Saturday, November 5, 2016

99 Cent Sale! Enigma by Danielle Bannister - November Only!

Happy surprise Saturday, lovely people of the blogosphere! Today, I have an awesome sale for you all! For the month of November, you can pick up Enigma by Danielle Bannister for just 99 pennies (regular price is $3.99, so this is one heck of a deal).

Let's get to the details, shall we?

Title: Enigma
Author: Danielle Bannister
Genre: Adult Romantic Suspense
Length (print): 297 pages
Buy Links: Amazon Kindle, iBooks, Smashwords - $0.99 (Limited time)


I’m the girl no one sees. The bum on the street corner you avert your eyes from. The child no one loved. The lost soul no one sees fit to save. A person could go crazy being that alone, but not me. I dug myself out of hell and carried the flames with me. Therapists would call me a pyromaniac if they ever found out my secret. I will always remain an enigma; the puzzle piece that just won’t fit.

Since I’m 18, I’ve decided to take charge of my life. Start over. Get a job…then disappear into the populace on my own terms. That was the plan. Until I ended up in Mullen, Nebraska and met Kyle King. He showed me a quiet peaceful life on a farm that was built with love and warmth. The kind of warmth even my precious fire couldn’t provide. Instead of dismissing me like the rest of the world, he chose to look right at me.

Maybe the world wasn’t so cruel.

Or maybe my downward spiral was just beginning.


About the author:

Danielle Bannister lives with her two children in Midcoast Maine along with her precious coffee pot and peppermint-mocha creamer. She holds a BA in Theatre from the University of Southern Maine and her Masters degree in Literary Education from the University of Orono. She has written: a collection of short stories called: SHORT SHORTS, The Twin Flames Trilogy: PULLED, PULLED BACK, and PULLED BACK AGAIN, THE ABC'S OF DEE and ENIGMA. She is also a contributing writer to the website, Venus Scribe. In addition, her work can also be found in the following anthologies: 2012 Goose River Anthology, 2012 Writeous Anthology, 2013 Maine Writes: Maine National Writing Project Anthology; and, 2013 The
Stroke of Midnight: A Supernatural New Year's Anthology.

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We all know how much I adore a good thrill ride, so this will be on my Kindle shortly. *grin*

What do you think? Gonna pick it up?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


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