Showing posts with label Zombie Crawl. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zombie Crawl. Show all posts

Thursday, October 22, 2015

BOD Zombie Crawl 2 Blog Party - Origin of the Zombie

Happy Thursday, good people of the blogosphere! Short intro today; we're going right into the fun (I figured the title of the post and the next section were sufficient).

Zombie Crawl 2 - Blog Party

October 22 - 31, 2015

How it works: Each day, the scheduled authors and bloggers will post awesome zombie-tastic content for your enjoyment along with a giveaway on their site/blog/page. You can hop around to all of the participating sites and enter as many giveaways as you like! If you would like to be emailed links to the new posts each day, join this Zombie Crawl Daily Digest list which will ensure you don't miss a post (or join the party on Facebook to get notifications). Make sure to leave comments and interact with the participating sites. Thanks for joining the party!

Origin of the Zombie

From Wikipedia:
The English word "zombie" was derived from the original form "zombi" that first appeared in a story written by Robert Southey.

Okay, well, that's where the word came from. But, the idea of the zombie goes way, way back. A zombie was not, traditionally, walking dead that feasted on the flesh of other humans. Voodoo rituals that turned a person (living or dead) into a mindless slave is where the premise for the "creature" comes from. In the Haitian rituals, these creations were called thralls.

Those slaves did whatever they were ordered to do by the person that performed the ritual. In pictures, the zombies were depicted as regular looking humans with purely white eyes. They did not speak, and they tended to move slowly, traits the modern-day zombies retained.

In literature, zombies have played a major role. As far back as 1818, when the original Frankenstein was published by Mary Shelley, you see various forms: patched together beings, those controlled by magic, people who've been brainwashed, the literal living dead, virus born illnesses causing insanity and rot, and many more.

In film, zombies have been sensationalized. From Night of the Living Dead to World War Z, there are plenty of full-length movies out there that all depict zombies in various ways.

Because zombies have been around so long, there's a small chance of them falling out of favor anytime soon. Who knows what form the creatures will take over the next two hundred years, but I'm intrigued!

Here's the article on Wiki if you want to take a look at it.

Now, we get to the fun stuff! First up, the list of the participants! Everyone will have prizes, so be sure you visit them all!

The Schedule:

OCTOBER 22 - Thursday
Band of Dystopian Authors & Fans (Party & Grand Prize Host)
Jo Michaels Blog (author)
Rissa Blakeley (author)

OCTOBER 23 - Friday
Claire C. Riley (author)
2 Girls & A Book (blog)
Emily Shore (author)

OCTOBER 24 - Saturday
Kathy Dinisi (author)
Us Girls & A Book (blog)
The Voluptuous Book Diva (blog 18+)

OCTOBER 25 - Sunday
Casey L. Bond (author)
THE KATY blog (blog)

OCTOBER 26 - Monday
Saul Tanpepper (author)
Warren Fielding (author)
The Leighgendarium (blog)

OCTOBER 27 - Tuesday
Kody Boye (author)
Rhiannon Frater (author)
ER Arroyo (author)

OCTOBER 28 - Wednesday
Allen Gamboa (author)
Armand Rosamilia (author)
Ethan @ One Guy's Guide to Good Reads (blog)

OCTOBER 29 - Thursday
Kate L. Mary (author)
aftershockzombieseries (author)
Eli Constant (author)

OCTOBER 30 - Friday
Aria Michaels (author)
Brian Parker (author)
Mama Reads Hazel Sleeps (blog)

OCTOBER 31 - Saturday
Cindy Carroll (author)
M. R. Pritchard (author)
Toni L.H. Boughton (author)
Digital Dirty Girl (blog)

To learn more about Band of Dystopian and/or to enter our Grand Prize Giveaway, visit and don't forget to join the group on Facebook!

Now for my giveaway!

Best of luck to you all!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Get Ready - BOD Zombie Crawl 2 Starts Tomorrow

Happy Wednesday, everyone! EEP! Tomorrow is the super fantastic launch of the Band of Dystopian Zombie Crawl 2 Blog Party. Thought I'd warm you all up in preparation and give you the deets. Without further ado, here ya go!

Zombie Crawl 2 - Blog Party

October 22 - 31, 2015

How it works: Each day, the scheduled authors and bloggers will post awesome zombie-tastic content for your enjoyment along with a giveaway on their site/blog/page. You can hop around to all of the participating sites and enter as many giveaways as you like! If you would like to be emailed links to the new posts each day, join this Zombie Crawl Daily Digest list which will ensure you don't miss a post (or join the party on Facebook to get notifications). Make sure to leave comments and interact with the participating sites. Thanks for joining the party!

The Schedule:

OCTOBER 22 - Thursday
Band of Dystopian Authors & Fans (Party & Grand Prize Host)
Jo Michaels Blog (author)
Rissa Blakeley (author)

OCTOBER 23 - Friday
Claire C. Riley (author)
2 Girls & A Book (blog)
Emily Shore (author)

OCTOBER 24 - Saturday
Kathy Dinisi (author)
Us Girls & A Book (blog)
The Voluptuous Book Diva (blog 18+)

OCTOBER 25 - Sunday
Casey L. Bond (author)
THE KATY blog (blog)

OCTOBER 26 - Monday
Saul Tanpepper (author)
Warren Fielding (author)
The Leighgendarium (blog)

OCTOBER 27 - Tuesday
Kody Boye (author)
Rhiannon Frater (author)
ER Arroyo (author)

OCTOBER 28 - Wednesday
Allen Gamboa (author)
Armand Rosamilia (author)
Ethan @ One Guy's Guide to Good Reads (blog)

OCTOBER 29 - Thursday
Kate L. Mary (author)
aftershockzombieseries (author)
Eli Constant (author)

OCTOBER 30 - Friday
Aria Michaels (author)
Brian Parker (author)
Mama Reads Hazel Sleeps (blog)

OCTOBER 31 - Saturday
Cindy Carroll (author)
M. R. Pritchard (author)
Toni L.H. Boughton (author)
Digital Dirty Girl (blog)

To learn more about Band of Dystopian and/or to enter our Grand Prize Giveaway, visit and don't forget to join the group on Facebook!

How fun and exciting is this?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
