Tuesday, May 31, 2016

New Release - Blossom and the Beast

Blossom and the Beast
Author: RS McCoy
A Beauty and the Beast Retelling
Release Date: May 31, 2016


*A Paranormal Romance retelling of Beauty and the Beast*

Blossom Frane is only weeks away from her transformation. On her eighteenth birthday, she’ll find out her future branch of society and her totem, the animal form she’ll be able to take at will for the rest of her life. Like her brothers, she’s expected to be a brown bear of the religious branch known as Terra. 

In the Alderwood forests, Blossom’s bear blood is a valuable asset. Any day now, a rival clan leader will step forward and offer her father a hefty bounty in exchange for her hand in marriage. Blossom can do nothing more than sit back and wait to be traded to the highest bidder.

Determined to spend her last weeks exploring the Alderwood, Blossom sneaks away and manages to find Kaide Landel, a rising political star of the Pyro branch. Known for his violence and disregard for the religious teachings of the Terra branch, he’s all wrong for the bear clan’s prized daughter. But when the politician uses his wealth and influence to secure her hand, Blossom has no choice but to leave her family and marry him—if she lives that long.


Beauty and the Beast has long been my favorite old school Disney movie and this book has some serious undertones with Beauty and the Beast references. Sometimes this doesn't work so well, but here the references are perfectly placed and pulled at my heart strings. Clarice's Book Nook

I adored the characters (especially Kaide but also Blossom ­­ she's such a strong­willed character!) the story, and McCoy's wonderful and gripping writing style. BooksEnchanted

The story is fast paced and apart from Blossom and Kaide's romance, there is plenty of suspense, political manipulation and intrigue in Kaide's career as a politician that will affect and change his and Blossom's lives forever! All this and more is handled with ease by RS McCoy and I loved her writing style and know that I will be checking out her other books too while I wait for the next book in this series. NjKinny's World of Books and Stuff

Author Bio: 

Rachel McCoy is a Texan living in New Jersey. Between binge­watching MTV reality shows and baking gluten­free treats, she writes paranormal fantasy and science fiction novels. She is the self­published author of the Sparks Saga trilogy, The Extraction Files, and The Alder Tales series. Back when she lived in the real world, Rachel earned a degree in marine biology, which contributed to her die­hard love of manta rays.


What do you think? Gonna pick up a copy?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, May 27, 2016

Geneva Lee Announces New Release - GILT: By Invitation Only - Win an ARC!

New York Times and internationally best-selling author, Geneva Lee, announces new GILT Series -- described as "Veronica Mars" meets "Pretty Little Liars" --with a provocative cover reveal. GILT: By Invitation Only, which will hit shelves on Tuesday, May 31st, has already stirred a bit of controversy online because of its cover. A close-up picture of the delicate pink petals of a rosebud, it has readers' wondering whether it's symbolic of female genitalia.

While Lee is leaving interpretations of the cover up to the fans, she has this to say about the series: "It has been the ultimate guilty pleasure to write. I think that's because it combines that amazing visceral sensation of first love with scandal and bad boys, lies and murder. With GILT, I've given my wicked side free reign, and honestly, I'm having such a fun time with these characters."

Lee had originally intended the series to take place in the south, but after a recent trip to Las Vegas had her wondering what it would be like to grow up in the dark, gritty, and glamorous place, she was inspired to shift gears and setting to explore the world known as Sin City through the eyes of protagonist, Emma Southerly. Emma, who was raised in Vegas, but is an outsider to its elite circles, will have to discover if she's a pawn or a player in dangerous games.

In addition to the suggestive cover, the marketing of the series promises to be as engaging as the twists and turns contained within it, starting with a Las Vegas-themed casino party at UTOPiA reader and writer con in Nashville, TN on Saturday, June 25th. The sold-out party will entertain 500 guests, including fellow authors, fans, industry influencers, book cover models, and fans, before the Fifth Annual UTOPiA Awards that night.

Lee confirms three books in the GILT series will be released rapid fire in 2016.

 JOIN the sinful cocktail hour hosted by Geneva Lee at UTOPiAcon! Saturday, before the awards, in the Crown Ballroom at the Millennium Maxwell House at 6:30PM CST.

Add it to your Sched here!

About GILT: By Invitation Only: In a world with too much money and not enough rules, anything goes. Welcome to Belle Mère, the most exclusive zip code outside the Las Vegas Strip. It's every sinner's fantasy and every good parent's worst nightmare.

Emma Southerly doesn't belong at Belle Mère Prep despite her new stepfather's money. Not after she shunned her invite to the popular table, and especially not after what happened last summer. So when her best friend begs her to crash an invite-only, end of the year party, she should say no with a capitol H-E-L-L.

It's just a party. What could go wrong?

Getting kicked out to start. Running into the man who destroyed your family.


Until she meets Jamie, who's also hiding from the in-crowd. After spending the night with the cute stranger, Emma barely makes it home before news hits Belle Mère's brunch tables. A body's been found on the West estate, and Jamie is the number one suspect. But he couldn't have done it…right?

Emma isn't sure she can trust him or the rest of Belle Mère. After all, no one is safe when everyone is a liar.

About Geneva Lee: Geneva Lee is the New York Times bestselling author of the Royals Saga. She prefers fantasy to reality, especially fantasies involving powerful, dangerous, and sexy men. You can find her devouring a good romance while avoiding the laundry and the children. She lives in Kansas City with her family, but she can be found online at: www.facebook.com/genevaleeauthor

Now, enter to win an ARC of GILT: By Invitation Only!

SEVEN ARCs are up for grabs.

Excited yet? Me too!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, May 26, 2016

Release Day - Chasing Eternity

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Release Blitz

Chasing Eternity


Tia Silverthorne Bach

CE first cover
It’s finally here!
About Chasing Eternity
Defeating evil will require Reagan to place her trust in unexpected allies and reconsider the loyalties of her inner circle.
A team is only as strong as its weakest link.
Trusting in angels and instructions from above will be the cornerstone of her pack’s strategy to put an end to Rafe and his demon army.
But his connections and powers run deep.
Reagan’s pack must come together and be willing to sacrifice everything to save mankind. But along the way, she’ll suffer heartache.
Anguish for herself and those closest to her.
Still, nothing can stop what has been foretold. Fate has determined the end game, but divine intervention supports the victor.
Lucent CE teaser
Available on Amazon
Free on KU
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About the Author
Tia Author PicSepia
Tia Silverthorne Bach has been married to her college sweetheart for twenty years, has three beautiful girls, and adores living in sunny California. Her daughters were born in Chicago, San Diego, and Baltimore; and she feels fortunate to have called many places home. She believes in fairy tales and happy endings and is an avid reader and rabid grammar hound.
She is an award-winning, multi-genre author and an Editor for Indie Books Gone Wild. From an early age, she escaped into books and believes they can be the source of healing and strength. If she’s not writing, you can find her on the tennis court, at the movies, reading a good book, or spooning Jif peanut butter right out of the jar.
Connect with the Author:
Sign up for her Author newsletter
Available Books:
Chasing Memories (Tala Prophecy, Book 1)
Chasing Shadows (Tala Prophecy, Book 2)
Chasing Forgiveness (Tala Prophecy novella)
Chasing Destiny (Tala Prophecy, Book 3)
Fractured Glass: A Novel Anthology
7: The Seven Deadly Sins
Heart Chatter (women’s fiction)
Coming Soon:
Saint’s Grove novel (NA paranormal romance)
Hosted by SASS
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Friday, May 13, 2016

UTOPiAcon 2016 Fifth Annual Awards Voting is Live

Happy Friday, everyone! Yay! The UTOPiAcon 2016 FIFTH annual awards voting is officially live! YAY!
I'll get to the link in a second. First, I'm giving you all a disclaimer:

There are THIRTY ONE categories. If you don't see all 31, please access the ballot from a different browser.

Moving on!

If you don't have your tickets to the conference yet, get them NOW. Go here. You only have 40 days until it all happens, and You don't want to be the only girl not at the party!

Now, if you're ready, and only if you're ready, click here to vote for your favorites!

Authors, if you're one of the nominees, I'll have a badge you'll be able to display on your website or the social media platform(s) of your choice next week. Come on back for that!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, May 12, 2016

New Release - Myst

myst available banner   Release Blitz
Stacie Wilson


Two worlds separated by magic. The future of both rests in her hands. Surrounded by a loving family and her two best friends, Brianna St. James’ life has been filled with love and happiness. Now that she’s graduated from high school, her only worry should be what major to declare in the fall. But when nightmares plague her, and unexplainable things start to happen, any hopes for a simple life flicker and fade. Drustan, her sworn Guardian and protector, has been sent to bring her home. Now he must help her remember a past that was taken from her and protect her from the dark forces that would see her dead. Two worlds. One hope. Her.

YA Urban Fantasy 

Buy link http://wp.me/P4n7JZ-92   
 myst teaser    
Author Bio 

Do you believe in magic? I do. Words have the ability to conjure magical worlds that can whisk us away from our everyday lives. There is magic everywhere, you just have to look. I am originally from sunny Southern California but now call Nashville, Tennessee home with my husband, daughter and our three fur-kids (dogs). You can stop by and say hello to me at: 

My Website
Twitter @theStacieWilson  

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Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Meet Two of the Authors of the Official Utopia Anthology - Revolution - and Order Your Copy NOW

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Today, I'm all about the OFFICIAL UTOPiAcon2016 anthology REVOLUTION. You remember voting on the entries back in January/February, right? Well, they've finally been packaged together and made pretty! Below, you'll find out how to get a copy. I also have the honor of highlighting two of the participating authors! Read on!

About the anthology:

A 5th Year Anniversary Anthology for UTOPiA

A diverse and celebratory collection of stories based on the theme of Revolution.

With eight stories written in a variety of genres, from Paranormal Romance, to Sci-Fi Dystopia, to Magic Realism, to Political Realism, the anthology, ‘Revolution’ is a page-turning, myriad collection of voices from different times and places, but all with a strong positive message about the power each of us hold to make change in the world. 

FOREWORD by Janet Wallace, Founder of UTOPiA http://www.utopiacon.com/
ABOUT by Carlyle Labuchagne, Founder of Help Build A Library in South Africa Foundation. http://www.carlylelabuschagne.com/

Raye Wagner: Narcos
Christina Benjamin: Wings Of Liberty
Jessie Campbell: Sacrifice
Kelly Risser: Rise From The Ashes
Desira Fuqua: Rebellion
Caroline A. Gill: All The Good In The World
Tricia Zoeller: The Last Thunderbird
Nooce Miller: Shattering Glass

PUBLISHER: Little Bird Publishing House. London. www.thelittlebirdbookstore.com

As the Anthology is a charity project, it’s important that we don’t over-order copies, so that we can maximise the amount of profit going to the ‘Help Build A Library In South Africa Foundation’. Although there will be some copies available on the days of the convention, please help us by pre-ordering and securing your copy using the pre-order form.


Raye Wagner: Narcos

They are invincible. Words spoken so often they are believed to be true. The Narcos follow their own rules. The people, the laws, even the government bow to the power of the drug traffickers. And they will either pay off or kill anyone that stands in their way. An annual twenty-thousand deaths within the blood-soaked borders of Mexico attest to this fact.

In Xtepal, Rai Madra’s life is interrupted by the arrival of the the Narcos. The drug traffickers invade and subdue the small town, but a young Rai turns a blind eye to the growing parasite. As his friends cross the threshold into adulthood, the Narcos pressure each of them to take sides. When tragedy strikes, Rai will need to risk everything to expose the biggest lie of all.

The Narcos are not invincible.

Inspired by actual events in the city of Tepalcatepec, Michoacan, Mexico.

Christina Benjamin: Wings Of Liberty

On a dark and misty night, Paul Revere, Civil War revolutionary, is undertaking what will become his famous midnight ride, only it’s not just enemies lurking in the woods he needs to fear. Beautiful, mercenary witches have aligned themselves with the enemy and are intent on ensuring Paul Revere’s destined dash to the Sons Of Liberty never succeeds.

‘A fun blend of history, magic, love, and revolution.’

Jessie Campbell: Sacrifice

After the nuclear winter wiped out the rest of the planet, the last remaining city is under the dictatorship of the powerful Lord of the Dead. To protect her little brother, a sixteen-year-old girl makes the ultimate sacrifice and volunteers to join the army of dead soldiers. But something goes horribly wrong, and she’s put her family in grave danger. Only a revolution can protect them now...

Kelly Risser: Rise From The Ashes

Over a century and a half ago, a volcano exploded, wiping out life as we know it. A group of scientists and their families escaped to an underground bunker. What had been their salvation is now a prison to Connie, a seventeen-year-old descendent. She longs for freedom, fresh air, and sunshine, and battles the complacency of her friends and family. Like her hero, Amelia Earhart, she will stop at nothing for the sake of adventure.

Desira Fuqua: Rebellion

In an attempt to overthrow a domineering, tyrant-king, Thera and her rebels group together with the hope of returning democracy to their people, but revolution is a bloody endeavor and not without terrible losses. Thera can only hope that the price of freedom is worth it.

Caroline A. Gill: All The Good In The World

Time is running out. Daydreamers, the holders of the portals Between, have always held open the doors of Creation. Now they are all dead - except for Allie, the one woman Joshua, one of the last TimeKeepers, loves more than life. What is the cost of sacrifice? What will he pay for the one he loves?

Tricia Zoeller: The Last Thunderbird

A rebellious girl. An ancient creature. One shot at freedom.

Anna, also known as Little Bird, has experienced terrible loss in her life, but then something triggers a spark in her to question everything she’s known to be true.

As the mining town of Menolark abandons many of its Native American traditions, Anna uncovers a nest of corruption at the heart of their community, which she believes has led to an eternal thunder that threatens to suppress, and ultimately abolish their way of life forever. If anything is to be salvaged, then Anna must defy her elders and undertake a terrifying initiation ceremony.

Nooce Miller: Shattering Glass

An eerie plague decimates the world’s population just as a new ice age strikes the globe. Olympic archer Greer Mason is searching the frozen desolation of North America for her lost love, Boone. A note in his apartment leads her to the ruins of New York City, but the amazing high-rise greenhouse and survivor settlement Greer finds there is not what it seems.


Open to all those attending UTOPiA (Hamper to be collected from the Anthology Stand)

Hamper prize to include; Signed Paperback copy of ‘Flying Away’ by Caroline Gill, and a signed poster of ‘Mango’. A Signed Paperback copy of 7, and special mystery swag pack from Kelly Risser. An Amazon gift card and Mystery Swag pack from Christina Benjamin. A paperback of Dark Heart Anthology Vol I and II and mystery swag pack From Little Bird Publishing & Katie M. John. An eBook of both Curse of the Sphinx and Demigods and Monsters by Raye Wagner & other swag items



Raye Wagner grew up just outside of Seattle, Washington. As the second of eight children, she was surrounded by chaos and escaped the mayhem by reading. Raye studied the art of medicine long before she had an interest in the Gods or Mount Olympus, and still practices part-time as a nurse practitioner. One sunny afternoon the myth of the Sphinx dropped into Raye’s mind, and she started writing.

She creates young adult fiction for teens and adults.

Raye enjoys Tae Kwon Do, baking, and spending time with family. She and her husband live in the suburbs of Nashville, Tennessee with their three children, a dog, and room full of reptiles.


What is the title of your story in the UTOPiA Anthology?

What is your short story about?
It was inspired by actual events in the city of Tepalcatepec, Michoacan, Mexico.
They are invincible. Words spoken so often they are believed to be true. The Narcos follow their own rules. The people, the laws, even the government bow to the power of the drug traffickers. And they will either pay off or kill anyone that stands in their way. An annual twenty thousand deaths within the blood-soaked borders of Mexico attest to this fact.
In Xtepal Rai Madra’s life is interrupted by the arrival of the the Narcos. The drug traffickers invade and subdue the small town, but a young Rai turns a blind eye to the growing parasite. As his friends cross the threshold into adulthood, the Narcos pressure each of them to take sides. When tragedy strikes, Rai will need to risk everything to expose the biggest lie of all.
The Narcos are not invincible.

Was this a familiar genre / style for you?
No! I had to do a lot of research on the drug trade/traffickers, and was floored by what I found. By virtue of the subject matter, the story is mostly dark and heavy (although I tried to keep it from being graphically so), and writing it felt at times the same. But the story had to be told. It hounded and persisted in haunting me until it was written. Truth is, it still haunts me.

How did the story come to you?
My husband saw a video on YouTube about a small town in Mexico that kicked out all the drug traffickers. I wanted to tell their story, but I don’t speak Spanish, so I relied on Jason to sum up what Dr. Mireles said in his youTube video. I tried to stay true to the thematic elements of the beginning of their revolution, although everything else is fiction. The characters came to me very clearly, as well as their individual parts. There is a lot more to the story, and at one point I thought I would write two books. Maybe some day I will.

What book / series are you best known for?
Curse of the Sphinx is my debut novel, released August 2015. The second in the series, Demigods and Monsters, comes out April 25, 2016. It is YA urban fantasy/mythology.

UTOPiA and You:
When my neighbor texted me about a writing conference in here in Nashville in 2012 I had just finished my first draft of Curse of the Sphinx. Little did I know how much that conference would change my writing path. I fangirled for the first time, bonded with authors I’m still friends with, and found a local writing group that has provided invaluable feedback for my writing. Utopia is the reason I am where I am today.

Post Script: My Authorly Advice.
Take risks. Take big scary risks. In your writing, in your marketing, and in your relationships. Ask for help. Seriously. And when you can, pay for help. Surround yourself with those that buoy you up, because you’ll need it on this path of writing. Being an author isn’t a solitary journey. Far from it. If it is, you’re probably doing something wrong (or maybe a lot of things).
There’s a lot to say to someone starting the path, but most wisdom comes from experience. So take risks, put yourself out there, find friends. Find editors, graphic designers, proofreaders, critique partners, marketing gurus… But mostly find friends. And take those leaps!



Tricia lives in Marietta, Georgia with her husband, Lou, her little yappy dog, Lola Belle, and her big orange mutant cat, George. Her two stepsons, Joseph and Robert, make stopovers as well, making sure to keep life an adventure.

Writing has always been a part of her life—like breathing and chocolate. She tells stories full of mystery, magic, and mayhem. Urban fantasy First Born grips the reader from the first page, bringing him/her on a harrowing adventure, chock full of Chinese mythology.

The Darkling Chronicles, comprised of five novellas, features a portal story for the Young Adult/New Adult audience. Step through the portal to a world full of shadowcasters, dragon lords, nymphs, sprites, and satyrs.


What is the title of your story in the UTOPiA Anthology?
The Last Thunderbird

What is your short story about?
A rebellious girl…an ancient creature…one shot at freedom.
Anna or Little Bird has experienced quite a bit of loss in her life.
At the beginning of the story, something triggers a spark in her to question everything she’s known to be true. The more she uncovers, the more she questions.
The mining town of Menolark has embraced the wealth of the mines but forgotten many Native American traditions. No matter the sacrifice, people have become complacent in following their leader, Mayor John, who consults divining crystals for guidance.
Her grandmother, Awenasa, believes Mayor John brought the eternal thunder into their world by honoring those traditions that serve him and ignoring the rest. This perversion of their customs has reduced the values of the people and suppressed their free will. Anna finds herself having to choose between what’s expected and what’s right.

Was this a familiar genre / style for you?
Yes. I love fantasy and things steeped in mythology. I also love strong female characters so the theme of rebellion spoke to me.

How did the story come to you?
I live in Georgia and am surrounded by the history of the Cherokee. I knew I wanted a story with a Native American feel. I started researching mythology. I kept thinking about a creature and a mountain. My husband hikes all the time and has a library of nonfiction books about Native Americans. I asked him if he’d run across anything about a mountain. He brought back his hiking map with information about Standing Indian Mountain. It sparked my imagination, and I was off and running.

What book / series are you best known for?
First Born and The Darkling Chronicles.

What’s your UTOPiA experiences?
I went to UTOPiA for the first time last year. It’s like coming home. Writing can be such an isolating process, but it’s great to commune with kindred spirits and recharge your batteries. I hope I can attend almost every year.

I’m honored to be in this anthology with such gifted authors and to serve such a wonderful cause. When I met Carlyle last year and found out about building a library in South Africa, I was so moved and inspired. I think she represents everything UTOPiA is about—innovation, giving back, and lifting while you climb.

Well, there they are, folks! Wooohooo! I hope you grab yours. You better BET I grabbed mine!

Until next time, WRITE ON!
