Wednesday, July 13, 2016

New from the Ferocious Five - Authors of Fractured Glass and 7

OMG it's hump-day! If you make it to lunch today, that means you'll have made it halfway through the workweek! Hang in there. I know you can do it.

Today, I'm telling you all a little about the Ferocious 5 (how we met, and how you may find our fan group on Facebook) and teasing you about our upcoming project. Ready? Let's get going!

As you all may know, I write with a group of four other women. I'll introduce you here really quickly, and then we'll move on to how we started writing together (clicking their names will take you to their Facebook pages).

Casey L. Bond - Our marketing, bad-ass trailer making, social media dominating sweetie.

Kelly Risser - Our romantic, motivating, killer swag master darling.

N. L. Greene - Our enthusiastic, party planning like a boss, keeping everyone on task sweetheart.

Tia Silverthorne Bach - Our no-nonsense editing, bad-ass accounting, pep-talking dearest.
Me? I do the art! Oh yeah, baby. Groovy. (That was to be read in an Austin Powers voice. Seriously, go back and read it again the right way.)

But the one thing ALL these ladies have in common is: They're all amazing writers. I'm so lucky to have the opportunity to work with them. Each and every one brings something special to the table.

I found them by putting out a call for entries to an anthology. Itching to do something different, I proposed a collection of novellas (no one was doing anything of the sort back then) rather than short stories. They all sent me a writing sample, and it grew from there.

What we ended up with was far beyond anything I'd hoped for.

We met face-to-face for the first time at UtopYA (now Utopia--tickets for 2017 here) 2014 to brainstorm our first collaborative. Many of us had never seen one another, but that one meeting forged a bond that's lasted through two full-length novels, Fractured Glass and 7. For some reason, we just clicked.

We've won awards.

We've been there through ups and downs in life.

We've become very close friends.

We even went as far as to name ourselves, get a logo, and form a fan group over on Facebook. Join us!

When we wrote Fractured Glass, I wondered how in the hell we'd ever top that. Then we wrote 7, and I was positive we'd written the best thing ever (seriously, it's that good). Now, our new project, while fun, stands to be the most amazing thing we'll have accomplished as a team.

It's going to be a lot of work, but I promise you, it'll be FUN for you, as the reader, too!

I'm not going to reveal the title just yet, but I am going to tell you that you've never read anything like it. It's totally unique, but it's also reader interactive.

I can't wait to share the details with you.

For now, why not check out the trailer for 7 and listen to an interview we all did with the one and only Ethan Gregory! You'll hear more about us, and you'll get some insider scoop.

Are you excited? What are you hoping to see out of us this time?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


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