2015 was a doozy! Here's what I accomplished this year:
- I published 245 posts on this blog - each blog post was an average of 300 words, for a count of over 70k.
- I held one massive event (12 Days of RR) and it was bigger than last year.
- I launched A Daily Cup of Jo to make my interviews more awesome.
- UtopYA (now Utopia) was attended in June.
- I took a position as the Utopia official blogger coordinator.
- I re-organized the blog for ease of navigation by my visitors.
- I reviewed 16 books for the 2015 Review Team (missed my goal of 20+).
- I wrote four novels - Markaza, M, Emancipation, and 7 - for a total word count of over 200k words.
- I published two writing books in a new series for kids.
- I typeset fourteen novels.
- I edited over 400k words.
- I proofread over 200k words.
- I have 58 new subscribers to this blog, and about 10 on Tumblr.
- Publish three novels and another anthology with the ladies of Fractured Glass.
- Attend UtopYA Con again in June.
- Publish a blog post every day (M-F) unless I let you all know otherwise.
- Write one book review per week (which should get me very close to 52).
- Keep up with my author interviews and make them bigger, badder, and more awesome.
- Find a way to launch my 12 Days of Review Requests event to the next level.
- Follow my schedule for posting to various social media sites and blogging to the Nth degree.
- Get the Review Team's posts into the hands of more readers.
So, here are my goals for 2016:
- Publish three novels and another anthology with the ladies of Fractured Glass and 7.
- Bring Emancipation into the world kicking and screaming.
- Do more to share promotion with other authors (back of book excerpts, etc...) on every book I publish.
- Write at least 20 book reviews.
- Cut off my client list at IBGW with the ones I work with now. It's getting overwhelming.
- Do more with A Daily Cup of Jo - see new schedule below.
- Hold an online workshop for authors - details to come.
Here's the new blog posting schedule, so you know what's coming:
- MONDAYS: I'll share news I find on Facebook and Twitter. Could be writing articles, new release information, or information about something going on in the writing world. You never know!
- TUESDAYS: Author Spotlights for NEW Indies.
- WEDNESDAYS: This is my day for writing. There will be no Wednesday posts unless it's about a new release, or cover reveal, or something else like that.
- THURSDAYS: Blogger OR Reviewer spotlight. I'll be bringing you information on bloggers and reviewers that help Indie authors.
- FRIDAYS: Whatever Jo wants. You may get a post, and you may not get a post. Again, it'll be whatever. If I write a review for a book, this is the day it'll show up.
- SATURDAYS: Daily Cup of Jo shows for the week will be highlighted.
- SUNDAYS: Nada. This is my day off all the things.
Did you do a look back for the year and set goals for the next? What are they? Share!
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!