Tuesday, January 5, 2016

2015 in Review - 2016 Blogging Goals and Schedule

Well, happy Tuesday, everyone! If you've been a long time follower of the blog, you'll know I do a recap and goals post in January every year. Basically, I look over the last 12 months, decide what's working and what's not, and make goals for myself for the upcoming months.

2015 was a doozy! Here's what I accomplished this year:
  • I published 245 posts on this blog - each blog post was an average of 300 words, for a count of over 70k.
  • I held one massive event (12 Days of RR) and it was bigger than last year.
  • I launched A Daily Cup of Jo to make my interviews more awesome.
  • UtopYA (now Utopia) was attended in June.
  • I took a position as the Utopia official blogger coordinator.
  • I re-organized the blog for ease of navigation by my visitors.
  • I reviewed 16 books for the 2015 Review Team (missed my goal of 20+).
  • I wrote four novels - Markaza, M, Emancipation, and 7 - for a total word count of over 200k words.
  • I published two writing books in a new series for kids.
  • I typeset fourteen novels.
  • I edited over 400k words.
  • I proofread over 200k words.
  • I have 58 new subscribers to this blog, and about 10 on Tumblr.
Here were my goals for 2015 (taken from last year's look back):
  • Publish three novels and another anthology with the ladies of Fractured Glass.
  • Attend UtopYA Con again in June.
  • Publish a blog post every day (M-F) unless I let you all know otherwise.
  • Write one book review per week (which should get me very close to 52).
  • Keep up with my author interviews and make them bigger, badder, and more awesome.
  • Find a way to launch my 12 Days of Review Requests event to the next level.
  • Follow my schedule for posting to various social media sites and blogging to the Nth degree.
  • Get the Review Team's posts into the hands of more readers.
In green are the ones I accomplished. Orange indicates something I did most of. Red is what I totally failed at. Totally. There is no in between place there.

So, here are my goals for 2016:
  • Publish three novels and another anthology with the ladies of Fractured Glass and 7.
  • Bring Emancipation into the world kicking and screaming.
  • Do more to share promotion with other authors (back of book excerpts, etc...) on every book I publish.
  • Write at least 20 book reviews.
  • Cut off my client list at IBGW with the ones I work with now. It's getting overwhelming.
  • Do more with A Daily Cup of Jo - see new schedule below.
  • Hold an online workshop for authors - details to come.
There you have it. I don't reach far, and I keep my goals reachable. One of them is already done: Cut off my client list at IBGW. This will give me time to do a better job for the clients I already have and give me more time to write and focus on things I need to do.

Here's the new blog posting schedule, so you know what's coming:
  • MONDAYS: I'll share news I find on Facebook and Twitter. Could be writing articles, new release information, or information about something going on in the writing world. You never know!
  • TUESDAYS: Author Spotlights for NEW Indies.
  • WEDNESDAYS: This is my day for writing. There will be no Wednesday posts unless it's about a new release, or cover reveal, or something else like that.
  • THURSDAYS: Blogger OR Reviewer spotlight. I'll be bringing you information on bloggers and reviewers that help Indie authors.
  • FRIDAYS: Whatever Jo wants. You may get a post, and you may not get a post. Again, it'll be whatever. If I write a review for a book, this is the day it'll show up.
  • SATURDAYS: Daily Cup of Jo shows for the week will be highlighted.
  • SUNDAYS: Nada. This is my day off all the things.
This will start next week. We'll see how it goes. As you all know, if it's not working, I'll change it.

Did you do a look back for the year and set goals for the next? What are they? Share!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. I created a whole year in planning calendar set with three new main goals:
    1. Publish 3 books this year (It is a magic number, eh Jo!)
    2. Attend two book related events and promote.
    3. Schedule more IRL events for my books.

    I am super excited!! Having a calendar laying everything out for the year helps keep me organized so I can get it all done!

    1. WOW!!! That sounds awesome :) I do hope you come to Utopia :D Hint, hint! Can't wait to see how it all comes together. Let me know if I can help with your launches!

    2. Wish I could, but being in Utah, Tennessee is a bit of a drive! I know we are planning to visit family on the east coast eventually, and will definitely plan that trip around Utopia in 2017!

      I will definitely reach out to you for my release promos. Thanks Jo!

    3. WOOHOO!! Would love to see you there :) Anytime, sweets!

  2. Holy crap, I feel completely lazy after reading what you accomplished last year haha. Great idea to create goals for the upcoming months, I'll be looking out for more info on the online workshop you mention. Happy New Year!

  3. WOW! You did some really amazing things last year. My goal for this year is to step out of my comfort zone a little more and hopefully get a contract for my WIP :-)


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