Wednesday, December 12, 2012

12 Days of Christmas Day 3

Happy Wednesday, good people of the blogosphere! Here we are on day 3 of my lovely 12 days of Christmas giveaway. What better way to get over the Wednesday blues than by winning something awesome? Congratulations to Crystal Marcos and Fel Wetzig! You've both won copies of every one of my books! I'll be in touch shortly to find out how to get you your prizes. Here are the screenshots from for today's drawing:
Thanks to everyone who participated!

Now for today: Wednesday, December 12 - Three people who comment will win an e-copy of The Abigale Chronicles - Book 1

How to enter:
Pop over to Amazon and tag the book, then leave a comment on this post telling me what fascinates you most about Louisiana.

Entries will close tomorrow morning at 8am and I'll put the entrants into and let it work its magic. Remember, three winners will be chosen!! You have a very good chance of winning. There will still be a day for you to pimp your book to me. Whichever day I choose, the number of winners will coincide with the number of indie books I'll buy. So, come on back and check every day! Good luck!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. OK, I think, from the writeup, that the book is empathetic! That's because I know your writing, and you always exhibit a great deal of empathy in your characters. As for what fascinates me most about Louisiana, I've only been there once, long ago, and it was Mardi Gras, so I guess the fact that I made it out alive is fascinating in itself... :-)

    1. Sandi! You were the only commenter so you win! I'll be in touch to find out how you want that book :) You rock, lady!


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