Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Why I LOVE Being Indie - #PoweredByIndie

Happy Tuesday, everyone! An impromptu post today, brought to you by a fantastic event being held over on Amazon. As you know, I love celebrating the Indie author by reviewing, sharing their bookish things, and doing interviews and readings and such. Because I'm also an Indie, I know how difficult it is to find the support you need anywhere in order to get your books out.

Huge shout out to Amazon for doing this: POWERED by Indie

How amazing is that?

So, what they've asked us authors to do is tell everyone why we love being Indie authors and use the hashtag #PoweredByIndie in our social media shares. I'm in. It's a beautiful thing.

You need to get on that right after you read my lovely post below. HA! Seriously, keep reading.

Why I LOVE Being Indie

I published my first book back in 2012. When I started, I didn't know up from down, where to go, or what to do with what I'd written. I've made mistakes along the way, but because I'm Indie published, I learned what to fix and how to fix it. Then, I went on to write a book about those very things, hoping others wouldn't have to struggle as I once did. I pay it forward.

  • I don't live under deadlines other than the ones I self impose.

I have the creative freedom to unleash my design prowess on my books (and covers) and make them something unique. Not only in the pretty I put on the interior pages (did you know I was one of the first Indies to add imagery to my print books?), but also in the stories I write.

  • I write for myself first. All my books are stories I want to read. If other folks enjoy them, that's the cream on my pudding.

Self-publishing is FUN! Writing, designing, being a leader in so many new ideas that are emerging... It's all rather exciting. I get to try new things, like my Ferocious 5 projects, and watch others follow in those footsteps.

  • There's only one rule in this world: Produce the best book you can each and every time you publish. That's it, and that's so amazing!

If I need to take a day off to do something for myself, I can. No one is breathing down my neck to get anything done. When I finish a book, if I don't think it's ready, I can push the publishing date out--unless I've announced it, of course (that would be rude). But it's really and truly up to ME.

I love that freedom.

  • My royalties are my own. I don't have to share a darn thing with anyone. Any money I spent getting my book ready to hit the hands of my readers can be recouped more quickly, and I can start making a profit pretty early on.

Self-publishing platforms are amazing. They're the reason I can do what I do without having to jump through gigantic, flaming hoops while riding a one-wheeled bicycle that's also aflame, without sending out a million query letters only to end up cowering under a table in the corner, sucking my thumb, gripping my blankie at the form letters declining my submissions.

But there's one thing I have to say about being Indie that takes the cake over all else. Stay with me here!


I bet most of you are scratching your heads at that, huh? Well, allow me to explain!

Indie authors, whether best-sellers or those just starting out, understand the struggles of being Indie authors. Several, if not most, of them reach out, offering help when and where they can, helping others avoid the red spot of shame we get from banging our heads into our desks too hard.

They read. They share. They lift you up when you're feeling down. It's an amazing thing to be a part of such a vibrant, creative community.

Dedicated readers of Indie-published works throw themselves into their work, reading, reviewing, and loving the thing that brings us all together: books.

Most Indie folks are just nice people.

I can't begin to tell you about all the amazing people I've met by being Indie. Folks I'm not sure I would've ever had the opportunity to get to meet in real life if I were traditionally published. Authors, readers, bloggers, superfans, booktubers, editors, designers... The list goes on and on! Each one of those people are cherished (probably more than they know), and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

So, there you have it. This is why I love being Indie.

I want to hear YOUR stories! Post them in the comments below so I can read and visit your blogs, and don't forget to share them all over the web with #PoweredByIndie.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


1 comment:

  1. This is pretty awesome Jo! I will totally do one next Tuesday as part of my new feature, Teaser Tuesday. I love your list, and I totally agree with loving the community! I don't think we ever would have had the privilege of meeting, if not for being a part of this amazing community. I hope one day we get to meet IRL!


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