Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Utopiacon Runs Black Friday Week-long Blitz Party

Happy freaking Tuesday, everyone! There's a HUGE party going on over on the Utopia Con 2016 event page on Facebook all week! TONS of authors have donated books, gift cards, swag, and more!

Up for grabs right now:
Signed paperback of Hear the Crickets by BJ Sheldon
Signed paperback of M and e-book of Fractured Glass by Jo Michaels (plus 4)
E-copies of the entire Tala Prophecy series by Tia Bach
Signed paperback of Always Remembered, a necklace, and lots of swag by Kelly Risser
Signed paperbacks of the entire Forces of Nature series by Elizabeth Sharp

Those links will take you directly to the giveaways.

What are you waiting for? GOGOGO!

Today, there will be another blogger giving things away, and Janet Wallace is popping in throughout the week with things like TICKETS to the con and SIGNING SPACE!

Plus, there's an amazing sale happening FRIDAY THROUGH MONDAY ONLY for tickets to the conference. Check this out:

Regular/general admission tickets will also be on sale! But you won't know if you don't join!

I do hope you entered to win some amazing books.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


1 comment:

  1. Wow, great giveaways! I'll be sure to stop by the page all week to see what I can get grabby hands on!


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