Blog Post Types for Authors:
- Excerpt - A little snippet of your current work
- Coming Soon - Title teasers that can contain snippets or other fun things (like the general idea behind the new work)
- Opinion - Something you feel bloggy/passionate about
- How-to - All about the sharing of techniques used to write a novel
- Cover Reveal - Exactly what it says
- Tour/Info Post - Sharing information about a title (yours or another author's) either in a blog tour or not
- Giveaway - Yeah, you know this one, too
- Interview - You talking with another author and them talking back
- Research - Stuff you looked up and found interesting
- Resources - Places readers can look stuff up
- Release Day Post - Yet another one that needs no introduction
Blog Post Types for Book Bloggers (reviewers):
- Excerpt - A snippet of an author's work
- TBR - A reviewer's list of books to be reviewed
- Book Review - Yeah, I don't think this one needs explanation, either
- How-to - Sharing where you got your books and where others can find them or how to write a review
- Tour/Info Post - Either part of a blog tour or not, putting out information about a title
- Stacking the Shelves/Book Haul - What books you added to your shelf over a week
- Giveaway - Again, you can glean the meaning here from the title
- Cover Reveal - Revealing the cover of an author's book
- Roundup - Some bloggers you love and recommend your readers follow
- Interview - An interview with an author or other book blogger
- Vlog - A video of your book review
- Photo - A picture of your books or shelves
If you ever find yourself stuck without an idea (you're making a schedule, right?), I hope this kicks your brain into overdrive.
Any questions?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
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