Thursday, February 11, 2016

Quick Poll - Reader Survey

Happy Thursday, everyone! *dances around the room* It's allllmost the weeeeeekend! So! Yesterday, I was having a discussion about the general reader audience. We want all the information! As you all know, I'll share the results here on the blog once everything is said and done. I just need you to click buttons, if you don't mind. *grin*

I'm thinking I'll keep this totally anonymous poll open for one week.

Let's find out some stuff about your reading habits, shall we?

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Are you eager to see the results? I know I am!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. Looking forward to the results. I just saw a study that said that 27% of Americans didn't read a book last year. It made me want to weep!

  2. Your question about how many male authors made me stop and think. Scarier-for my son answer might well be zero books. But he reads a lot online. A lot of my reading is online nowadays, too. Alana


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