Friday, August 1, 2014

A Young Adult Christmas Anthology

Happy Friday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'll be in my writing cave producing a short story for an anthology hosted by the ever affable Allyson Gottlieb. This post will be short. If you don't know who Allyson is, click her name to read my interview with her.

Anywho, I'm gonna give you a little information about my title that'll be included in this awesome collection of works (and there are some amazing authors in this book).

Title: The Frivolity Fairies
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal
Length: 6k-10k words
Short Description: What happens when fairies pay you a visit on Christmas Eve? Shirley Beaux is about to find out what the creatures behind her mother's Christmas bedtime story are really all about.

Releases in November of this year (exact date TBA). We also don't have a working title for the collection yet. I'll be bringing you more information as we get closer.

The price? That'll also be determined later. However, all proceeds will go to charity. That's right, every author is donating their stories!

How exciting is this? Kudos to Allyson for the great concept and her generous heart.

If you're a writer: What anthologies do you have coming out?

If you're a reader: Do you enjoy reading anthologies?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. I used to read anthologies. I used to read the "Best Science Fiction of the Year" anthologies and some science fiction anthologies on a common subject. I haven't read any anthologies recently, though.

    1. Well, you're gonna have two you must read. This one and a YA novel titled Fractured Glass written by five people :) SO COOL! Thanks for the comment, Alana :)


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