Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Jonathan Swift and The Bird

Happy Tuesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'm going over a little something I used when writing The Bird: Writers of the past and their books. Most notably of the many tales I interweave is that of Gulliver's Travels, written by Jonathan Swift. Grab your pens and notebooks and let's get going!

First, some interesting facts about Jonathan Swift from Wikipedia:
  • Born: November 30, 1667 in Dublin, Ireland
  • Writer of: Novels and Poetry
  • Originally published everything under various pen names.
  • Became Dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral and was entombed there upon his death in 1745.
He looked like this:
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.


Now, if you've read The Bird, you'll know my heroine, Stormy, visits the grave of Mr. Swift at St. Patrick's Cathedral where she finds some rather tiny people. When I considered her quest and the golden apple she needed to procure for the witch, I thought how lovely it would be if Stormy had to face some Lilliputians. Seeing as the author of Gulliver's Travels was from Ireland, it made sense in my head to morph the little boogers into the gold-hungry, top-hat-wearing, shillelagh-carrying meanies we know as leprechauns.

Elves get a makeover, too.

I took a number of fairy tales I love and selected elements from them to weave a new-age story. To add to the realism, I also used a number of locations around the world to place scenes in the book. Did you know there's actually a place in Pennsylvania called Ringing Rocks?

It's these things that one must use to bring the element of believability to a fantasy novel. A world, changed ever-so-slightly, that reeks of truth. This is what I mean when I say you should write from life.

If you create another world, you're still using elements of something you've read about or experienced. Try using them in new ways. Step out of the box for a moment and reconsider everything you've been told. Put a new twist on something you know. Writers have awesome imaginations. Give them a workout.

Last, but not least, remember to always have truthiness in your tales. Never be afraid to take that extra step or go that extra mile. Use that word or phrase you've been wanting to. Speak your mind. Indies rock because there's no one lording over them, telling them what they can and can't say.

Is there something you've used from experience or prior readings? How did it spin your novel?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, April 15, 2013

Uncovered Books

Happy Monday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'd like to tell you about a cool new service for indie authors. Strap in and take a little journey with me.

This service is a place you can sell your books. It's called Uncovered Books. They're going to sell via iPad and iPhone first, but have plans to expand to other platforms soon. You can check out the FAQ on their website.

Why is this exciting news? Well, they're offering a 50% royalty payment on every sale made. That's right, fifty percent. And you can price your book any way you want except free.

They ask some strange questions about your novel but promise that when readers sign up, the ideal person will be guided to your book. Why not, right?

Their intended launch date is Spring of 2013. This is a chance for you to get in on the ground floor of something new. Seems exciting!

  • You need to have an epub file of your book to upload.
  • They aren't taking non-fiction at this time.
  • No payments until you reach $40 in sales.
  • Payments, at this time, are only via paper check mailed to the address you specify.
I think it's an awesome idea and I hope this company goes boom! and explodes with growth. You can help!

What are you waiting for? Go sign up!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, April 12, 2013

Is Your Character Sexy or Beautiful?

Happy Friday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, let's talk about sexy vs beautiful. There is a difference! You need to consider how your character is going to be portrayed to the world because each of these gives them different characteristics. So, grab your pens and notebooks and let's get going, shall we?

First, a couple of definitions:
Sexy: sex·y /ˈseksē/  Adjective 1. Sexually attractive or exciting. 2. Sexually aroused.
Beautiful: beau·ti·ful  /ˈbyo͞otəfəl/  Adjective 1. Pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically. 2. Of a very high standard; excellent.

As you can see, they have different meanings. One can be sexy and not beautiful; or, one can be beautiful and not sexy. As we interpret language, we often confuse the two or use them interchangeably. But your character can be one or the other, or both. It's a difficult decision sometimes. You want to avoid the 'I'm perfect in every way' character because they're boring.

I read Pride and Prejudice and thought of Elizabeth as beautiful but not sexy. Her sister, Jane, was both. Why? Well, Elizabeth held herself well but put off an 'I'm better than you' vibe toward men. It wasn't sexually exciting but her face was pleasing to look upon and her mind could stimulate another of the same caliber. Jane, on the other hand, was pretty, carried herself well, and excited men in a bashful, shy way. She was mysterious, sexy, and beautiful.
When I read Beautiful Disaster, I saw Abby as sexy, but not beautiful, because she had confidence. Her looks, as described by the author, were middling to fair.

Think about yourself for a moment. Do you wear pretty undergarments to make yourself feel beautiful or so you look sexually attractive in the mirror? One thing I do, to make myself feel beautiful, is keep my toenails painted. Always. Even in the winter, if you see me without shoes, my toenails are cute. These are things you have to consider when building a character because it's part of who they are. It gives you opportunities for discovery throughout the book. Like fairy dust sprinkled in to make magic, details like these make your character feel more real to the reader and allows a connection to be formed.

What character have you developed that was one or the other? What did you use as discovery tools?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Book Review: Dark Premonitions by Heather Topham Wood

Happy Thursday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'm writing up a review for my Indie Fever Reading Challenge! This makes the third book I've written a review for so far (I'm behind schedule) but oh, what a glorious read it is! So, strap in and let me take you on a little journey!

Title: Dark Premonitions - Second Sight Book Three
Author: Heather Topham Wood
Genre: Paranormal
Length (paperback): 272 pages
Amazon links: Paperback $9.99 Kindle $3.49

Synopsis: Psychic Kate Edwards had her first premonition—a vision of her own murder by a faceless attacker. With very few clues to go on, she has to use her psychic gifts to uncover who wants her dead. Paranoia sets in and Kate wonders if there’s anybody she can trust. As Kate fears her impending death, she’s desperate to seek comfort with her ex-boyfriend Jared Corbett. As she tries to win him over once again, she worries that he’ll never forgive her for the mistakes she has made in the past. Kate questions whether fate will give her a chance to be with Jared again before her existence is ended. Meanwhile, a sixteen-year-old girl has gone missing. The police and her family insist the girl is a troubled runaway, but Kate suspects there’s more to the story. Kate is frantic to locate the girl before her own time runs out. Dark Premonitions is the third book in the Second Sight series.

Not to appear in my review elsewhere: I love this book's cover. The author let the readers vote in a poll on her website and this one caught my eye nicely. It fits well with the first two books and gives off a slightly creepy vibe; perfect for this installment.

If you're a regular follower of my reviews, you know I read, enjoyed, and reviewed the first two books in the Second Sight series. Dark Premonitions was very different. It was won by me in a giveaway held by the author, Ms. Heather Topham Wood. Without any more babbling, I give you my review:

From a reader's perspective: Kate, the main character, is still rash and young. She has a tendency to act before she thinks and those characteristics fit someone who's gone through what she has. I was glad to see her relationship with Declan, the bad boy psychic, come down from its high in the last book. Kate using her psychic powers again was something I was happy to see. What I loved most about this installment is the way I couldn't tell who was coming to kill Kate or when it would happen. I adored the ending as well, it left me wanting the next book right now instead of waiting for it to be published sometime later this year. What was really different about this installment was the constant wondering about when Kate would be offed. This vision is the opener of the book and leaves you hunting for the incident while reading. I laughed, gasped, and was pulled to the edge of my seat, chewing my nails, while reading this one.

From an editor's perspective: Pronouns still needed some work. An example: Kate turned her attention back to Julie as her best friend emerged from the dressing room. Should read: Kate turned her attention back to Julie as she emerged from the dressing room. I caught a number of these throughout the book, but they weren't so bad as to pull me out of the story. There were also a few common phrases that were misused and some places where things were described  that the person narrating couldn't have seen yet. But, all in all, the story flowed well and had a captivating line; keeping me engaged.

My rating:
1 star for giving me more of Kate and Jared and showing me more of her personality.
1 star for making me laugh out loud a number of times.
1 star for making me cringe.
1 star for an excellent storyline.
-1 star for the need for an editor.
Overall, 4 out of 5 stars and a highly recommended read for anyone who loves delving into the paranormal.

I do hope you'll consider giving this book a read. It was wonderful. Beware the cliffhanger at the end; it's a doozy.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Creating Utopia

Happy Wednesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'd like to talk about Utopian societies. So, grab your pens and notebooks and let's get going!

Only in a perfect world are there no criminals, jerks, evil dictators, or lazy people. If the world inside your novel has nothing to balance it out, then you're certainly writing fantasy. Consider this when you begin world building and try to create something that helps your world feel very real. Would we all love to live in a perfect world? Of course! But it's not reality.

I struggle sometimes when I'm writing to bring forth the perfect bad guy or evil regime. They have to be crafty, power hungry, and bad to the bone. You don't want everyone to know how bad they really are right out of the gate. People need to trust the protagonist, look up to him or her, and feel like they're getting some kind of help or protection at first.

Some of the best stories I've read are those where you can feel something isn't quite right, but nothing proves it until the end. Take the Hunger Games: You know President Snow is a baddie, and he doesn't show just how bad until the second book. You never see President Coin's evil until she has Katniss' sister killed to spur the girl into killing Snow. But it backfires.

This is what I'm talking about. You need to create something your protagonist must struggle against. What better than the power saturated mind of a leader? You're probably going to want more than one antagonist in a case like that, so people can't pinpoint who's really behind it all.

Keep some mystery.

If you want to create a Utopia, feel free to do that. But where's your protagonist going in a world like that? Unless they're the first bad guy in your world, where's the story?

Remember, your character is on a journey down the path of life. Make it twisty and give them some obstacles in their path. Otherwise, they'll end up plodding along and the action will be nill.

What kind of baddies have you thought up lately? Ever tempted to write up a Utopian society?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Creating Supplemental Book Swag

Happy Tuesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today I'm talking about that stuff we all love called book swag. You know, the mugs, bookmarks, posters, and other stuff that makes us smile. So, grab your pens and notebooks and let's get going, shall we?

If you're a regular visitor to my blog, you've probably seen my link on the sidebar that takes you to my Zazzle page where you can get all kinds of book goodies like mugs, t-shirts, and mousepads.

Zazzle is easy to use, it's a snap to set up an account, and you can have your stuff for sale in no time. Plus, they don't charge you per item so you can upload a lot of designs and have folks buy them. If you check out my store, you'll see I have complimentary items for all my books. My personal favorite is the Indie Author's Guide mousepad. It cracks me up every time.

Plus, you can create a nifty flash panel like the one below:

View more gifts at Zazzle.

Now, for bookmarks, posters, postcards, magnets, etc... I use Overnight Prints. Why? Because the more I buy from them, the more of a discount I get over time. I'm a silver member now, only about twenty points away from gold. Their shipping is really fast and my prints look great! If you've ever gotten a bookmark from me, I bought them there. Like these:
What I love is there's no extra charge for backprinting or extra colors. You aren't limited in your design due to cost. If you have a six color logo and have ever tried to have something printed at a press shop, you'll know what I'm talking about.

Both of the sites above give you handy templates you can download and follow to make sure you have your bleed and safety straight. LOVE it!

As always, I'm not paid for recommending these sites, I'm just sharing the love.

Who do you use for your book swag? Have you ever created any? Why/why not?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, April 8, 2013

It Takes a Team

Happy Monday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'm talking about the people it takes to bring a book from rough manuscript to published work of brilliance. Yup, that's right, your publishing team.

We all have folks we love to use for certain things. But how many people does it take to create a book? Let's have some fun and take a look inside this publishing madhouse, shall we?
  • Writer. Without the writer, what's the point? They're the real powerhouses behind all that wonderful literature you consume. Their imaginations open up and drag you, kicking and screaming, into a whole new world.
  • Editor. This is the person the writer should be buddies with. Not cappuccino drinking, dress shopping, book swapping buddies; but someone you get along with that you know has a staunch work ethic along with a firm grasp of the English language and the building blocks that make an excellent book. Like the ladies over at INDIE Books Gone Wild, eh?
  • Proofreader. Someone else who can catch all those niggling little errors that throw readers out of the story. A misplaced comma, period, misused word, or errant thought thrown into a paragraph where it doesn't belong.
  • Cover Designer. Your brilliance in art. Someone who can bring your story into an image that's compelling. They should also have a strong grasp of the art of Typography. This is your book's face. It should be clean and have the makeup applied properly.
  • Book Formatting Guru. We all need one of these hanging around. Someone who makes us look good in print or on an e-reader.
  • Sales Platform. This is the company that sells copies of your book and keeps part of the profit. We don't like them much, but they're a necessary evil and we all have a favorite one.
Yes, it takes a team to publish a book. Who's on your team?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
