Tuesday, March 7, 2017

A Free Coloring Page and Custom Teas

Guess what? Oh! Wait. I forgot! Happy Tuesday, everyone! I hope you all had a magnificent Monday, and you're raring to go for the rest of the week. I know I am. So excited! Oodles of news for you all today, so strap in!


We've decided to give you all a FREE page from the War and Pieces ~ Frayed Fairy Tales coloring book.

*happy dancing*
Get it here.

Please don't sell it or distribute it for monetary gain. This is for all those of you who'd like to color Cinderella's shoe!

Here's a peek at the shoe (this one is smaller than the one on the link and won't print well):

If you want to color one of the other shoes, you gotta grab the whole book. It seems Amazon has discounted it to just over $6!!! WOW!! Check it out.

Get the whole coloring book here.

Now for some really cool news. Ms. Kelly Risser has created custom blended teas for fans of the series. You just have to go check out the page and all the amazing teas. Of course, Aurora's is decaf, and Gretel's comes with sprinkles! *wink*

Here's the link to the fandom and a couple of screenshots of the teas:

All the teas:

And a reallllly cool tin design for the large size:

Whatchall think? Did you get some tea or download the printable coloring page?

So many exciting things are happening!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


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