Hello, and happy Wednesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, we’re going to examine a few writing tips that don’t work, or do they? I ran across a thing where it listed five writing tips that don’t work. Now, the beginning of the thing was the advertisement for a product. Will we be diving into that product to let you know the ins and outs? You bet your ass we will. Today, though, we’re going through the tips the creator of the thing says don’t work. You all know me. You’ll get my unfettered opinions as we trudge forward. :)
I know you’re all excited to get going, so let’s DOOOOOO EEEEEET! Get comfortable, and let’s dive on in.
1. Writing and Reading a Lot Doesn’t Work
I call BS on this one. As you read, you learn, and as you write, you learn. Yeah, you may end up with a ton of words that make no sense, but it’s practice. Period. You have to practice something before you dive in, and as you read, you’re practicing. You’re ingraining in your brain how sentences need to be structured. You learn what words to use in what order to make the most sense. Writing puts those things into practice as well. Doing something more often makes it automatic. This is one of the reasons I always say that no matter where you’re writing—social media, text messages, etc.—it needs to be done properly. Don’t get into the habit of using text shorthand, and don’t think the difference between their, there, and they’re doesn’t matter. Use it right consistently, and you’ll become a better writer.
2. Learning Theory and Tips on Construct Doesn’t Work
This is also BS. You have to understand how the story you’re writing is put together. I’ve said it before: Take the tips you want and leave the others. BUT TAKE THE TIPS. Use those tips. Read all the books you can on craft, and you’ll have a better understanding of how a book is constructed and how characters are developed.
3. Learning from Professional Writers Doesn’t Work
For this one, I’d say yes and no. It goes back to taking the tips that work for you and leaving the rest. This is why writing, writing, writing is so dang important. You’re learning your voice. Is it a good idea to try and emulate the exact style and construct of a wildly popular author? No. Can you gain a lot of really great insight by taking away some of their habits and/or tips? YES. You have to learn HOW to be a writer.
4. Using Writing Groups to Get Feedback Doesn’t Work
100% yes. Writers aren’t your target audience most of the time. Reviewers are readers. Those are the folks you need to go after. READ your reviews! I hear so many authors give others advice to not read reviews. Poppycock. Go read them. If your book sucks, they’ll tell you, and many of them will even tell you WHY. Don’t ask friends or family. Either they’ll lie to you, or your relationship will die because they tell the truth. Let’s be honest! Your mom is going to tell you how great everything is. :)
5. Writing Novels Doesn’t Work
Again, this is BS. It’s literally practice. Please don’t publish the first thing you write. It’s gonna suck. Shove it in a drawer and power on. It was practice. Ten years from now, when you have several novels under your belt, pull it out and look at it again. You’ll probably die from embarrassment, but if you live through that harrowing experience, come on back and let me know. :)
Now, this thing I found went on to talk about what does work.
- Practice First Perform Later (ummmmmmmm… See #1?)
- Practice Deliberately and Get Feedback (see #2?) Most of the tips on this were from a professional writer. Also see #3 and #4. :)
- Focus on Scene Writing to Shorten the Feedback Loop (you learn to do this by reading those craft books)
After we went through all the things, there was a pitch for the product. IMO, everything above in the section about what does work is just twisting those craft tips to suit the pitch. I’m not a fan of companies that use hyperbole and clickbait to get someone on board. If you’re gonna do the thing, do it. If your thing is great, it should sell itself. Telling people what not to do by way of an intro is shady as hell. Again, my opinion.
Below the thing were links to several others that are meant to show the person interacting with the thing that this wasn’t all. You could watch and learn how the creator wrote their masterpiece. This is in direct conflict with the content of the thing. Not only that, but the book that was being referred to is pretty low in its categories on Amazon.
Keep your eyes peeled though. Soon, we’ll be diving into the thing they were selling. :) How’s THAT for a cliffhanger? HA.
Well, that’s all for today, folks!
Until next time, WRITE ON!
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