Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Cover Reveal - The Geneva Project Prequels: The Floating Stone

This short story gives us a glimpse into Sparrow and Journey’s relationship. 
Fall in love with these characters all over again when you find out how they first met and why they fiercely protect each other. 
The Floating Stone will give their epic roles in the 4th and final book of The Geneva Project series even more significance. 

Length: 6k Words (Kindle Short Reads 45 mins or less)
Genre: Dystopian YA
Release Date: May 31, 2016

 Sparrow and Journey are best friends, but they couldn’t be less alike. Journey is the quiet brooding type, while Sparrow has always been the bubbly, hopeful one. But when Sparrow’s floating stone seems to bestow its magic upon Journey, it’s Sparrow who starts having doubts. Is the floating stone really magic? Will it bring Sparrow and Journey what they’ve always wanted? Or will they find they had everything they need all along? 

The Marauded Mariner’s Hymn

Gods of sea and gods of light,
Let me be another night. 

Up and down the ravaged shore,
Let me seek my love once more. 

Among the debris lay things so still,
Things that make me pale and ill. 

What is stone and what is bone?
The sea hisses and howls, I am alone.

But waves and peril will not shake my hope,
My love is stronger than a hangman’s rope. 

Despite the call from briny throats. 

I never forget its hope that floats. 

Christina Benjamin is the Award-Winning Author of the Young Adult series The Geneva Project.

Her debut novel, The Geneva Project - Truth, has won multiple awards, including the Gold Medal for YA fiction at the 2014 Florida Authors & Publishers Awards.

The Geneva Project offers fans of mega-hit YA fiction like Harry Potter, The Hunger Games and Percy Jackson a new series to obsess over. Christina paints a vivid world, where magic and imagination run wild in her epic tale of adventure, courage, friendship and self-discovery.

Christina lives in Florida with her husband, and her character inspiring pets, where she spends her free time working on her book series and speaking at schools to inspiring creativity in young writers.

FAPA President's Gold Medal (YA Fiction)

London Book Festival - Runner-Up (Young Adult Category)

"Top Choice" - www.litpik.com

Readers Favorite- Silver Medal(YA Fiction)

Bookie Award- Favorite New Author

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