Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Fractured Glass and M Preorder Goodies

Happy Wednesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'm gonna tell you about some awesome goodies you can get when you buy my books at utopYA Con in June. I'm also gonna talk about the awesomeness IBGW will have at our table at the con. This is an image heavy post, so be prepared! Ready? Let's get going!

First up, here's the link to pre-order my books: Get Books by Jo Michaels

As you can see, anyone who buys Fractured Glass will get either earrings (we'll have many styles) or a bookmark of their choice. Here's what they look like:


Here's the goodie bits. For the first two people that pre-order M, I'm giving away this awesome t-shirt:

Everyone who pre-orders one or more of my books will have their name put in a drawing to win a copy of Fractured Glass signed by all five authors and a copy of M.

Now, for the IBGW table, we have this collection of books, these two awesome t-shirts (large - regular cut), and this cool canvas tote bag:

And will be adding these:

There are more, including a copy of M (cover not revealed yet), but we're waiting until the authors either publish or reveal their covers to add the images. All are signed by the authors and are paperbacks!

In addition, we'll also have 11x17 posters of a couple of covers we'll be giving away.

How fun, huh? I know you see some titles up there you've been wanting to get your hands on. So be sure and visit us.

What do you think? Exciting?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. Nice giveaways! The earrings are super pretty =)

    1. Thank you :) We loves them! Each one of the authors will have some, and we're dividing other cool swag the ladies have made hehe

  2. Love those earrings and bookmarks!

    1. Thanks, Jamie! Every finding correlates with some section or character in the novel :) We're excited about them. LOL

  3. From what I've read online, bookmarks are a fantastic promotional method [slightly surprised how many people said they were a great idea]. Another cunning move, Jo :)

    1. Thanks, Thaddeus! They seem to work well. I, Zombie has limited edition bookmarks, and they've been quite the hit.


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