Monday, February 10, 2025

Busier'n a One-Armed Paper Hanger in a Wind Storm - Book Recipe Updates

Hello, and HAPPY MONDAY, good people of the blogosphere! I bet you all thought I forgot about today's post, huh? I didn't. I've just been busy coming up with new recipes for the next books in the Recipe for Redemption series. I kinda figured, since I had all weekend (hubby was away), I'd spend my time on recipes for books two AND three. Book three is Frankie's story. :D

I managed to get several recipes nailed all the way down, but I still need to do the gluten-free corn cookie (the most important? yes). Thing is, I was out of corn jelly. Fast forward to Sunday, and my poor jelly didn't set. That's right! I had sweet corn water. *insert eye roll*

So, just to prove to myself that I knew what I was actually doing, I remade the corn jelly and made some mango preserves with a bit of crushed red pepper flake, too. Yes, it all set this time. While I now won't have time to do all the gluten-free stuff this week, I'll be back at it once I return at the beginning of next month. I have a couple of ideas I'm dying to try.

I'll still blog, but I won't be at the house with the good kitchen.

What recipes have I been working on?

I'm glad you asked! :)

We have a corn cake:

A corn muffin:

A failed attempt (okay, okay, it was TWO) at a corn nugget on a stick:

The inside didn't quite cook. And here's that jelly and preserves:

Can you tell which is which?

Please excuse the mess my kitchen is right now. That's what a crazy weekend of creation does. You should've seen it yesterday... I mean, I'm not a fan of a mess, and it took me three hours to clean everything up. My recipe notebook is a jumble of cross outs and replacements. Ha. Ugh.

I chatted with one of my children for three hours today. We went to the store, got ingredients, and had a mind meld over the mango preserves. I can't wait to crack into one of those jars and slather a bit on a piece of buttery toast. YUM.

Add to all of this, I had repairs on a couple of walls in the house, and I had to cremate one of my beautiful rattas that passed away a couple weeks ago. Like I said, I've been kinda busy.

I still have a whole afternoon though! I plan to at least get some more packing done before I turn in for the night. Big move is happening soon! I'll be back to my regularly scheduled program Wednesday.

Well, that's all for today, folks!

Until next time, WRITE ON!


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