Monday, March 27, 2017

Goodreads Giveaway - War and Pieces Coloring Book

Oh me, oh my! Happy Monday, everyone! It's been a craaaaaaaaazy couple of weeks going round and round with the doctors for my husband, but I did manage to get a few things done. Today, I'm letting you all know about a Goodreads giveaway for the War and Pieces ~ Frayed Fairy Tales Companion Coloring Book.

Best part? It's available in several countries!

Goodreads Book Giveaway

War and Pieces - Frayed Fairy Tales - Companion Coloring Book by Tia Silverthorne Bach
Enter Giveaway

Here's a little about the book:
Amazon buy link: $7.99 paperback
Genre: Adult Coloring Book
Inside the pages of this fun, adult coloring book, you'll find all the shoes from the covers of the Frayed Fairy Tales books, a name page for each of the queens, a page where you can design your own awesome shoe, and a cool F5 logo.

Be sure you grab Season 1: Episode 1 - You don't want to miss this series!

About the books:

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there were zombies...

That's how it all started. Authors have created a major problem with stories like Cinder, The Dark Queen, and Asleep, and it's wreaking havoc here in Ever After. Our queens are fighting for their lives.

Rather like Mother Nature, keeper of the fine balance that's life in your world, tales that begin with "Once upon a time" were never meant to be messed with.

Now, Ariel is underwater with all the defenses she's been launching, Aurora hasn't slept in weeks, and Rapunzel is tangled in... Well, I can't even begin to tell you.

Rather than try, I'll let you see for yourself. You and I will talk again afterward--if I survive long enough. So, as our fateful story begins:

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away...


If you want to color Cinderella's shoe, we've made it available as a free download/printable.

Get it here.

How amazing is this?

Don't forget to come see me at Roanoke Author Invasion April 8! I'll have some really amazing goodies for you all!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

$25 off Tables at OIBF

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Oh my gosh, I'm excited! If you remember my post from Monday about the conferences and signings I'm attending this year, you'll know about Ozarks Indie Book Fest. Well, there's a SEVEN DAY sale on tables! Get your clicking finger ready, and let's get to the details!

To start, a half table is only $100, which I think is a steal to begin with. But for the next seven days, you can get one for just $75.

Use code springfling17

Get your ticket or table here

If you want to know more about the fun stuff happening at the conference, check out the schedule on the OIBF website. It promises to be a weekend of FUN.

Remember! Reader tickets are just TEN DOLLARS! Grab them on the link above.

Let's talk hotel rooms!


This is where the Ozarks Indie Book Fest is being held.

Rooms can be booked. Call or go to the website of University Plaza Springfield Missouri.

Booking Code is OZARKS.

Rates are $109.00(Plus Taxes) for 2 Queens in 1 room. $139.00(Plus Taxes) for 1 king suite.

Check out the amazing sponsors for the event here. There are some great ones. I can't believe I'm gonna be surrounded by so much awesome.

What are you waiting for? Will I see you there?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

A Free Coloring Page and Custom Teas

Guess what? Oh! Wait. I forgot! Happy Tuesday, everyone! I hope you all had a magnificent Monday, and you're raring to go for the rest of the week. I know I am. So excited! Oodles of news for you all today, so strap in!


We've decided to give you all a FREE page from the War and Pieces ~ Frayed Fairy Tales coloring book.

*happy dancing*
Get it here.

Please don't sell it or distribute it for monetary gain. This is for all those of you who'd like to color Cinderella's shoe!

Here's a peek at the shoe (this one is smaller than the one on the link and won't print well):

If you want to color one of the other shoes, you gotta grab the whole book. It seems Amazon has discounted it to just over $6!!! WOW!! Check it out.

Get the whole coloring book here.

Now for some really cool news. Ms. Kelly Risser has created custom blended teas for fans of the series. You just have to go check out the page and all the amazing teas. Of course, Aurora's is decaf, and Gretel's comes with sprinkles! *wink*

Here's the link to the fandom and a couple of screenshots of the teas:

All the teas:

And a reallllly cool tin design for the large size:

Whatchall think? Did you get some tea or download the printable coloring page?

So many exciting things are happening!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, March 6, 2017

My 2017 Signings

Happy Monday! Long time no speak, eh? Well, I'm finally managing to get a few things done, and I have some updates and news for you all. Ready? Let's get going!

First and foremost, in just FOUR weeks, I'll be in Virginia again with all the lovely Roanokeians. If you haven't heard about the Roanoke Author Invasion signing, I suggest you get on over to the website and check it out. It's organized by the lovelies Liz C. Long and Laura Howard. Be sure and give them a shout out on social media via those links. *wink* Tell 'em Jo sentcha. Ha!

What I love most about RAI is that it's very reader friendly. Not only are the tickets 100% FREE, but the first 100 folks through the door get special stuff like tote bags. Very classy.

So, if you're within a couple hundred miles and have nothing to do Saturday, April 8, pop on over and say hello to me. If you mention seeing this post, I'll have a special little something for you at my table. *grin*

Now, later in 2017, I'll be heading to a couple conferences. The first is Chapter.con, and it's in LONDON! *squeals*
It's hosted by the lovely Katie John, and it's a true conference lasting two full days. Dates are: August 25 and 26, 2017.

I have THREE super special Saturday signing passes to give away, so keep your eyes on the blog. That will happen very soon!

I've never been to London, so I can't say what I love about the city, and since this is the first year of the conference, I can't drop any super amazing tips or anything about it, either. We can figure it out together!


Yeah, I typed that in all caps. You guys! I'm the Saturday keynote speaker for this event, and I'm thrilled beyond words. Ticket prices range from $10 for readers (one day, all day, entry either Friday OR Saturday) to $100 for a half table for authors all weekend. DATES: October 19-22, 2017.

Your hostess with the mostest for this event is Ms. Jaci Chaney. While there are several folks working to bring you the most awesome experience ever, Jaci was the one who came up with OIBF. We're forever grateful to her!

Not only is it the first conference I'm going to be a keynote speaker at EVER, it's also donating all the proceeds to pet rescue charities. Loving Paws and Companions for Heroes will be splitting the proceeds from both the conference and the anthology OIBF will be releasing later this year. How exciting is that?

I've been to Missouri once, but we were in St. Louis, so naturally, I ended up at the Anheuser-Busch distillery. It's a little foggy after that. *wink*

I'll be giving away a couple of fan passes to that event this year, too! So exciting!

I'm so looking forward to hitting OIBF. If you're in the area and want to come check out the awesome authors that'll be there, you know the drill.

For the last conference of the year, I'll be up in Michigan for the Great Lakes Book Bash! It's the weekend after OIBF, so I mayyyy be hitting a few bookstores between one and the other. Keep your eyes open for that. DATES: October 27-29, 2017.

GLBB is organized by the always awesome Rachael Brownell.

This event is also FREE for readers, but you MUST pick up a free ticket. As of RIGHT NOW, there are only TWO Friday tickets left. Your free ticket gets you through the door on either Friday or Saturday. If you want more info before you buy, check out this page on the GLBB website. As you can see, prices range from FREE to $20.

I have TWO Rock Star passes to give away to you lucky readers, so be prepared for that! Not sure what I plan to do for you to enter, but I'll think of something amazing.

If you're ready (and I hope you are!), you know what to do!

Which of these will I see you at this year?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Four Books - 99 Cents - Get the Whole Donovan Circus Set for ONE Dollar!


For the first time ever, the entire Donovan Circus boxed set from Liz Long is on sale! This set contains books 1-4 (Gifted, Burned, Hunted, Ignited) and the fifth and final book will be released later this year. Grab your copy before it goes back to full price on Monday!


The boxed set is normally $6.99. The $0.99 sale is available from March 2-6.
Available formats: Amazon iBooks Nook Kobo

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

New Audible Release - Hook's Little Mermaid

Official Release! Hear the story of Captain Hook from his own lips in this Audible version of "Hook's Little Mermaid."

“Hook wasn't always a villain. Discover what leads him on the path of destruction and how the love of a mermaid can change his heart.” ~ Hook's Little Mermaid
Captain James Hook was once a good man trying to make a somewhat honest living. He is a pirate, after all. However, after getting word that a boy named Peter Pan played a part in the death of a dear loved one, Hook makes it his sole purpose to hunt down and destroy the fiend.

On his journey for vengeance, the captain encounters many new comrades, including a young girl named Red and a fairy called Tinker Bell, and both push him to reconsider his desire for justice.

The accidental rescue of a mermaid leads him on a whirlwind adventure in Neverland. The journey is not a simple one, considering Pan, the Lost Boys, mermaids, and magic all come into play. After several misadventures, Hook must choose between the possibility of a new life with love and his much-desired retaliation against Pan.

Once everything is said and done, will the captain be able to overcome his need for revenge? Will he let compassion steer him toward love? Or will Captain Hook live up to his villainous reputation?

Amazon (eBook on sale now!)

The official teaser trailer for "Hook's Little Mermaid"

Exclusive Audible Audio sample for the audio version of "Hook's Little Mermaid"


Cover and Trailer Reveal - Keeper of Crows

Title: Keeper of Crows
Author: Casey Bond
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Horror
Cover Designer & Photographer: Regina Wamba at Mae I Design & Photography
Editor: Stacy Sanford, The Girl with the Red Pen
Book Trailer by: Rebecca Ethington
Expected Release Date: March 2017
Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Blurb: Carmen Kennedy is a spoiled brat from Beverly Hills with a chip on her shoulder and a cocaine addiction to match. Using drugs to suppress reality, her life is more than she can stomach most days. All she wants is to disappear, and on one fateful night, her wish is granted.
There is a world that exists just beyond the fabric of our own. When Carmen is dragged there against her will, her hopelessness seems to disappear, replaced by a determination to survive. The Keeper of Crows is charged with guarding Carmen, but is safety a possibility in a world so desolate? Can love blossom when danger lies in wait? Together, they fight like hell, seeming to lose more ground than they gain with each battle against the dark enemy threatening to tear them apart. Can love keep her safe? Can it give her the strength she needs?
When the lines between life and death, reality and dream become blurred, who will save the souls trapped in the spaces between Heaven and Hell? Who will save Carmen's only love, The Keeper of Crows?
Award-winning author Casey L. Bond resides in Milton, West Virginia with her husband and their two beautiful daughters. When she’s not busy being a domestic goddess and chasing her baby girls, she loves to write young adult and new adult fiction. You can find more information about Bond’s books via the following links: