Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Types of Blog Posts for Authors and Book Bloggers

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Today, I'm gonna talk about alllll those different kinds of blog posts authors and book bloggers create. If you missed the fun yesterday, be sure and check it out here. That's a Cover Reveal post; one of the post types I'll be talking about here in a second. Please, keep in mind these are general posts and not every single one on the planet. Ready? Grab that pen and notebook and let's get going!

Blog Post Types for Authors:
  • Excerpt - A little snippet of your current work
  • Coming Soon - Title teasers that can contain snippets or other fun things (like the general idea behind the new work)
  • Opinion - Something you feel bloggy/passionate about
  • How-to - All about the sharing of techniques used to write a novel
  • Cover Reveal - Exactly what it says
  • Tour/Info Post - Sharing information about a title (yours or another author's) either in a blog tour or not
  • Giveaway - Yeah, you know this one, too
  • Interview - You talking with another author and them talking back
  • Research - Stuff you looked up and found interesting
  • Resources - Places readers can look stuff up
  • Release Day Post - Yet another one that needs no introduction
Now, that's not all the post types for authors, but it's enough to help you understand some of the options out there. Let's get into the next topic!

Blog Post Types for Book Bloggers (reviewers):
  • Excerpt - A snippet of an author's work
  • TBR - A reviewer's list of books to be reviewed
  • Book Review - Yeah, I don't think this one needs explanation, either
  • How-to - Sharing where you got your books and where others can find them or how to write a review
  • Tour/Info Post - Either part of a blog tour or not, putting out information about a title
  • Stacking the Shelves/Book Haul - What books you added to your shelf over a week
  • Giveaway - Again, you can glean the meaning here from the title
  • Cover Reveal - Revealing the cover of an author's book
  • Roundup - Some bloggers you love and recommend your readers follow
  • Interview - An interview with an author or other book blogger
  • Vlog - A video of your book review
  • Photo - A picture of your books or shelves
Again, these aren't all the post options. I'm just giving you something to brainstorm over. *grin*

If you ever find yourself stuck without an idea (you're making a schedule, right?), I hope this kicks your brain into overdrive.

Any questions?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


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