Thursday, July 28, 2016

So You Wanna Make a .Mobi from MS Word

Happy Thursday, everyone! Yeah, I missed my post from yesterday, but I needed at least one day off this week. *grin* Today, I'm gonna talk about how to make a .mobi file from an MS Word document. Screenshots are provided. Ready? Let's get going!

Let me be very clear on one thing. You cannot output a .mobi document from MS Word (not yet, anyway). So, I'm showing you how to create one online.

Go to your KDP author account on Amazon. If you don't have one, make one. Click Sign in.

Next, click Create New Title in the little box on the top left:

Scroll alllll the way to the bottom where you see these:

Click the relevant buttons above and upload your book files. Remember!
Images must meet the following requirements:
  • TIFF (.tif/.tiff) or JPEG (.jpeg/.jpg) format
  • At least 1000 pixels on the longest side, with an ideal height/width ratio of 1.6. 2500 pixels on the longest side is preferred.
Now you wait a few minutes.

A few more...

Okay! When you see this, you're ready to go!

Here's where the magic happens! Click download book preview file:

and Save (NOTE: if you happened to fill out the title info above, then it'll show up here as the file name):

There's your .mobi from your MS Word document! If you don't want to publish this book EVER, you can go back to your dashboard right now by clicking in the bottom left corner:

Then hover over the ... and clicking delete like so:

Confirm deletion, and you're done!

I hope that helps some of you! If you have questions, pop them in the comments!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


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