Monday, July 27, 2015

What a Wonderful Thing

Happy Monday, everyone! As most of you know, yesterday was my birthday. Because of all the outpouring of wishes on my Facebook timeline, I have a few things to say today. So, sit back, relax, and grab a cup of Jo.

Please keep in mind this has nothing to do with the feels I had at home. My family and my work are two separate beasts, and one does not negate or overshadow the other. These are just some thoughts I had about my work community that I'd like to share.


Because good things seem so rare right now. With all the crap pouring out of the media, I'm bringing a little bit of balance. Ready? Let's go!

When I checked my e-mail yesterday, I saw a number of notifications about posts on my Facebook timeline. So, I clicked over to tell each person thank you. If they took the time to tell me HBD, I was going to take the time to thank each and every one of them personally.

As I'm clicking "like" and dropping comments, I realized I've hugged or shaken the hand of nearly every person who posted. It was staggering to know that, not only have I met most of those people, I've helped nearly every one of them in some way or another.

It humbled me.

I'm so proud of the people I know who've done so many wonderful things. I feel blessed to be a tiiiiny part of whatever they've accomplished.

But, more than that, I can call these people more than acquaintances. They aren't generic faces in a sea of people. That makes me positively giddy. In just three years, I've met so many amazing people!

For those of you I don't know personally (we've either never had a chat or I've not met you in person), I invite you to say hello and strike up a conversation (if I don't make it to you first). I want to know about you!

So, thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday yesterday. I'm so grateful to have you all in my life. What a wonderful thing to have such a vibrant tribe (there is no such thing as a tribe of one). I wouldn't bother doing all that I do if not for you guys.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. You are such a sweetie! I love the content you provide, and the good news in a world that sometimes feels as though there's only bad. You remind me to be so grateful for what I have in my own life! Thank you for that.

    1. Thank YOU, Jennifer! I love looking for the positive :)

  2. You are all kinds of awesome, my friend. Much love!

  3. It is such a blessing to call you my friend. I am honored and beyond thrilled knowing I will get to see you again next year and will be touched by your contagious energy. Love ya my friend.

    1. That goes both ways, Tina! I can't wait to see you again :)

  4. Two days late (sorry, rubbish at remembering to check things), but happy birthday :)

    Hope you got many delightful presents.

    1. Thanks, Thaddeus! I got the best presents :) Always a joy to see you here :)

  5. I read this a couple of days ago and never came back to comment - shame on me. This is such a classy thank you that I have to say - thank you, Jo! You obviously give a lot of time and support to so many. May you have a great, great year.

    1. I try, Alana. I'm just happy to see people succeeding because of the content I provide. It's such a great feeling to know I helped in some small way :)


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