Thursday, July 9, 2015

Author Central and You

Hello, and happy Thursday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, we're going to be talking about Amazon's Author Central, and how you can make the most of your profile there. If you're ready, grab a pen and notebook, and let's get going!

Everyone knows Amazon is the big pie in the sky every author wants to stand on top of, wiggle their feet into the a la mode, and be covered in the gooey goodness. Why? Because that's the pinnacle of awesome. Readers are reading your books, you're enriching lives with your words, and (hopefully) you're providing hours of entertainment and deep thought. But you have to be seen in order for people to find your work, right?

One of the tools you should be using to accomplish visibility is Author Central. It's not difficult to set up a profile there, and there are some cool features you may not know about available to you. Let's start by setting up an account if you don't already have one.

Go here to the Author Central login page. I'm going to pretend to create a dummy account for the purpose of this tutorial, so you can see what steps to take. Okay, you should be at a screen that looks like this:

If you have an account, log in. If not, click join now.

Now you'll be on a screen like this:

That's where you sign in with your current Amazon customer account (even if you don't have an Author Central page). Like I said, I'm pretending to create a dummy account, so I'll go to "I'm a new customer."

Enter your e-mail address and click continue. You'll go here:

Fill it out and proceed. This is where I back up and login to my own account so I can show you all the goodies there.

Here's your welcome page:

If you just signed up, you won't have any information here. You'll need to fill out your profile and upload an author photo. Click Author Page at the top, and you'll end up here:

You know what to do. Now, click on the books tab, and you'll go to a page that looks like this (yours may or may not have books on it yet):

How do you add books? By clicking this button:

And searching for your title in this box:

I did a search for Fractured Glass. As you can see, it says already added. Yours won't say that, so click the button "This is my book."

It takes Amazon about 24 hours to link your book with your profile. But, once they do, your page will look like mine above and be ready for editing. Because I'm using Fractured Glass as an example, I'll navigate to that book's edit page by clicking on the title:

As you can see, the wide array of choices is staggering. You can also see, by looking in the top right corner, I'm editing the Kindle version of the book (not the paperback).

This is important to know, because you have the freedom to edit each edition's sections separately. I'm going to add an award to the Kindle edition's page, because I'm a dork and only put it on the paperback. So, I click edit on the product description:

And I paste in what I copied from the paperback edition description in this popup:

Then, I click preview:

Of course, I have to remember to click Save Changes if it looks good:

Amazon gives me a pat on the head and tells me it'll take 3-5 days for my changes to show up (most of the time it's just 24 hours or so, but err on the side of caution).

There are six sections available to edit here:
  • Review (this is for editorial reviews, because Amazon doesn't allow those guys to publish reviews)
  • Product Description
  • From the Author
  • From the Inside Flap
  • From the Back Cover
  • About the Author

Go tinker with them all! It's fun!

Because this post is getting really long, I'll go into some of the fun things available to play with on your profile page tomorrow. Hopefully, you'll have it all filled out and ready to rock!

What do you think? Did you sign up? Already had? Learn something new?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. Okay, my comment disappeared, let me try again.

    I have a question about the "from the author" section, what would we put in there?

    And isn't the inside flap and back cover, the same as the author bio and the book description? What other info could we sneak in there?

    And don't forget to create/maintain the U.K. author page, and other countries if you speak the language.

    Another great post - thank you! I can't wait for tomorrow's!

    1. Hiya, Jennifer! Good to see you. :) I have answers!

      First off, from the author: This section should be a little bit about the book. Why you wrote it, what you based it on, or what you learned while writing it maybe. Or, it can be a personal note to your readers about what you hope they get out of the story.

      Inside flaps vary. Oftentimes, it's the book blurb and author bio, but the back cover is sometimes reserved for editorial reviews. So, those could go there.

      Bang on about creation of a UK author page and other countries! A tidbit I seem to have forgotten to add. Thanks for the reminder.

      I'm glad you enjoyed it. Going to work on that next one now! Thank you for taking the time to comment. Always a pleasure!


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