Saturday, February 4, 2012

Weekends are Good

Due to having a weekend off from life, I will write the hell outta my book. Chapters 14, 15, and 16 will be produced by Monday!! Perhaps I will post a little summary of chapter 15 so everyone reading this can get a feel for how the story is progressing. Perhaps.

Time to GET BUSY!!

Write ON!!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Chapter 13 Excerpt!!

As promised, a little snatch from the middle of Chapter 13!!

    When I woke, her eyes were open and she was touching my hair and looking at me with such reverence on her face and such love in her eyes that my whole body tingled and my heart beat faster. I smiled sleepily at her and pulled her close. When she stiffened against me, I cringed inside and wondered if we could ever again be as we were. Those thoughts saddened me a bit but I decided to put them aside for the moment and just enjoy the closeness of my wife.

    I rose and called for Jamuka to come and sit with her while I went to find her some decent clothing. I hunted through the yurts until I found one that had been abandoned and had the touch of a woman on the inside. I sifted clothing until I found suitable attire and loaded my arms down with garments before heading back to the place I had left my wife.

With Temujin terrified to leave Borte's side, it makes one wonder how he manages to become Khan, doesn't it?

There is much betrayal still to come. Read what one of the critics said:

"I also really like Temujin’s character development. He’s a little clumsy and unsure of himself right now, growing from that colt-ish young man into something more. It’s nice to see an author make the reader take that journey with the character. It’s frustrating to me when I read about someone being perfect from the get-go." ~ B. Henderson

This story does, indeed, take you from an awkward nine-year-old's perspective to that of a full grown man's. I thought it pertinent to allow the book lover to grow up with the little rascal so they could have a better understanding of why he loves his wife the way he does and why he has so much trust in his anda.

I hope you are all chomping at the bit for the book now! More updates tomorrow!

Until then, WRITE ON!


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Back to Writing!

It's been an interesting couple of days but I am jumping back on the wagon today. Time to crack down and produce some more literary fiction for all you folks to consume!

I was nervous about writing chapter 12 but now that it's under my belt, I feel really good about it. Running the roads for the last two days has left me drained but super excited to get on with the story today.

We will see how it goes!

I will update a little later, gotta go help Jamuka formulate a plan to get what he wants. I just hope my friends aren't on vacation today and will acquiesce to pay me a visit. It's been a MOST excellent week and things in my personal life are going well so I was able to get my housework done. Ha! No rest for the weary but at least everything smells lemon fresh!

Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, January 30, 2012

Building Up & Breaking Down

It's kind of a funny thing I have going here with my main characters. I find myself building up relationships only to have them break down in the worst way after a chapter or two. Conflicts are running amok (love that word) and the ultimate betrayal of friendship is right around the corner.

In Mongolia, during the period when this story takes place, they sometimes had an honorary brother called an anda. It is a huge thing to break trust or betray your anda so when it happens in this story, it's not something to be taken lightly. I will show how the love of a woman can tear down men and make them mortal enemies until death; no matter how close they started out.

Some people say it seems a bit unbelievable. I say, if it is possible, it has been done; we just don't know it happened. Someone needed to tell this story of love, betrayal, and the ultimate sacrifice. I'm just glad Temujin allowed it to be me.

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Friday, January 27, 2012

Crying in My Cocktail

Wow. Chapter 12 really took a toll on me. I haven't been able to write anything for two solid days because it's bothering me that my protagonist has embraced his angry side and unleashed it on women and children. I may go change some of that chapter up later. It's just a wee bit too brutal there, possibly...

I hope you are all enjoying the book and blog. Writing has proven to be exhilarating and drains me creatively. I have a series of paintings I am about to begin work on so the book is going to slow down a little bit. I'm guessing down to two or three chapters a week as opposed to the four to five I am writing right now.

I am still on schedule for a late April-early June release and will be doing the cover art and typesetting of the book myself. Anyone reading want to vote on a font for the text? It will be serifed so no arial or helvetica :)

I must run now!!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Excerpt Chapter 12

An excerpt from yesterday's chapter:

I walked up and put my mouth to his ear and allowed myself to revel in the fact that he was trembling in fear of me before I hissed, in a low whisper with a deep, guttural sound, “No. I told you I would spare your family. Watch what I do to your brothers and be thankful you loosed your tongue.”

    With that, I turned and strode to the smallest child remaining in the line. I raised my sword and cut off her head in one motion. Her father screamed and made promises to end my life before I had him gagged and moved on to his wife. I told my man to hold him so he could watch what his actions had brought down upon his family. I knelt down to the weeping woman and raised her chin.

    I looked into her eyes and asked, “Do you love your husband?”

    She nodded.

    “Did you love your child?”

    Again, she nodded.

    “Do you know why I am going to kill you?”

    She began to cry harder and nodded her head vigorously.

    “Let your husband know what a filthy pig he is and how you are dishonored by his actions against my wife.”

    She screamed, “I cannot believe you would do this to your family! You have brought down the anger of God by stealing another man’s wife! Why must you have been so full of greed? You have disgraced us all!”

    I cut her throat and let her fall into the dirt.

My character took a terrible turn for me yesterday and his actions seemed a bit despicable to me at first. When I talk of him murdering children, I get a little sick. However, he promised to make those men never forget his name and to make sure that no one would ever dare touch a member of his family again. I'm guessing this did the trick if those men went and spoke of the atrocities committed in the name of vengeance.

Jamuka makes his first turn in this chapter as well. We shall see what he does with his newly recognized feelings and how he decides to win the heart of the woman he loves.

Writing chapter 13 today, possibly. I may let it stew a day or two...

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Today is all about revenge. We are going to slaughter them all. They have stolen her and we are going to get her back with much bloodshed. There will be no mercy. :)

I can't wait to get started today and have been building this up for a few chapters. Let's see how it goes!

You may get an excerpt tomorrow :)

Until then, WRITE ON!!
