Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Chapter 16 excerpt!

Temujin has spoken to God again in chapter 16 but I am not posting that excerpt. I know, awwwwwww. Haha! Instead, read about his brother, Quasar, and his brother's wife...

    After my things were packed onto GraĂȘl, I kissed my wife, hugged my children, and mounted. Jelme and Bo’orchu were mounting as well but Quasar was nowhere to be seen. We waited a few minutes before dismounting and heading for his yurt. When we approached, we heard Quasar arguing with his wife.

    “You are a piece of dung! Why must you leave me in this condition to go follow after your little brother on some conquest that you have no stake in?”

    “Wife, the Tatars murdered our father and I owe them a payback just as much as Temujin does. We are brothers. Besides, this could very well make our fortunes. I will return before long, do not worry your head.”

    We heard weeping and then something breaking before the shrill voice of Quasar’s wife again filled the air. “Then go! If you have not returned by the time this baby comes, I will kill you in your sleep!”

    Quasar stumbled through the door and was shocked to see all of us standing there. He blushed and said, “Yes. Baby. We must go, NOW.”

    We all took a moment to clap him on the back and issue congratulations. We took one moment too long and Quasar’s wife came through the door behind him, brandishing a weapon.

    She began to scream, “Go! Get out of here! All of you! I will have your heads if you do not leave my sight right NOW!”

    We ran for the horses and leapt onto their backs, spurring them on with a quick kick of our heels. We thundered toward the road for many minutes before we dared to slow down; the fear of Quasar’s wife still upon us.

    Jelme spoke first, “She is scary, Quasar! What was that she was holding? It looked like a club of some sort!”

    “It was one of the legs of our table. She snapped it off and started smashing things in the house. She told me she was having a baby just last night and begged me not to leave. I told her, ‘Temujin is my brother and Yesugei was my father, too.’ She did not want to hear that and wept all night; calling me every name she could think of – it was many.”


This is where Temujin, Quasar, Jelme, and Bo'orchu are on their way back to the Kerait tribe to set off on a revenge mission. It should be interesting because Temujin has been wanting this for a long LONG time.

We shall see! I hope everyone is enjoying the snippits so far. It is 9am and time to get to work!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

1500? The Nightmare of the Little Dog

I only managed 1500 words yesterday. Why, you ask? Well, I'll tell you...

I am sitting at my computer, typing away, when all of a sudden my maltchi, Tucker, begins chasing his tail. Round and round he went until suddenly, he stopped and looked up at me with his furry little face then opened his mouth and roared like a lion. I have to say, I was taken a bit aback and was a bit frightened out of my wits. Okay, I was terrified and confused! When his roar came to an end, he charged me, snarling and gnashing his teeth like he was going to have me for a snack.

I jumped off of my chair so quickly it turned over and I ran for the bathroom so I could get behind a locked door. He is just a tiny dog and there's no way he can come through a door, right? Wrong. I got into the bathroom and shut and locked the door just before he was able to grab my ankle with his sharp little teeth. While sitting in the bathroom, my mind went haywire as I imagined all kinds of scenarios to explain the reason for my dog's behavior. I thought, maybe he was bitten by a werewolf, perhaps he ate some bad food, and I even wondered if maybe he had cat-scratch fever - because of the lion roar.

He started hurling his tiny body against the door at an attempt to break through to me. After just four hits, the door began to splinter and I began to shake. Tremors started at my feet and, after just a few moments, my entire body was vibrating so hard I almost threw up. I knew I was going to die. That knowledge sickened me and made me cry for the loss that so many people would suffer. What would my kids think? Who would care for them when I was gone? How would my parents handle it? All of these questions had no answers but caused me to straighten my back, force down my gorge, and control my tremors so I could think straight. I began to look for a way out.

After searching the bathroom for a minute, I noticed that there was an air duct in the ceiling. I quickly stepped to the top of the toilet and took out the loose screws. I hauled myself up into the shaft at the same moment that the bathroom door shattered and my little Tucker came bursting through with a wild look in his beady eyes. I narrowly escaped being eaten.

This is my little Tucker:

He looks terrifying, doesn't he? Perhaps he was just angry that I made him pose for photos.

Yes, the above is a bit of hyperbole. Okay, a LOT of hyperbole!! But it was entertaining, no? :)

Really and truly, the reason I only wrote 1500 words yesterday is because I was working on Valentines for my loved ones. Personally, I like the nightmare of the little dog a bit more.

I hope you were entertained today. I am off to write some more BOOK!! It is 9am, after all, and I am good and warmed up now.

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Monday, February 13, 2012

Itchy Fingers

My fingers are itching with ideas I had over the weekend and I can't wait to begin writing again today. This has been one of the most difficult undertakings I have ever attempted - second only to graduating college. I have re-written the beginning of my book three times before I decided I was ready to continue with chapter 1. Since the prologue, the book took on a personality of its own and has literally flown out of my fingers. I hope to write at least three chapters this week, possibly four. My goal is to get it ON paper then tweak it and roll it around in my head for a while.

I am going to the Savannah, Georgia, book fair this weekend and I hope to be introduced to some new writers and some inspiration. Savannah is so beautiful and for them to have a whole weekend dedicated to books, well, they won me over even more. I am an avid reader as well as being a writer. I have a huge library of books and am always on the lookout for another great read.

I hope you are all excited that Temujin is about to have the sweet taste of revenge on his tongue yet again! My focus group loves it when he acts in the name of justice and they say they punch the air on occasion when things go right for this young warrior. That tells me he is, not only likeable, but that they are rooting for him to win. That's my kind of character!

I had an idea for a young reader's series yesterday and logged it in my idea book. I will make plans for the writing of the first one once this one hits the e-readers. I am lucky that I can write. I am thankful for the gift every day. For all of you writers, do you keep an idea book? I am curious to know just what others do.

Time to get to work!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Friday, February 10, 2012

Chapter 15 is Complete!

I got chapter 15 written yesterday and WOW, what a story! There is a special twist that happens in this chapter so I won't be posting an excerpt. I will give you a taste of chapter 16, where Temujin finally gets to pay some old enemies a visit and gets a little more revenge on people who have wronged him.

Poor Borte is left behind during his conquests! What do you think she will do to occupy herself while her husband is away? Only one way to find out! I know, I know, I am evil and you hate the suspense, right? Haha!

I can't wait to dig in and take a big bite out of chapter 16 this weekend. I ship my most recent work off to my focus group (I call them bookaphyles) today and can't wait to hear their comments. I know they are anxious to hear more of the story and just that makes the whole thing worth it.

I have a story to tell, if just one person enjoys it and learns a little about history while they are at it, I will be satisfied.

To the writers who read this blog, let me tell you that just producing a rough draft of a manuscript is an accomplishment you should pat yourself for every day. How many people that you know have ever written more than 200 pages of ANYthing in their lives?

Smile and know that you have done something great by enriching the life of someone else through your words.

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Stumbling Along

Even though I was feeling great about the book yesterday, I stumbled over my words and had a difficult time stringing together sentences. I ended up reading rather than writing in the hopes that the mindless activity would provide me with some kind of insight as to why my creative brain had shut down for the day. Today, I have ideas. So many ideas I feel like I won't be able to get them onto the page quickly enough. I feel it, taste it, and know that it will flow well.

For all you writers reading this blog, do you ever have those days where you know your words will flow exactly as you intend them to?

For all you readers, can you tell when your author has had flow through a particular part of a book?

Curiosity sometimes gets the best of me and I end up with too many questions traipsing through my head. I can certainly identify with Temujin, that's for sure.

Well, I am off to write now and help Temujin overcome his angst related to his marital situation. I firmly believe that in this day and age, these two would not have made it this far in their relationship. It really makes me sit back and think about the days when people actually tried and didn't give up so easily. Perhaps we are spoiled...

In any case, until tomorrow, WRITE ON!!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chapter 14 is Written!

Yesterday, I was a machine and I cranked out over six-thousand words. Arguments and strain and betrayal and threats and oh man was it an awesome day!

I am feeling very good about my book today. I can't wait to publish it and let the world read this story that will have you punching the air with your fist and saying, "YESSSSSSSS!" one minute, crying into your pillow the next, then laughing hysterically at the antics of some of the more unique characters. I am filled with the emotions my characters experience and I am loving the roller coaster I am on.

My characters sleep with me at night and whisper their thoughts in my ear. They sit with me when I drink coffee and tell me their personal stories. It took me ten chapters before I truly knew them, but the journey has been worth every reward they have bestowed upon me. We have fought together, cried together, been terrified together, and even celebrated together on occasion.

I think the best thing about this whole story is that it has been based on history. Though some of the situations, some of the characters, and all of the character makeups are totally fictional, what Temujin and Borte went through before they were allowed to be together in reality just blows my mind.

I can't wait to share parts of the next few chapters. If you are reading this blog and have a moment, go back through the posted excerpts and have a look-see.

I will have this book IN your hands by the beginning of June (hopefully much sooner) so keep your eyes open and glued to this blog for an exact release date if you are as excited as I am.

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chapter Outline

Well, I got my chapter outline done today. I wasn't sure how quickly the plot would progress until I got chapters 1-10 out of the way but I have a pretty good grasp of the story now and how it has decided to breathe. Here are all of the chapter titles and they tell a bit about what happens by name.

I am not listing summaries because, in my FIRM opinion, summaries are spoilers and you do not want to miss the upcoming action in this book! So, without further ado:

Chapter 1 – The Business of Wives:
Chapter 2 – Of Plots and Abandonment:
Chapter 3 – Metamorphosis
Chapter 4 – I Run, I Hide, I Die
Chapter 5 – Slaves
Chapter 6 – Escape
Chapter 7 – It’s Me Again
Chapter 8 – Training
Chapter 9 – Marriage
Chapter 10 – Bloodlust
Chapter 11 – To War
Chapter 12 – Revenge and Recovery
Chapter 13 – My Love
Chapter 14 – Goings and Comings
Chapter 15 – A Son is Born
Chapter 16 – The Tatars
Chapter 17 – Homecoming
Chapter 18 – Domination
Chapter 19 – Assassination
Chapter 20 – Rivalry
Chapter 21 – Ultimate Betrayal
Chapter 22 – Friends and Foes
Chapter 23 – Hunter
Chapter 24 – Borte
Chapter 25 – Fire Burns a Mighty Path
Chapter 26 – Seizure
Chapter 27 – Friendship
Chapter 28 – Genghis Khan

And, there you have it!!

I hope this puts some excitement into you for the upcoming excerpts!!

Until next time, Write ON!
