Monday, March 21, 2016

Last Chance to Enter Giveaways - EMANCIPATION Releases Tomorrow

Happy Monday! Oh my goodness! I'm chewing my fingernails off over here. Emancipation, Pen Pals and Serial Killers - Story One, releases tomorrow!

Use this link to the event on Goodreads to invite all your friends: GOODREADS EVENT

In celebration of this epic event, I'm going to give you all a recap of the awesome giveaways running right now (that end at midnight tonight), some inside information on this book, and a look at the next story in the series. Ready? Let's get going!

Giveaways running right now:

This one over on Goodreads (two copies up for grabs).

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Emancipation by Jo Michaels


by Jo Michaels

Giveaway ends March 22, 2016.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Enter Giveaway

This one on the Facebook release party event page. Join us HERE.
This one on the IBGW blog.

All the things end at midnight tonight or 11AM EST tomorrow!

Now, for the inside information. *grins*

In the back of the paperback AND hardcover version, you'll find the entire first part of Dark Bishop, titled Pawn, by Casey L. Bond and Rachel Brownell. See my review for the whole book here.

In the Kindle version, you not only get Pawn, but you also get a look inside Inger Iversen's Incarcerated.

That's TWO bonus reads, and I can't tell you how flipping excited I am about it.

Now, I have a surprise for you all! I have the next book in the Pen Pals and Serial Killers book all plotted out (and I'm a couple thousand words in). Ready for details? I bet you are! *grins*

Title: Provocation (Pen Pals and Serial Killers - Story Two)
Author: Jo Michaels
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Length: TBD
Expected Publication Date: Late 2016


Doctor Victoria Ward has been killing men for over thirty years. Her victims all have one thing in common: they’re abusive. Righteousness is a close companion—it helps her sleep at night—and she holds the virtue closely as she defends the innocent, upholding the law when it won’t rise to protect those who need it most. When she meets a young girl named Kelly, and follows her down a twisted path of deception, Doc Ward finds herself face-to-face with a ghost from her past. Never before has she wavered in her resolve—but can she defend another against someone she loves?

How excited are you for this book?

Keep your eyeballs peeled, and get ready for the most amazing release party of the year over on Facebook tomorrow! 

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for you Jo! *Squee* I also cannot wait to get my own copy!


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