Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Book Review - Chasing Forgiveness

Happy Wednesday! You know what today means, right? Not only a book review for all you awesome people, but there are just two more days until the weekend! I don't know about you, but I use that time to recharge my internal batteries. Let that put a smile on your face as we go along here. I'm including this in the roundup over on the Time for Books 2015 Review Team's page. You should check it out. Many reviews on there. Anyway, this is a book I worked on for INDIE Books Gone Wild. I did the edit, the formatting, and the cover. I have to tell you, Tia really blew my mind with this novella. There were so many questions in my head about these characters, and I was excited just to read this installment. Anyway, let's get going!

As always, I'll kick off with a little about the book up for review today:

Title: Chasing Forgiveness (Tala Prophecy Companion Novella)
Author: Tia Silverthorne Bach
Genre: YA Paranormal
Length (print): 110 pages
Buy links: Amazon Kindle $0.99 (limited time) ~ Amazon Paperback $7.99

When terror strikes, forever altering your life, it doesn’t ask permission or forgiveness.

Madeleine and Amélie’s quiet lives are ripped apart by a creature they never imagined could exist outside a horror story. Their mother is murdered, their father is missing, and the only safe haven is with a family full of secrets. But rescue comes at a price.

Ripped from the light of youth, the sisters are forced into the shadows—where they meet brothers Rafe and Rowan.

It’s not the time for infatuation or love, but the heart rarely listens to reason.

Now, the young women have decisions to make. Will they be able to achieve their unified goal of stopping evil, or will it consume them from the inside out?

They soon learn some choices can’t be undone.

~ Now, let's get to the review!

I grabbed a copy of this book on Amazon as soon as it hit the shelves. Yes, I'd already read it; I wanted a copy of it forever. It's that good. I'm sure, if you're a fan of the series, you've been wondering about the four characters featured in this story. I was drooling to learn more. Madeline is such a strong personality, and the way she acts around Reagan and Rowan has always had me questioning what was really going on there. Anyway, let's get to the good stuff.

From a Reader's Perspective:
I felt for the sisters, Madeline and Amélie, from the first scene. Of course, I'd already developed a little affection for them from the series. Being able to see how close they were to one another, and how protective Madeline is of her sister, brought me a new level of understanding of their characters in general. I like them a lot. They seem like the type of girls I want to hug and slap at the same time. Why slap? Because some of their actions had the "uh oh, this won't end well" feeling. I could see it, but they were clueless (isn't it always more difficult to see your potential errors when you're the one IN the situation?).

Rafe reached a new level of low for me in this story. I had a mad hate on for him before; now, I think I'd strangle him if I could. He's so very evil. I understand why (you'll have to read the books to find out), but that doesn't mean I have to let him off the hook for his actions.

Bach did a great job of pulling me in and showing me the angst each sister struggled with. Not only with one another, but also with their change of lifestyle. There's a sensitive topic in the forefront of this novella. While it's a clean (intimacy fades to black) book, it touches on some squeamish areas for some people. That being said, I think the author handled it with a magic touch. Pacing is great, and you can probably read through this story in an hour or so. It's everything a companion novella should be.

From an Editor's Perspective:
Dear me, I hope you don't find any errors. I didn't.

1 Star for showing me how sisters can be at odds and still love one another
1 Star for giving me an emotional ride
1 Star for making me despise Rafe even more than I already did
1 Star for treating such a sensitive topic with a gentle touch
1 Star for writing style and pacing
Overall: 5 out of 5 stars! Recommended if you like a quick, YA paranormal read that isn't the usual stuff.

There's a giveaway of a paperback copy going on right now. Here's the entry form:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Are you gonna snag it while it's on sale?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. You helped make this book better from cover to cover. Thanks for everything you do. It's a wonderful feeling to know my books get such love. <3

    1. I adore your books, and I adore you. :) We make one hell of a team, lady!


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