Tuesday, August 12, 2014

A Milestone on the Blog

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Wow. I looked at the number of posts I've written here on the blog today and noticed I breezed past six hundred last week. Today, I'll share with you some of the stats for the Jo Michaels blog. This'll be fun; so, strap in and let's get going!

As you all may know, I also have a blog over on Tumblr. It has the same content this one does, but I have different followers over there. Those folks like their information presented differently, so they choose to go that route. I'll share numbers from that blog, too!

This blog has:
  • 70 e-mail subscribers (of which 50 are verified and regularly click through to the posts)
  • 606 posts
  • Approximately 334,000 words (606 x 550)
  • 155,887 page views all time
  • An average of 213 page views per day (last 30 days was 6,394) and that number goes bananas around Christmas (and fluctuates down during the summer)
  • A categorized link list with 180 helpful, how-to posts on writing (and the business of self-publishing)
My most popular post? Human Nature: Situation Reaction with 2,036 views

My Tumblr blog has:
  • 500 posts
  • and no way to get stats on anything else
My most popular post? He Said, She Said, Who Said What? It's been shared so many times I've lost track.

I've been blogging since 2012, and I hope I've build a reputation as a go-to for writers and readers of great fiction.

But, you know what? It's not me who makes this blog worthwhile; it's all you readers of my ramblings who pop by here and say hello or just take in what I have to say that make the difference.

Thanks for being awesome and joining me on my crazy journey through Bloggerland. And, if you've taken a chance on my books, thank you, too. Readers are an author's lifeblood, and I have some of the most amazing fans on the planet.


I'm blown away by the support.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. Congrats, Jo! That's quite an accomplishment!

    1. Thanks, L. K.! I've been blogging a long time, I guess :) LOL

  2. Congrats! Incidentally, although I subscribe to your email, I will click in through the link on my blogroll. For some reason, there is sometimes nearly a day's delay between your post and when it shows up in my email.

    1. Thanks for subscribing :) If I don't get my post out before 9am, it doesn't go out until the next day. Bleh. But, most of the time, I manage. Lately it's been a crapshoot. LOL

  3. Congrats! Your blog is a go-to for so many reasons. Love ya, lady!

    1. Thanks :) Ditto, kiddo! Hope we can get together sometime before UtopYA next year.

  4. Congrats! Can't wait to read more posts =)

    1. Thanks! I just worked up a whole schedule of blog posts through December :)


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