Showing posts with label kindle freebies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kindle freebies. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Questioner - Enneagram Type #6

Good morning and happy Monday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, we'll be talking about more of the Enneagram personality types. If you've been keeping up with these posts, you'll have taken a headlong dive into some of the more interesting personality types. I think Questioners would make very good writers because they're always asking what if. Decide for yourself! Grab your pens and notebooks and let's get going!

As always, I'll begin with links to the first posts of the series:
Type #1 - The Reformer
Type #2 - The Giver
Type #3 - The Achiever
Type #4 - The Artist
Type #5 - The Observer

I'll be using definitions of each type from a book titled: The Enneagram Made Easy: Discover the 9 Types of People. That's the link to the Kindle edition, if you choose to check it out for yourself.

Today, we talk about #6 - The Questioner.
Definition: Questioners are motivated by the need for security. Phobic questioners are outwardly fearful and seek approval. Counterphobic questioners confront their fears. Both of these aspects can appear in the same person.

Questioners are constant worriers. They stress over things you'd probably never dream of giving more than a passing thought to. They always look at a situation and try to figure out what's really going on, how it can worsen, and what could make it better.

They make fun characters because you can play with those fears and really show the reader how much deeper the trouble really is. On the flip side, you can also use them as a crux to a One, having the Six constantly make judgments about the decisions being made, or being overly critical of the One's appearance.

Keep in mind flattery rarely works on a Six. They never believe compliments and will always ask themselves why someone is saying those pretty words. Rarely can a Six see it for themselves, even if the person giving the compliment is sincere.

Time for today's exercise!
Use a Two (Giver) and a Six. Put them in a coffee shop and have the Two pick up the tab for the Six. Write one page of inner-monologue and dialogue that shows what the Six is saying and thinking. Remember, your Giver gives freely, with no thought of payback. Now change the POV and write the same scene from the Giver's point of view.

As you've probably realized, many of these personality types can blend a bit into one person. That's because of the way the Enneagram is formed. Folks can jump to the types on the opposite side when in stress or when feeling confident. Know your personality types and use them. If you want to know more, pick up the book. As always, I don't make any money off what I recommend on this blog, I just suggest tools that I believe will help you in your writing endeavors.

Have you read anything lately with a character that fits one of these personality types? What was it?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, May 10, 2013

The Observer - Enneagram Type #5

Holy crap, good people of the blogosphere! It's Friday! Do a happy little dance because you get the next two days off work. Know what you should do with all that free time? Write! Try a couple of the exercises from the blog this week and get your dialogue muscles doing those mental push-ups. Continuing with my series on the Enneagram (pronounced any-a-gram) personality types. I give you #5 - The Observer. So, grab those pens and notebooks and let's get going!

As always, I'll begin with links to the first posts of the series:
Type #1 - The Reformer
Type #2 - The Giver
Type #3 - The Achiever
Type #4 - The Artist

I'll be using definitions of each type from a book titled: The Enneagram Made Easy: Discover the 9 Types of People. That's the link to the Kindle edition, if you choose to check it out for yourself.

Today, we talk about #5 - The Observer.
Definition: Observers are motivated by the need to know and understand everything, to be self-sufficient, and to avoid looking foolish.

Observers, as their name implies, are watchers. They'll never be found at the center of the action, won't ever be the life of the party, and worry about everything, seeking knowledge to make sense of it all. However, when prompted, and reassured their viewpoint matters, it's difficult to shut them up.

They'll annoy the crap out of you with their controlling ways, but often have insight no one else in the room does. Their analytical mind goes crazy with options all the time. If you say yellow, they try to figure out why you said yellow rather than blue.

What's surprising about the observer is, they won't open their mouths until they're sure they're right with their opinion. Once you give them the go-ahead, they'll tell you about everyone in the room. They make interesting characters because you can have them sit by and watch, only to drop the bomb that makes everyone gasp.

Which leads us to today's exercise!
Take an observer and have them watch an artist and a reformer have a conversation. Drop hits that the reformer is wrong in their ever-giving advice but don't let it become obvious until the observer is asked for an opinion. Make it twisty and have some fun.

I know you're all wondering how any of this is going to help you write. I'll get to that next Friday. So keep your pants on!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Artist - Enneagram Type #4

Happy Thursday, good people of the blogosphere! I know you've all been waiting for this one, being writers and all. Enneagram type #4 - The Artist. Would you believe there's only five more types? Well, believe it. Remember, you can delve into awesome things with my writing class over on INDIE Books Gone Wild. You'll learn so much! Grab those pens and notebooks and let's get going!

As always, I'll begin with links to the first posts of the series:
Type #1 - The Reformer
Type #2 - The Giver
Type #3 - The Achiever

I'll be using definitions of each type from a book titled: The Enneagram Made Easy: Discover the 9 Types of People. That's the link to the Kindle edition, if you choose to check it out for yourself.

Today, we talk about #4 - The Artist.
Definition: Artists are motivated by the need to experience their feelings and to be understood, to search for the meaning of life and to avoid being ordinary.

Artists are drama queens. They tend to make tsunamis out of every wave life rolls at them. In addition, they have a difficult time understanding how others don't see the tsunami. These people tell everyone they meet  about accomplishments, failures, and confusions in an effort to identify.

When I typed ordinary, above, it almost felt like a dirty word. I can't imagine being just like everyone else. I suppose most people would call that being normal. What the heck is normal, anyway? A house with a white picket fence, two and a half kids, and a golden retriever? I have all that but the golden retriever, and I'm far from normal. But I also don't like confrontation. That very firmly puts me out of the artist category.

Have you been trying to identify yourself as we go along?

Creating a character that's an artist requires you to be overly sensitive to the emotions in the world around you. But they have the potential to bring a whole new level of emotion to a story. Used wisely, these characters are confrontational, fun, and very rounded. They can also piss your reader off with their dramatic ways. Ah well, at least they'll be remembered. After all, that's what we strive for, right?

Time for today's exercise!
Put a character who's an artist into the following situation with a reformer: It's a Friday and both are waiting for an interview for a big job. While sitting in the holding area, these two strike up a conversation. Using what you know of the artist's tendencies to tell everyone everything about themselves, create a scene where the other people sitting nearby want to flee. Have some fun with it.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Achiever - Enneagram Type #3

Happy Hump-day, good people of the blogosphere! I love Wednesdays because I don't have to cook dinner and I get to spend time with The Best Boyfriend in the World. Plus, after today, there are only two days left until the weekend. All good. We're continuing with our Enneagram personality types today. The Achiever is quite the character. But we're gonna put a little spin on that type of character so we end up with more to give our readers. Grab those pens and notebooks and let's get going!

If you'd like to take a peek back to the first two types, here are the links:
Type #1 - The Reformer
Type #2 - The Giver

I'll be using definitions of each type from a book titled: The Enneagram Made Easy: Discover the 9 Types of People. That's the link to the Kindle edition, if you choose to check it out for yourself.

Today, we talk about #3 - The Achiever.
Definition: Achievers are motivated by the need to be productive, achieve success, and avoid failure.

These types of characters have a lot of energy and a long to-do list. When they're engaging someone in conversation, they're not fully engaged. Their mind is always thinking of what they need to do next.

Having an achiever means they'll be focused and very good at whatever it is they do. Striving for people to like them, they're the ones working the room at parties; networking, introductions, and telling jokes is the order of the day.

On the flip-side, they're also persuasive and can sometimes talk someone into doing something they didn't even realize they were being convinced to do. It'll come out of nowhere. Achievers have a dire need to win every argument, outhink everyone in the room, and be the best of the best of the best. These characters succeed in everything they do.

You can use an achiever to either further your plot by having them convince your main character to do something (or not do something) they've been wavering on.

That leads us to:
The exercise for today!
Your achiever isn't going to be the CEO of a company. They won't be a business owner. Today, your achiever is going to be a serial killer. Engage them in dialogue with someone who they're planning to kill. Have them convince the person to do things that put them in harm's way without realizing it. Have some fun with this one and be devious as hell.

Remember, The Bird is still free until midnight tonight. Go snag a copy and see if you can tell what personality types the characters are!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Giver - Enneagram Type #2

Happy Tuesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, we continue with our Enneagram personality types. I do hope you're enjoying all the learning around here. I'm gonna take the time to remind you all, I give a four-week class on these things. You can check it out over on INDIE Books Gone Wild. Now, without further ado, I give you: The Giver.

I'll be using definitions of each type from a book titled: The Enneagram Made Easy: Discover the 9 Types of People. That's the link to the Kindle edition, if you choose to check it out for yourself. Type 1 can be found on this post: The Reformer - Enneagram Type #1.

Today, we talk about #2 - The Giver.
Definition: Givers are motivated by the need to be loved and valued and to express their positive feelings toward others. Traditionally society has encouraged #2 qualities in females more than in males.

These characters aren't usually good as protagonists in novels where the lead needs to be aggressive. They're passive, advice-giving people who are always willing to share what they have with others.

Keep in mind that what people say and what they do are oftentimes very different. Givers are the same. From my post on Holding a Grudge, from my Human Nature series, you can see this character would most likely fit into the category of Pretending to Let it Go. Oftentimes, their words and actions don't match their thoughts.

They also love to be martyrs. They'll sacrifice just about anything in the hopes people stand up and say, "Wow. That was really great of them to give the rest of their life to save hers." But even when people don't appreciate those actions, the giver will continue to give. It's what they know.

There's an easy way to let the reader know your character is a giver: inner-monologue.

This leads us to the exercise for today!
Write a page or two of dialogue in first-person interspersing inner-monologue. Have the giver face another character who's always asking for something. This is where you can really make your reader either love or hate the giver. Either way, go for strong emotional reaction to the character by the reader. Make your giver someone your reader won't forget any time soon.

I'm leaving you with a little treat today! Through tomorrow at midnight, my fantasy novel, The Bird, will be free on Amazon. Pop on over and grab a copy!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, January 28, 2013

Radio Show Interview

Happy Monday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I have an interview on Ms. Sandi Tuttle's radio show. She's from the An Average Woman in a Superwoman World blog and is so much fun on the air! I invite you all to come listen, call in if you want to ask me a question, and share the lovely link with your friends.

You can listen here:

Don't forget to enter the rafflecopter giveaway for your chance at an interior book design or digital identity package designed by me, if you're an indie author, and for a copy of The Bird and a bunch of book swag if you're a reader!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Also, don't forget The Abigale Chronicles - Book Three is available for free until midnight tonight on Amazon!

Abigale Fontenot is turning thirteen. Just when she thinks her birthday couldn't possibly get any worse, a new adventure takes hold. Abigale and Emmett are whisked away to a world of fantasy where knights, dragons, and princesses are the order of the day. Abigale is kidnapped by an evil prince in a nearby kingdom, and it's up to Emmett to rescue her. But Abigale finds that escape is not the most important thing; restoring the evil prince's kindness that has been locked away in a magical book by a wicked sorceress must come first. While Emmett is trying to rescue Abigale, she is trying to free the prince from his curse. Will she succeed in her quest before the evil prince kills Emmett, or will she fail and lose her new best friend? Will death matter if the whole thing is a dream, or are the adventures real and truly dangerous?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year and Promotion Success Tips

Happy 2013, good people of the blogosphere! Oh my... seems doomsday wasn't doomsday after all. That's very good news because I'm starting off the new year with a post about promotions and how to run an effective freebie. Get out your pens and notebooks because here we go!
We all know we want to run an effective freebie promotion. But the question is how to get our freebie in the hands of as many readers as humanly possible? I'm going to share what I've done and how it's helped my own sales and visibility. This is in no way a hard and fast rule post. If you feel like you can add to it, by all means, post a comment below and share!

Without further ado, here's the checklist!
6 weeks ahead:
  1. Plan your freebie date. Be sure to include at least one weekday in your schedule.
  2. Create an excel spreadsheet for people or companies that do freebie listings with the following columns: Twitter name, website URL, Submission guidelines, benefit (what they'll do for you), and time to submit.
  3. Start building your freebie submission database.
  4. Plan a promo leading up to your freebie for your blog.
  5. Reach out to your network and schedule guest posts and/or giveaway promotions via rafflecopter or your choice of sites that will go live on various days of your freebie.
  6. Send out some copies of your book for reviews that might go live around the time of your freebie. Be respectful of the reviewers you send your book to and ask politely if they would mind posting around those dates.
  7. Set up some author interviews to go live around your freebie dates. Be sure and tell the interviewer about your freebie because it's added value for their readers.
4 weeks ahead:
  1. Start submitting your freebie to the relevant sites if you haven't already.
  2. Double check with your reviewers, network, and buddies to be sure all is on track.
  3. Keep a folder with your freebie submissions in your e-mail so you can be sure to check back with those folks during your giveaway so you can promote their services as well.
2 weeks ahead:
  1. Submit to the freebie sites that require a shorter notice.
  2. Set up your rafflecopter if you're doing one.
  3. Plan and pre-write posts for your promotion on your blog.
1 week ahead:
  1. Schedule a Goodreads and Facebook event for your promotional posts.
  2. Start your promotions.
  3. Double check your network to be sure all is in order.
  4. Consider a new rafflecopter to start day of that encourages folks to share the details of your freebie.
Day of:
  1. Get the word out about your promotion. Schedule tweets, Facebook posts, and LinkedIN posts to let folks know you're live.
  2. If you did a rafflecopter, it should end on this date and the winners announced. If you're doing a new one just for the freebie with relevant tasks, launch it on this day.
  3. Make sure you promote those blogs and services that are promoting your freebie.
  4. Tweet your freebie @ those that require it.
  5. Make a list of the above and check it every day during your promotion
The number one most important thing to remember during your freebie: DON'T BE HUMBLE!! Tout your work with your review ratings, number of copies downloaded, and blurbs from your reviews! Let people know what a great product they're getting for FREE!

Speaking of free, have you entered the Goodreads giveaway at a chance to win a copy of Mystic~Shelia, the third book in the six book series! LINK IS HERE! Or, you can enter via the widget on the top right of the blog. Good luck to you all! Four books are up for grabs! Giveaway is good in the US, UK, and Canada!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, December 24, 2012

Favorite Books of 2012 and a Giveaway

Happy Christmas Eve, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'm going to list my favorite books of 2012 and tell you all about a super fantastic giveaway held by The Kindle Book Review. You don't wanna miss this post!

First up, my favorite books of 2012:

The Help - What a wonderful read! I picked it up after I saw the movie because I was super curious about the book behind the plot. Book wins; hands down!

First Visions Second Sight Book One and New Revelations Second Sight Book Two - About a psychic who denies her powers until she's needed to help find a missing girl. There are two in the series so far and both were fantastic reads! Guess what? They're both FREE today! Book One and Book Two! Go get yours!

Dragon's Mind - Wow. My first real trip into science fiction! I loved this book. It's about a girl and a brain trying to escape the clutches of an evil organization.

Beautiful Disaster - Holy moly! By far my FAVORITE read of the year. I would've given it ten stars if I could've. A super fantastic example of great indie writing!

Now, on to more fun!

The Kindle Book Review is holding a HUGE giveaway via Rafflecopter!!!

The prizes:
A 7" Kindle Fire HD WiFi 16GB and 80+ ebooks to read on it.
Two $100 Amazon Gift Cards

How to enter:
Follow THIS LINK, scroll to the bottom, and click to be taken to the rafflecopter entry form. Enter to win!

Easy, peasy!

Mystic~Bronya, the first book of the series, is still free through tomorrow. Go pick up your copy today. This book has a 4.4star average rating on Amazon and is pretty close to the same on Goodreads. CLICK ME!

Mystic~Shelia is currently in giveaway land over on Goodreads. FOUR people have a chance to win a copy! Go on and enter!! CLICK ME!

Good luck, everyone!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
