump on board November 28th. You need to bookmark the UtopYA website here so you can get yours. So, without any further blabbing on my part, I introduce to you Ms. Sharon Rose Mayes! Put your hands together, grab a cup of coffee, and let's get going!

Jo: It’s great to have you on the blog, Sharon! You were a complete anomaly to me before I began my stalking *ahem* research of you and your books. Ready to see what I managed to find out?

Sharon: Well if we have to, thank goodness social media wasn’t around when I was young.

Jo: Right? *grin* (Let’s get going! I see you’ve read (or are reading) the book On Writing by Stephen King. What did you learn from that little novel and how are you applying the lessons to your writing?

Sharon: To write for myself, and then worry about everyone else later.

Jo: What a hard lesson for any writer to learn. You’re a roller derby gal, eh? What team do you skate for, where can we see more, and do you use any of those experiences in your writing?

Sharon: I currently do not have a team, and am doing a rec league right now. Though in the future I really would like to be on a team. I need a derby name, does anyone have any ideas?

Jo: That's a great idea for a little contest! You should totally run with it. What’s the most interesting thing about living in Lufkin, Texas? I’m from Lake Charles, Louisiana, so I know exactly the area you live in. *waves to ex-neighbor* Where would you most like to visit?

Sharon: We are having a lot of growth and getting a lot of new quirky locally owned places. It’s growing and while I love Houston and would love to live there my boys go to a good school and I am not wanting to move. I was a literature minor in college and I would love to visit London and stalk some of the stomping grounds of some of my favorite Victorian poets and writers.

Jo: I've always wanted to visit Stratford on Avon. Can you say "Road Trip" for the literature lovers? *grin* Where did the idea for your blog come from? Why did you start it? What are your plans for it?

Sharon: I first started blogging back in the day as a scrapbooker, and have evolved from there into the mom blogosphere.

Jo: A blog on scrapbooking? Cool! I heard you’re going to school. What’s your major and have you had any experiences you plan to write about?

Sharon: My current major is creative writing with a minor in literature, even though I feel held back by Spanish classes. I live in Texas so you would think it would be a little bit easier, but seriously No, habla espanol.

Jo: I'm rolling on the floor laughing. Totally feeling you, though my bane was French. Your cats are soooo cute! How did you come by them and what are their names?

Sharon: I have three Miss Peaches who my kids had snuck home from my mothers, and she ended up being my princess, but don’t let her cuteness fool you she is one tough kitty. The other two were actually Miss Peaches’ own kittens from the one time she got out while in heat. She only had two so of course I had to keep Sookie and Riddick. And yep Sookie is name after the main character from the Southern Vampire Mysteries.

Jo: Wow. Great kitty names! Riddick *grin* Talk to me about your vlog on YouTube. What got you started, and how do you feel it’s helped you with your writing career?

Sharon: Sometimes I get long winded and my kids so not want me to listen to me so I have taken it to YouTube. I wouldn’t say it has helped me with my writing, but I hope it can bring some attention to it.

Jo: Anything new is awesome. Rapid fire question time! Good or bad?

Sharon: Bad! So, So Bad!

Jo: Long hair or short?

Sharon: Long!

Jo: Black or white?

Sharon: Black!

Jo: Time travel question! If you could change one thing you did in your life, what would it be? What do you think the result of that change might be?

Sharon: Definitely finish college sooner!

Jo: I'm on board with that one, too. You’re in a collection of books with a very good friend of mine, Carlyle Labuschagne, titled Certain. Tell my readers a little bit about it?

Sharon: It is a collection of short stories that are related to books that we have released. For example mine takes place before Blood Pact.

Jo: Cool. I need to check that one out. Why did you decide to jump the genre into New Adult under the name S. R. Mayes? Has it done anything for your career you’d like to share?

Sharon: I wouldn’t say it has done anything yet, it was something I did for fun. But of course kept from my mom. *wink*

Jo: Oh my... We'll you're out of the closet now. *evil laugh* Well, I think I’ve probably freaked you out enough for one day. *grin* Is there anything I didn’t ask that you wish I had?

Sharon: I loved the questions! Thank you so much for having me!

Jo: Thanks again for taking part in the madness, Sharon! I can’t wait to meet you at UtopYA 2015!

Now, it’s time to reveal the featured book of the week!

Title: Blood Pact
Author: Sharon Rose Mayes
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal
Length (print): 190 pages
Buy links: Amazon Kindle Free  ~   Barnes and Noble Nook Free  ~  Smashwords Free

Riley Spencer has spent most of her life doing what is normal for her: attending school, spending time with her mother, and training to hunt vampires. It was how she grew up as part of the organization and when Nick comes to town and joins her team everything changes. Now Riley and the rest of her team begin to question everything they have learned about vampires and the organization that trained them to hunt the vampires that hide in the world.

While your fingers are in the clicking mode, why not give this lovely lady a follow on every social media platform I could think of when writing up the template for these interviews?

Twitter: @sharonrose
Facebook: Sharon Rose Mayes
Pinterest: Sharon Rose Mayes
Website: Sharon Rose Mayes

If you have any questions for Sharon, pop them into the comments below!

Well, that’s all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
