Friday, May 1, 2015

UtopYA Con 2015 Thunderclap for Awards Voting

Happy Friday, everyone! I'm not gonna mess around here. I know you're all busy! Plus, I have a little incentive for your help. I'll get to what in a few. So, with that being said, let's get to the meat of today's post.

UtopYA Con is inviting you to join in helping spread the word about awards voting. This is a big deal because this con is the only one with their own awards program. It's very chic, and everyone gets dressed up in their finery to attend. Trophies are awarded for a number of different categories, all related to young adult and new adult novels. See the whole list and details about how nominees are chosen here.

See last year's winners here.

The most awesome part of all this is: You, the public, get to vote once the nominees are announced! That's right, if you have a favorite author attending the con, you can go on over there and show your support for their novels by voting for them.

But utopYA and the authors need your help to spread the word to fans everywhere! All we're asking is for one tiny support of our Thunderclap campaign Your Voice, Your Vote. It's FREE, so we really just want to borrow one (or more) of your social media outlets for one tiny post on May 8th.

Here's the link to sign up:

You can support with Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr (or all three). Makes no difference.

Want to see if authors you love have been nominated? Be sure and click the link on May 8th when we go boom! Then, if you see a book you loved, vote!

Now, here's the incentive I mentioned. If you support the Thunderclap, and share that you supported, with one of your social networks, you can enter below to win a utopYA 2015 t-shirt. It's easy: Support, share that you supported, copy the link, paste it in the entry form, click enter! Boom! Done!

If you've already supported, just share the Thunderclap and paste in the link where you did. Easy peasy.

You have until May 7th to support and enter! And... GO!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

How fun is this? Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


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