Friday, May 13, 2016

UTOPiAcon 2016 Fifth Annual Awards Voting is Live

Happy Friday, everyone! Yay! The UTOPiAcon 2016 FIFTH annual awards voting is officially live! YAY!
I'll get to the link in a second. First, I'm giving you all a disclaimer:

There are THIRTY ONE categories. If you don't see all 31, please access the ballot from a different browser.

Moving on!

If you don't have your tickets to the conference yet, get them NOW. Go here. You only have 40 days until it all happens, and You don't want to be the only girl not at the party!

Now, if you're ready, and only if you're ready, click here to vote for your favorites!

Authors, if you're one of the nominees, I'll have a badge you'll be able to display on your website or the social media platform(s) of your choice next week. Come on back for that!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


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