Tuesday, November 17, 2015

UTOPiAcon 2016 Short Story Anthology Open for Submissions

Happy Tuesday! Yes, I know I missed my post yesterday. Funny thing about life, eh? You can't plan for everything. *grin* Anywhoooooo, that's not important! Stay with me here. Today, we're talking about a great opportunity for all you writers out there.

Ever wanted to be part of an anthology?

How about a revolution themed one?

Well, now's your chance! Here are the details:

1. a forcible change of a government or social order, in favor of a new system. synonyms: rebellion, uprising.

London-based ebook and paperback publisher, Little Bird Publishing House, has partnered with #UTOPiA2016 on a short story anthology contest, with proceeds benefiting Help Build A Library in South Africa, an organization that donates young adult books to schools and supports mentorships for aspiring young writers.

The upper young adult/new adult, revolution-themed anthology contest launched today. Writers can submit the first 1,000 words (of their up to 11,000-word short story). The submission window is open until Friday, December 11, 2015. The public votes on their favorites until mid-January, and the eight submissions with the most votes will be announced the winners on January 22, 2016, and will be included in the anthology titled #FightForYourWrite, as well as receive their own complimentary copy of it. One grand prize winner receives complimentary Titanium-level admission to #UTOPiA2016, and has the opportunity to get a future work published by LBPH.

More details can be found on the UTOPiAcon website here.

What are you waiting for? Get to writing!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. What a timely contest topic! Thanks for sharing the info

  2. thank you for sharing this and being a part of the UTOPiA community!!


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