Thursday, December 13, 2012

12 Days of Christmas Day 4

Happy Thursday! Tomorrow is Friday and Day FIVE. You all know what that means! We only had one participant yesterday, Ms. Sandi Tuttle. So, she wins! Congratulations, Sandi! I'll be in touch shortly to find out where to send your prize! On to the fun for today!
The prize for Thursday, December 13 - Four people who comment will win an e-copy of The Abigale Chronicles - Book 2

Your topic for today is:
Cats! That's right, cats. Tell me about a cat you've either had or known and loved in a comment on this post. You have until 8am tomorrow to enter to win! I'll enter the names into and choose a winner at that time. Good luck to you all!

Remember, because they're ecopies, this giveaway is international.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. we once had a long-haired cat called "Queenie". she would be this limp, loving, purring ball of cat adoration except when she was needed to chase mice. then she was an A+ #1 ace cat ninja with mice hunting skills rivaling those of a greater cat. it was awesome to behold and fun to watch!

    1. I had one of those. She had the prettiest green eyes ever. Mine was named Gus. What a lovely story! Thanks for sharing.

    2. Oh! And please send me an e-mail so I can send you your prize. yassabook2012 at gmail Thanks again!

  2. Well, I once had a cat named Roary. She was actually my daughter's cat, but she decided she was my cat. Roary was a cloudy grey tabby, and her fur felt like chinchilla fur, with a pink undertone. She was pretty much a loner - not overly cuddly, I think she thought she was a watch cat. When we first got her, we had a dog named Princess. Princess was only about 60 lbs, and when Roary was a kitten, she would stalk her and play with her. Princess didn't mind - in fact, she hardly knew Roary was there. One day, I watched Roary stalk her from under the bed. As Princess laid there, Roary lept out, and attached herself to Princess' tail. A big, long plume of a tail. She wrapped all four legs around the tail, and started biting it. Princess looked up at me, wagging her tail. Every time she wagged, she thumped Roary into the carpet. She had no idea Roary was there, and Roary wasn't giving up... Finally, I detached Roary from her tail, and she dashed off to climb the curtains... Roary was a charmer, and I miss her.

    1. That is the cutest story! Love it! What a cute name, too. Makes her sound like a lion :)

  3. I actually have never had a cat, but I do have a cat story. I was in the Air Force and had just about a week left before I got out. I had out processed base housing and was staying at a friends home to house sit while they visited their family. They had a cat and I swear the cat loved toying with me. Whenever I least expected it, he appeared right next to my head scaring the dickens out of me. I'm not sure if I could say I was fond of him or not, but he certainly left an impression on me. Thanks for the 12 Days of Christmas Jo! I hope things are going well.

    Paul R. Hewlett

    1. Oh yes, cats are evil and wonderful all at the same time. He knew what he was doing. haha! Thanks for sharing, Paul!

  4. I never had a cat, but my in-laws have them. One of them was named Trouble. He belonged to my wonderful father-in-law, who passed away a few years ago. Trouble lived up to his name, and was always getting into trouble. But he was a loving, loyal cat to my father-in-law, and watching the two of them together was a very entertaining show.

    Trouble joined Dad about a year ago. I'm sure they're up to their antics again now.


    1. I love that name, Andrea! Trouble is so fitting for a cat. What a touching story. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I have had several cats in my life, but the one most loved was Caspian. I even have a blog dedicated to cats that I started when he passed on.

    1. I've seen/read that blog. I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your kitty. They get so close to our hearts, don't they? Thanks for sharing, Becky.

  6. My father was allergic to cats, so no cats growing up, and now my daughter is, so no cats in my near future. Just guess I wasn't meant to be a cat lady. :-)

    1. Well, drat! Maybe you can just be a Ms. Haversham? :) Eclectic all the same. hehe

  7. We have a cat named Boo that we just love. He thinks he's a little boy, I swear! He stands on his hind legs and loves to look out the front windows.

    1. I've seen your cat a couple of times on your blog. He's adorable. I have photos of a friend's son standing at the window looking out with their cat, BooBoo, just like that. SO cute! Thanks for sharing, Beth!


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