Monday, April 17, 2017

Great New BookTuber Discovered - Thoughts and Reflections on RAI 2017

Happy Monday, good people of the blogosphere! What a crazy few months it's been. My fingers are crossed this will be a regular thing once again. I miss my blog!

Anyway, today, I'm going to introduce you all to a new booktuber I met while at RAI, and throw a few of my thoughts out there on the event in general.

As you all know, I'm always on the lookout for folks willing to give their genuine opinions on books they read. Not only does this booktuber speak well, she's incredibly effervescent. Love watching her channel so far. While she and I were talking, she told me that if you send her an ARC, it's guaranteed to get a video review. Not a bad deal, in my opinion.

Be sure and check out her channel here "Steph's Rom Book Talk." Catch her RAI video here! Follow her Facebook page here!


Now, on to thoughts about RAI.

I've loved this event since last year (my first), and I can't say enough about the amazingness that's Liz C. Long. Roanoke Author Invasion is a true signing. There are no panels, no activities outside of the signing except the after party, and there are only authors in the signing hall. Fans get in FREE.

Yep, that's right, I said FREE.

Because of that, people come from far and wide to get their books signed, take photos with their favorite authors, and BUY BOOKS. They have more money in their pockets to purchase the books because they didn't have to pay to get in the door. Makes a ton of sense to me.

Plus, Liz does a fantastic job of marketing the event locally. She's on the news, in the papers, and on the radio constantly. Her event draws a huge crowd. I believe there were over 300 free tickets claimed this year.

Yeah, my jaw dropped, too.

In addition to the single day being a behemoth sales day, I also got to meet some fantastic bloggers and book reviewers (see Stephanie above). It was a constant stream of people coming by my table, engaging me in conversation, and admiring/buying my books. I must've handed out hundreds of prints of my book covers, and people snagged a gazillion Frayed Fairy Tale buttons.

You also get to take a ton of pictures. Fun and funny, or laid back and casual, you won't be sorry. I'm Batman in the first pic :D

All in all, I'd say, if you can attend this event as a reader, or be a signing author, don't think twice. Click the button. You get time with the authors you love, and that's one of the things that's most precious.

What events do you love?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


  1. My goal is to get to RAI next year. With the wedding coming up at the end of the month, it was too close of a turnaround and too much to add to my plate this year. But it's been on my list of must-gos since first hearing about it, so I am already looking forward to it.

    1. OMG no way! That would be EPIC! :D I hope I get invited back for 2018! :D


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