Happy Monday, good people of the blogosphere! What a crazy few months it's been. My fingers are crossed this will be a regular thing once again. I miss my blog!
Anyway, today, I'm going to introduce you all to a new booktuber I met while at RAI, and throw a few of my thoughts out there on the event in general.
As you all know, I'm always on the lookout for folks willing to give their genuine opinions on books they read. Not only does this booktuber speak well, she's incredibly effervescent. Love watching her channel so far. While she and I were talking, she told me that if you send her an ARC, it's guaranteed to get a video review. Not a bad deal, in my opinion.
Be sure and check out her channel here "Steph's Rom Book Talk." Catch her RAI video here! Follow her Facebook page here!
Now, on to thoughts about RAI.
I've loved this event since last year (my first), and I can't say enough about the amazingness that's Liz C. Long. Roanoke Author Invasion is a true signing. There are no panels, no activities outside of the signing except the after party, and there are only authors in the signing hall. Fans get in FREE.
Yep, that's right, I said FREE.
Because of that, people come from far and wide to get their books signed, take photos with their favorite authors, and BUY BOOKS. They have more money in their pockets to purchase the books because they didn't have to pay to get in the door. Makes a ton of sense to me.
Plus, Liz does a fantastic job of marketing the event locally. She's on the news, in the papers, and on the radio constantly. Her event draws a huge crowd. I believe there were over 300 free tickets claimed this year.
Yeah, my jaw dropped, too.
In addition to the single day being a behemoth sales day, I also got to meet some fantastic bloggers and book reviewers (see Stephanie above). It was a constant stream of people coming by my table, engaging me in conversation, and admiring/buying my books. I must've handed out hundreds of prints of my book covers, and people snagged a gazillion Frayed Fairy Tale buttons.
You also get to take a ton of pictures. Fun and funny, or laid back and casual, you won't be sorry. I'm Batman in the first pic :D
All in all, I'd say, if you can attend this event as a reader, or be a signing author, don't think twice. Click the button. You get time with the authors you love, and that's one of the things that's most precious.
What events do you love?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
A blog dedicated to the education and support of Indie authors.
Also striving to providing great book recommendations and reviews for readers.
Links and Books by Jo Michaels
Showing posts with label Roanoke Author Invasion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roanoke Author Invasion. Show all posts
Monday, April 17, 2017
Monday, March 6, 2017
My 2017 Signings
Happy Monday! Long time no speak, eh? Well, I'm finally managing to get a few things done, and I have some updates and news for you all. Ready? Let's get going!
First and foremost, in just FOUR weeks, I'll be in Virginia again with all the lovely Roanokeians. If you haven't heard about the Roanoke Author Invasion signing, I suggest you get on over to the website and check it out. It's organized by the lovelies Liz C. Long and Laura Howard. Be sure and give them a shout out on social media via those links. *wink* Tell 'em Jo sentcha. Ha!
What I love most about RAI is that it's very reader friendly. Not only are the tickets 100% FREE, but the first 100 folks through the door get special stuff like tote bags. Very classy.
So, if you're within a couple hundred miles and have nothing to do Saturday, April 8, pop on over and say hello to me. If you mention seeing this post, I'll have a special little something for you at my table. *grin*
Now, later in 2017, I'll be heading to a couple conferences. The first is Chapter.con, and it's in LONDON! *squeals*
It's hosted by the lovely Katie John, and it's a true conference lasting two full days. Dates are: August 25 and 26, 2017.
I have THREE super special Saturday signing passes to give away, so keep your eyes on the blog. That will happen very soon!
I've never been to London, so I can't say what I love about the city, and since this is the first year of the conference, I can't drop any super amazing tips or anything about it, either. We can figure it out together!
Yeah, I typed that in all caps. You guys! I'm the Saturday keynote speaker for this event, and I'm thrilled beyond words. Ticket prices range from $10 for readers (one day, all day, entry either Friday OR Saturday) to $100 for a half table for authors all weekend. DATES: October 19-22, 2017.
Your hostess with the mostest for this event is Ms. Jaci Chaney. While there are several folks working to bring you the most awesome experience ever, Jaci was the one who came up with OIBF. We're forever grateful to her!
Not only is it the first conference I'm going to be a keynote speaker at EVER, it's also donating all the proceeds to pet rescue charities. Loving Paws and Companions for Heroes will be splitting the proceeds from both the conference and the anthology OIBF will be releasing later this year. How exciting is that?
I've been to Missouri once, but we were in St. Louis, so naturally, I ended up at the Anheuser-Busch distillery. It's a little foggy after that. *wink*
I'll be giving away a couple of fan passes to that event this year, too! So exciting!
I'm so looking forward to hitting OIBF. If you're in the area and want to come check out the awesome authors that'll be there, you know the drill.
For the last conference of the year, I'll be up in Michigan for the Great Lakes Book Bash! It's the weekend after OIBF, so I mayyyy be hitting a few bookstores between one and the other. Keep your eyes open for that. DATES: October 27-29, 2017.
GLBB is organized by the always awesome Rachael Brownell.
This event is also FREE for readers, but you MUST pick up a free ticket. As of RIGHT NOW, there are only TWO Friday tickets left. Your free ticket gets you through the door on either Friday or Saturday. If you want more info before you buy, check out this page on the GLBB website. As you can see, prices range from FREE to $20.
I have TWO Rock Star passes to give away to you lucky readers, so be prepared for that! Not sure what I plan to do for you to enter, but I'll think of something amazing.
If you're ready (and I hope you are!), you know what to do!
Which of these will I see you at this year?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
First and foremost, in just FOUR weeks, I'll be in Virginia again with all the lovely Roanokeians. If you haven't heard about the Roanoke Author Invasion signing, I suggest you get on over to the website and check it out. It's organized by the lovelies Liz C. Long and Laura Howard. Be sure and give them a shout out on social media via those links. *wink* Tell 'em Jo sentcha. Ha!
What I love most about RAI is that it's very reader friendly. Not only are the tickets 100% FREE, but the first 100 folks through the door get special stuff like tote bags. Very classy.
So, if you're within a couple hundred miles and have nothing to do Saturday, April 8, pop on over and say hello to me. If you mention seeing this post, I'll have a special little something for you at my table. *grin*
Now, later in 2017, I'll be heading to a couple conferences. The first is Chapter.con, and it's in LONDON! *squeals*
It's hosted by the lovely Katie John, and it's a true conference lasting two full days. Dates are: August 25 and 26, 2017.
I have THREE super special Saturday signing passes to give away, so keep your eyes on the blog. That will happen very soon!
I've never been to London, so I can't say what I love about the city, and since this is the first year of the conference, I can't drop any super amazing tips or anything about it, either. We can figure it out together!
Yeah, I typed that in all caps. You guys! I'm the Saturday keynote speaker for this event, and I'm thrilled beyond words. Ticket prices range from $10 for readers (one day, all day, entry either Friday OR Saturday) to $100 for a half table for authors all weekend. DATES: October 19-22, 2017.
Your hostess with the mostest for this event is Ms. Jaci Chaney. While there are several folks working to bring you the most awesome experience ever, Jaci was the one who came up with OIBF. We're forever grateful to her!
Not only is it the first conference I'm going to be a keynote speaker at EVER, it's also donating all the proceeds to pet rescue charities. Loving Paws and Companions for Heroes will be splitting the proceeds from both the conference and the anthology OIBF will be releasing later this year. How exciting is that?
I've been to Missouri once, but we were in St. Louis, so naturally, I ended up at the Anheuser-Busch distillery. It's a little foggy after that. *wink*
I'll be giving away a couple of fan passes to that event this year, too! So exciting!
I'm so looking forward to hitting OIBF. If you're in the area and want to come check out the awesome authors that'll be there, you know the drill.
For the last conference of the year, I'll be up in Michigan for the Great Lakes Book Bash! It's the weekend after OIBF, so I mayyyy be hitting a few bookstores between one and the other. Keep your eyes open for that. DATES: October 27-29, 2017.
GLBB is organized by the always awesome Rachael Brownell.
This event is also FREE for readers, but you MUST pick up a free ticket. As of RIGHT NOW, there are only TWO Friday tickets left. Your free ticket gets you through the door on either Friday or Saturday. If you want more info before you buy, check out this page on the GLBB website. As you can see, prices range from FREE to $20.
I have TWO Rock Star passes to give away to you lucky readers, so be prepared for that! Not sure what I plan to do for you to enter, but I'll think of something amazing.
If you're ready (and I hope you are!), you know what to do!
Which of these will I see you at this year?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Author Convention News for 2017 and Happy Birthday to Me
Happy Tuesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'm over on the radio yet again, but this time, I'm talking all things author conventions for 2017. Ready to listen? Here's your link that will go live at 11AM EST:
Here's a quick breakdown of what you can expect to hear:
Your hostess, Jo Michaels, of the Jo Michaels blog, talks about author conventions. Some she's attended, some she hasn't, but all are worth checking out. Plus, a special announcement (or two). Be sure and pop back by Friday as I'm joined by Author Rachael Brownell to discuss Great Lakes Book Bash! But, for today, here are the links you'll need:
If you missed my interview with the amazingness that's Liz C. Long, the lady behind RAI, you can find it in my podcast archives or click here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/adailycupofjo/2015/07/24/roanoke-author-invasion-information-with-liz-c-long
If you're dying to find out more about Ann Aguirre, you can find her online here: https://www.facebook.com/ann.aguirre or here: https://twitter.com/MsAnnAguirre
And you can find her books on Amazon here: Enclave (book one of the Razorland Trilogy) and Mortal Danger (read chapters 1-5 here on Amazon for free).
Did you listen? What did you think?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
Here's a quick breakdown of what you can expect to hear:
Your hostess, Jo Michaels, of the Jo Michaels blog, talks about author conventions. Some she's attended, some she hasn't, but all are worth checking out. Plus, a special announcement (or two). Be sure and pop back by Friday as I'm joined by Author Rachael Brownell to discuss Great Lakes Book Bash! But, for today, here are the links you'll need:
If you missed my interview with the amazingness that's Liz C. Long, the lady behind RAI, you can find it in my podcast archives or click here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/adailycupofjo/2015/07/24/roanoke-author-invasion-information-with-liz-c-long
If you're dying to find out more about Ann Aguirre, you can find her online here: https://www.facebook.com/ann.aguirre or here: https://twitter.com/MsAnnAguirre
And you can find her books on Amazon here: Enclave (book one of the Razorland Trilogy) and Mortal Danger (read chapters 1-5 here on Amazon for free).
Did you listen? What did you think?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Whatever Jo Wants Wednesday #1
Happy Wednesday, everyone! Today is me posting about whatever the heck I want. I've decided to flip Wednesday and Friday for the obvious alliteration awesomeness. *grin* I'd like to talk about RAI today, so that's what I'm going to do.
First off, be sure you check out this interview with Liz Long over on A Daily Cup of Jo.
Jo and Liz have fun and discuss RAI!
Now for the details!
Roanoke Author Invasion is right around the corner! With this many authors, we are so excited to keep this a free event for readers as they meet their favorite writers and discover new ones!
Join sixty bestselling authors of contemporary and paranormal fiction and more at the Holiday Inn Tanglewood in Roanoke, Virginia on April 2, 2016 from 11pm-4pm. Signings will be split from 11-1 and 2-4p to allow a lunch break. Attendees will enjoy an afternoon of books, giveaways, and more as they get the latest releases from their favorite authors and discover new voices!
Authors include several bestsellers like #1 New York Times and International Bestselling authors such as Casey Bond (writer of the award-winning Harvest Saga); Cambria Hebert (of the popular YA Hashtag Series); Rysa Walker (2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards winner for her CHRONOS Files series); and Heather Hildenbrand, whose book Imitation has been optioned for television by NBC to be produced by Jerry Bruckheimer.
This free event is in its second year. With over 100 guests for the first year, attendance is expected to double as they travel from all over the country to visit Roanoke, VA. They will be able to meet their favorite authors and be introduced to new writers, win prizes, and take home swag. Free RAI tote bags will be given as first come, first serve, while RAI t-shirts will be available for purchase.
In addition, all attendees are invited back to the Holiday Inn for an afterparty from 7-10PM. Hosted by Forget the Housework, I’m Reading, City and Book and Brains, Beauty, BOOKS!
Tickets will be $20 sent to bookclubafterdark@gmail.com via Paypal. Price includes light appetizers, goodie bag and dancing. Proceeds benefit United Through Reading.
For more information, including how to get your free ticket, a full list of exhibitors, and the chance to volunteer for the event, visit http://roanokeauthorinvasion.com.

I'll be there with copies of Emancipation and 7 (plus, three of the authors will be at this signing)! *grin* I do hope to see as many of you as humanly possible.
Are you coming?
If you are, and you want to pre-order any of my books, fill out this form on Google Drive.
I'm so excited I can barely breathe! Are you excited?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
First off, be sure you check out this interview with Liz Long over on A Daily Cup of Jo.
Jo and Liz have fun and discuss RAI!
Now for the details!
Roanoke Author Invasion is right around the corner! With this many authors, we are so excited to keep this a free event for readers as they meet their favorite writers and discover new ones!
Join sixty bestselling authors of contemporary and paranormal fiction and more at the Holiday Inn Tanglewood in Roanoke, Virginia on April 2, 2016 from 11pm-4pm. Signings will be split from 11-1 and 2-4p to allow a lunch break. Attendees will enjoy an afternoon of books, giveaways, and more as they get the latest releases from their favorite authors and discover new voices!
Authors include several bestsellers like #1 New York Times and International Bestselling authors such as Casey Bond (writer of the award-winning Harvest Saga); Cambria Hebert (of the popular YA Hashtag Series); Rysa Walker (2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards winner for her CHRONOS Files series); and Heather Hildenbrand, whose book Imitation has been optioned for television by NBC to be produced by Jerry Bruckheimer.
This free event is in its second year. With over 100 guests for the first year, attendance is expected to double as they travel from all over the country to visit Roanoke, VA. They will be able to meet their favorite authors and be introduced to new writers, win prizes, and take home swag. Free RAI tote bags will be given as first come, first serve, while RAI t-shirts will be available for purchase.
In addition, all attendees are invited back to the Holiday Inn for an afterparty from 7-10PM. Hosted by Forget the Housework, I’m Reading, City and Book and Brains, Beauty, BOOKS!
Tickets will be $20 sent to bookclubafterdark@gmail.com via Paypal. Price includes light appetizers, goodie bag and dancing. Proceeds benefit United Through Reading.
For more information, including how to get your free ticket, a full list of exhibitors, and the chance to volunteer for the event, visit http://roanokeauthorinvasion.com.

I'll be there with copies of Emancipation and 7 (plus, three of the authors will be at this signing)! *grin* I do hope to see as many of you as humanly possible.
Are you coming?
If you are, and you want to pre-order any of my books, fill out this form on Google Drive.
I'm so excited I can barely breathe! Are you excited?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Roanoke Author Invasion
Happy Thursday, everyone! Today, I'm going to be talking about an author signing event happening in Roanoke, Virginia, on April 2, 2016. Ready? Grab a cup of Jo and let's get going!
If you missed it, I did a radio interview with one of the wonderful ladies behind RAI, Liz C. Long, that you can catch up on here. It's about forty-five minutes, but we cover a ton of information about the event and surrounding area. Plus, Liz drops some information about next year that hasn't been revealed yet!
So, what is Roanoke Author Invasion?
From the website:
Join 30+ bestselling authors of contemporary and paranormal fiction and more at the Holiday Inn Tanglewood in Roanoke, Virginia, on April 2, 2016 from 12pm-4pm. Enjoy an afternoon of books, giveaways, and more as you get the latest releases from your favorite authors and discover new voices!
It's a mashup of authors and fans from all over who get together and share a love of books.
Here's the official Facebook page:
Roanoke Author Invasion
If you're a book blogger and would like to help promote the event, or if you'd just like to help out, you can volunteer here.
What do you think? Will you be checking it out?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
If you missed it, I did a radio interview with one of the wonderful ladies behind RAI, Liz C. Long, that you can catch up on here. It's about forty-five minutes, but we cover a ton of information about the event and surrounding area. Plus, Liz drops some information about next year that hasn't been revealed yet!
So, what is Roanoke Author Invasion?
From the website:
Join 30+ bestselling authors of contemporary and paranormal fiction and more at the Holiday Inn Tanglewood in Roanoke, Virginia, on April 2, 2016 from 12pm-4pm. Enjoy an afternoon of books, giveaways, and more as you get the latest releases from your favorite authors and discover new voices!
It's a mashup of authors and fans from all over who get together and share a love of books.
Here's the official Facebook page:
Roanoke Author Invasion
If you're a book blogger and would like to help promote the event, or if you'd just like to help out, you can volunteer here.
What do you think? Will you be checking it out?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
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