Let's start with a little information about the book.
Title: Magic Unfolds (Book Two of the MysticSeeker series)
Author: N. L. Greene
Genre: YA Paranormal
Length (print): 190 pages
Buy Links: Amazon Kindle $2.99 ~ Paperback $11.10 ~ B&N $2.99

For the first time in her life, Becky had hopes of fulfilling her own dreams when Blaine Winters inexplicably arrived into her quiet life, teasing her with astounding possibilities she never thought imaginable. Not only did he reveal that magic was indeed real, but he also stirred feelings in her that she had only read about in clichéd romance novels. But just as quickly as he appeared, he was gone. Then Becky’s life was turned upside down by a family emergency. With the overwhelming demands of running an elite law firm as well as her ex becoming more of a threat each day, she didn’t have time for whimsical thoughts or personal exploration anyway.
Now that Blaine has mysteriously disappeared from her life, she can put her family first and focus on what she needs to do. If only it were that easy. Blaine may be gone and all of Becky’s little girl dreams of a world filled with magic with him, but that doesn’t mean all’s forgotten. Nightmares are plaguing her, someone is watching her, and there are powers within her that she can’t seem to control.
Will Becky finally get her chance at magic after all, even if she doesn’t want it?
“Watch it, would you?” the person sneered.
“Samantha!” Becky yelled. She may have been tipsy, but she’d know that voice anywhere. She whirled around, hands in the air, and threw them around Samantha’s neck.
“Oh for shit’s sake,” she mumbled as she tried to pry Becky’s arms away.
Becky relented when she felt Ethan pulling her back. But she didn’t go far. “Samantha! It’s so nice to see you. Do you come here often?” Becky asked with a little giggle.
Samantha rolled her eyes but there was a tiny smile at the corner of her lips. “Are you drunk?”
Becky pretended to be aghast. “Of course not!” she said as if she were offended by the accusation.
“Yes, yes she is,” Ethan said from behind her.
Becky turned back to glare at Ethan, who wasn’t even fazed by her dirty look, before turning back to her new best friend. But Samantha was staring at Ethan. Becky tilted her head, having sworn she saw something in the girls’ eyes, but then they snapped back to Becky, and whatever it was she thought she saw was gone. She shook her head and beamed at Samantha. “Wanna hang out with us?”
Samantha rolled her eyes and shook her head. “No,” she said and started to turn her back on them.
Becky quickly grabbed Samantha’s hand to stop her. “Why don’t you like me?” Becky asked, the alcohol making her much braver than normal.
Samantha stuttered for a moment. “I… I don’t not…” she let out a breath. “Look, I just don’t know you, okay?”
“Okay, well then let’s have lunch this week, and we can get to know each other.” Becky really liked the idea the more she thought about it. They lived in the same building, they seemed to be about the same age, and they both liked this bar. Why shouldn’t they be friends?
Samantha glanced at Ethan again quickly. “Fine,” she ground out before stomping off.
Becky turned to Ethan and squealed. “This is going to be so much fun!”

~ End of excerpt
About the author, N. L. Greene!
Author N.L. Greene is a writer of YA and NA Contemporary and Paranormal Romances. She currently lives in Florida with her husband and two beautiful daughters. When she isn't writing or reading, she enjoys traveling around the world with her family, shopping and doing other girly things with her girls, or playing video games with her husband. She is a lover of dogs, chocolate, and anything pink!
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