Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Award-Winning YA Paranormal Shifter Series on Sale

Happy Tuesday! Today, we're talking about a lovely series you can start for free, and then grab the follow up books for less than three bucks. I know, it's one hell of a steal! Ready? Here we go!

From the awesome Tia Silverthorne Bach:

I get the winter blues about this time of year (yes, even in California... it's our rainy season, and I miss the sunshine). 

So, I thought it was a good time for a sale.

Plus, Chasing Eternity is slated to publish 5/25/16. It's the last in the series. For anyone who hasn't caught up (or hasn't started), this would be a good time.

Buy Links
Chasing Destiny (#3)

To sum up the series... it's about accepting your destiny and fighting with faith. Sure there are shapeshifters, witches, vampires, and angels, but it's also about taking what life gives you and making the most of it. With Faith, We Fight.

Reagan's fate was determined long before her birth, and she must study and harness her powers in order to face what has been foretold. Although she comes to accept her destiny, she refuses to let it define her path. To save the world, she must: 

Gather powerful allies.
Call forth a team of angels.
Form an unholy alliance.
Discover an angel sword.

Survive devastating losses. 

Along the way, Reagan will discover that strength comes from faith, from believing in the unbelievable, and a new battle cry emerges… With Faith, We Fight.


If you've already read and enjoyed the series, please spread the word. Happy reading!


How awesome is that? Why are you still here? Go get your copy right now!

Have you already read it? What did you think?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


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