Monday, April 6, 2015

Author Interview - Natasha Hanova

Happy Monday, good people of the blogosphere! Today I have a super special interview with Natasha Hanova for your reading pleasure. I met Natasha at utopYA Con 2014, and I did an "ask Jo anything" spot on her blog last year. You can see the questions asked and my answers here. Now, if you don't have tickets to the con yet, you need to get them while the getting is good. We're almost sold out! Go. Now. Here. You don't wanna be the one left out of the fun, do you? Okay, enough of my rambling! Grab a cup of coffee and let's get going.

Jo: Yay! I have Natasha on the blog! I’m so stoked about this interview. Thank you for agreeing to have a chat with me. Are you ready to get going?

Natasha: Hello Jo! Thanks for having me. This is my first official interview. Hope you’ll go easy on me. :)

Jo: Never! *evil grin* Let’s jump right in here. Tell me about the OWFI conference you’re attending in May 2015. What made you decide to go, and what are you hoping to get out of it?

Natasha: I first attended this mid-west based writer’s conference in May 2010 and have been back almost every year since. It’s a welcoming crowd of talented authors. My Top Three reasons for attending OWFI:
  1. An opportunity to pitch to big name agents, editors, and/or publishers for FREE. You heard me right, free one on one time with an agent/editor/publisher of your choice. For those not brave enough or ready to pitch, there are also opportunities to snag a seat next to an agent/editor/publisher or even a famous author at one of the banquets. This year’s pitch session line up and guidelines can be found here.
  2. Elbow room and accessibility. I’ve attended conferences where they pack attendees in a room like sardines, usher in speakers through a side door for the presentation, and then rush them out before anyone knows what’s going on. At the OWFI conference, there’s usually a place to set your laptop and plenty of opportunities to mingle with presenters through out the conference.
  3. This year, I’m OWFI Conference Chair, so I kinda have to go. I’ve worked closely with the OWFI President Dawn Allen, who also happens to be one of my critique partners. We’ve pulled together a wide array of talented speakers for this conference, whose theme is Writing Zone: Craft from the Ground Up. Though, I must admit if I wasn’t on the Board, I’d still go this year. Check out the outstanding faculty, including keynote speaker Les Edgerton, author of Hooked.
Jo: That sounds like an amazing conference. Congrats on being a Conference Chair. How exciting! So, talk to me about writing Edge of Truth. How long did it take you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Natasha: EDGE OF TRUTH, my first book baby. <3 It’s a dystopian romance with paranormal elements. I’d say the first draft took about a year. My twins were three at the time. When I had time to write, I allowed myself to put the words down on the page without judgment (aka I told my inner editor to shut up so I could work). It took me a while to get it published because I was (still am) struggling with grief. When my mama passed away, I almost gave up writing, but in the end pushed through. Mama never got to see the book in print, but she knew I was close. EDGE OF TRUTH is dedicated to her. This experience taught me never to give up on my dreams.

Jo: Okay, that's super sweet. I'm glad you didn't give up! I see the book has been through a couple of changes. What brought those on, and what did the changes end up doing for the novel?

Natasha: The book was originally published through a small press. I decided to get my rights back and go at it on my own. Hence, the fun new cover [shout out to Carrie Butler at Forward Authority for an awesome job!] and bonus epilogue.

Jo: That's always scary, huh? Awesome that you gave it a go. Brave. Now, I see your bio says you’ve won some awards. Care to tell us about them? What were they for, and how did you feel when you won them?

Natasha: I’ve won writing awards through OWFI and other conferences. It takes massive amounts of courage to enter contest, so when I place, I feel a strong sense of pride and accomplishment.

Jo: Whatcha workin’ on? When can we expect to see it on shelves?

Natasha: I recently finished MARKED, YA paranormal fantasy. My other critique partner L.L. McKinney is brilliant at coming up with Twitter pitches. Here’s how she helped me summarize MARKED, “For the first female warrior in the Brotherhood, lines between enemy and ally are blurred and Lexi can’t see who’s coming for her.” This manuscript is currently out on query submission.

I’m also working on a New Adult apocalypse set in St. Louis, MO. We should have a zombie chat sometime. ;)

Jo: Congrats on landing those queries! Oooooh! Zombies! Yes we should. Hunt me down, woman! You took part in #PitMad on Twitter a couple weeks ago. What book were you pitching, and did you have any luck?

Natasha: I pitched MARKED and got a few nibbles. :)

Jo: That was a great pitch! I'm not surprised you got nibbles. You’re in several anthologies. How did you find them, and what do you feel they’ve done for your writing career?

Natasha: I sought out the anthologies and made it through the slush piles to publication. Personally, I think writing short stories is harder than writing books. The page real estate is so limited, but it’s excellent practice at making every word count.

Jo: Agreed 100%. It's so difficult to write short stories! I notice you do a lot of author interviews on your blog, but I had a dilly of a time finding very many with you as the interviewee. Is there a reason for this?

Natasha: Yes…**hides behind hands** I lean toward the shy side. I’m a behind the camera, type of person. Yours is my first official interview. Thanks for being gentle with me.

Jo: Wow. You call this gentle? LOL! I'm pretty brutal. *wink* Rapid fire question time! Plain or peanut M&Ms?

Natasha: Peanut. No question. And as often as possible.

Jo: I totally knew the answer before I asked. haha! Female or male lead?

Natasha: Depends on what it is…book or movie and what genre it is. In books, I often read ones with alternating female/male leads. I tend to like Sci-fi and action packed movies, which tend to have male leads.

Jo: Sky or ground?

Natasha: Ground. Can’t fly. Too scared. But I can be tempted onto a plane with chocolate when traveling to Nashville for UTopYA!

Jo: YEAH! *happy dances* Time travel question! Come on, you knew this was coming, right? Haha! So, if given a choice, would you go back in time or forward in time, and what would you change or hope to learn from the trip?

Natasha: This used to be a hard question for me, but not any more. I’d go back and spend time with my mama, not to change anything or learn anything. Just to hear her voice, see her smile, and maybe have her cook me something tasty. :)

Jo: I can see how much you miss her. Dang, now I wanna give you a hug. But, instead, talk to me about writer retreats. When was the last one you went on, and what do you get out of the experience?

Natasha: My writer’s group used to do annual writing retreats. We are officially over due. Hint, hint ladies! I LOVE retreats and recommend them to all writers. There are few things better than knowing your only responsibility for the day is to get words on the page or edit/revise material. We usually spend most of the time writing, but also take breaks to stretch our legs (aka people watch) and end the day with chocolate and a good movie.

Jo: That does sound fun. Mayhap one day I'll find the time. *grin* Ever get that gooseberry pie recipe down? How long did it take you?

Natasha: I wouldn’t say I’ve mastered it. My gooseberry pies might be a gooey mess, but they are de-lish!

Jo: I've never had one, but to hear you talk, I should! I’m gonna go a little deeper here. You answered somewhere about feeling strongly about using mixed race characters in your novels. Tell me what you’re trying to bring to light with your choices, and how do you think it will fill the current gap in YA?

Natasha: I’m bi-racial. When I was growing up, I didn’t see many books with girls like me as main characters. As an adult, I read a book called OPPOSITE OF LOVE by Helen Benedict and it resonated with me. I kept thinking it would’ve been nice to see such a resilient character in my young adult years. Now, I’m sure to include diversity in all of my books.

Jo: That's so awesome. I love people who are passionate about their characters. Sadly, we’re out of space! *frowns* Is there anything you’d like to add that I didn’t ask you about?

Natasha: Let’s see… Link is my favorite character on Mario Kart 8. I have a love/love relationship with all things chocolate. I would totally run away with the Doctor.

Jo: Nice! I can’t wait to see you again at UtopYA 2015! Not long now. Maybe we’ll luck out and have a table across from one another again. *grin* Because you know that’s the only way I’m guaranteed to see you. Thank you again for giving me your time, Natasha!

Natasha: I appreciate you having me on your blog. Such a wonderful opportunity to reach beyond my social network!

Now, it’s time to tell you all about the featured book of the week!

Title: Edge of Truth
Author: Natasha Hanova
Genre: YA Dystopian/Paranormal
Length (print): 302 pages
Buy links: Amazon Kindle $2.99  ~ Amazon Paperback $9.99 or FREE with Kindle Unlimited

Citizens who report to work on time, obey the Overlord’s laws, and stay off the Synbot’s radar, live long lives. Long, dull, monotonous lives.

It’s not a bad plan for someone with a hidden, emotion-based ability to trigger earthquakes. In a world pitted against her, sixteen-year-old Rena Moon strives for a life beyond working herself to death at the factory. Seeing an alternative, she risks selling relics from the forbidden lands at Market. It becomes the worst decision she ever made. Someone kidnaps her best friend in exchange for the one thing that would end her oppression.

Driven by loyalty, Rena and seventeen-year-old Nevan Jelani, soulful composer, green thumb extraordinaire, and the secret love of her life, plot to rescue her friend and reclaim her salvage. Still, the thought lingers whether Nevan is a true hero or another thief waiting for his chance at her loot. Events spin wildly, deepening Rena’s suspicions and pushing her limit of control. With more than her chance for freedom at stake, she must decide if she’s willing to kill to protect what’s precious to her. For once, the Overlord isn’t holding all the power, but can Rena live with being reduced to what she’s trying so hard to escape?

While your fingers are in the clicking mode, why not give Natasha a follow on every social media platform I could think of when writing up the template for these interviews (plus some)?

Pinterest: natasha411
Facebook: Author Natasha Hanova
Twitter: @NatashaHanova
Goodreads: Natasha Hanova
Amazon Author Page: Natasha Hanova

Win a signed paper copy of EDGE OF TRUTH, an eBook, or $10 Amazon gift card with this Rafflecopter giveaway!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you have any questions, pop them into the comments below. Mrs. Hanova will be around to answer and/or respond!

Well, that’s all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, April 3, 2015

UtopYA Sched App - Signing in and Profile Updates - Official utopYA 2015 Post

Happy Friday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'm here to talk to all you utopYAns about the Sched App. I'll walk you through signing in and updating your profile. This month is all about that app, and the official utopYA bloggers are gonna show you how you can use it to your advantage. If you still need tickets to the con, you can get them here.
Here's the lineup:
Today: How to sign up/sign in and update your profile
A Book Vacation: Adding events and panels to your schedule
Paisley Reader: How to integrate the schedule app with your calendar on your phone
Book Junkie: Not so Anonymous: How to buy or adjust tickets bought and add friends to your list

First of all, you need to find the app. Click here. You'll get a screen that looks like this:

As you can see, in the top, right hand corner, there's a place that says sign up or log in.

Before you go all click-crazy, let me give you a little tip. If you have a ticket, you got an e-mail about this app and were auto-added. Be sure and use that e-mail address to log in. Even better, if you can locate the e-mail, click through from there.

Let's continue.

Once you log in, you'll see a screen like this:

Shana will go into how to add stuff there next week. We don't want that screen, we want to click on this button and choose settings:

Now scroll down and you'll see this:

Fill it out!

Once you're done and you've added your pic and details, click save.

Boom! You're done!

As we move through the weeks of April, you'll learn all there is to know about this nifty little app, including how to sync it to your calendar so you can get reminders for panels or activities you want to take part in.

What do you think? An awesome way to save paper, huh?

Have you used the app? Tell me about your experiences.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Writing Caves or Coffee Shops - Writer Groove

Happy Tuesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'm gonna chat about the different ways writers get their novel creating groove on. Similar to NaNoWriMo, but when every day should be about words. So, grab those pens and notebooks and let's get going!

What's a writing cave?

Well, a writing cave is your zen space. Think of it as the place you go when you need to bang words out on the keys of your laptop, bringing yourself to a place of complete relaxation and creativity. When you enter your writing cave, it should feel like it's begging you to create.

Many writers have a bookshelf in their writing cave. What's on those tall, dark, handsome slabs of wood varies depending on what tasks the wordsmith takes on when in the room. For example: Mine is a short table with design how-to and editing books stacked on it. My issue of the CMoS is right on top, staring at me. It inspires me to do more and be more, and it's a handy reference shelf I access often.

Some writers have novels lining their shelves. Others have mementos, photographs, or other items to spark their creativity. It depends on the mood you're trying to set.

What else should be in your writing cave?
  • A visible schedule
  • Nail clippers (yeah, ever tried to write with a hangnail?)
  • Notebooks (for those ideas you get)
  • Pens 
You might also want to have a printer for those scenes you need to work out. Trust me, stepping out of the writing cave with scene in hand can make a huge difference.

I know one writer who prints images of her characters and a snatch of their bios, then hangs them on the wall where she can see them as she writes. When I asked why, her answer was: Because they speak better when I'm looking them in the face.

If you write romance, light a candle or two. Paranormal? Try some posters of otherworldly things.

Or, maybe you prefer to write at a coffee shop. Does the hustle and bustle, or conversations of other people, get your spark moving? Here are a few things to watch out for when choosing to write in public:
  • Fluffy chairs (they tend to make typing difficult and staying awake even more of a challenge)
  • High-traffic areas (you don't want to get bumped a lot)
  • Wi-fi (if you don't need it, turn it off so you aren't distracted by social media or e-mails)
  • Bad coffee (yeah...)
  • Chatty people
Regardless of where you choose to write, make it your zen space.

Whatever you do, be sure the mood is right for you and your process.  It's your book, and you need to make sure your surroundings are conducive to the creative side of your brain.

Where do you write?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, March 30, 2015

Featured Author - Inger Iversen - Publication Spotlight

Happy Monday, everyone! Today, I bring you the publication list from my featured author, Inger Iversen. She has some amazing books on this list, and I urge you to check them out. Get your clicking finger ready, and let's get going!

Title: Few Are Angels (Few Are Angels #1)
Genre: New Adult Paranormal
Length (print):  308 pages
Buy Link: Amazon Kindle FREE

After a fatal hit and run accident, Ella Monroe fears that she’s lost more than her beloved parents. Horrifying visions of a past life and a disturbing voice in her head have psychiatric professionals convinced that she’s lost her sanity as well. But when Kale—a dark and handsome stranger with a mysterious pastreveals the true meaning of her visions and the tremendous power she wields through them, Ella must come to terms with the devastating truths of her own past, while eluding an ancient Dark Prince who seeks to control not only her future, but all of mankind’s, by means of abilities that Ella is only beginning to understand.

Enter the shrouded world of an age old battle between an ancient race known as the Immortals and their bitter enemy Laurent, the so-called Dark Prince, who commands an army of half-breed vampires known as Chorý. Both sides have been desperately searching for the prophesied emergence of the Arc, a clairvoyant with unparalleled power to recall the past and a soothsayer with clear vision into the future.

The Council of Immortals has sworn to protect the Arc, whom they have identified as young Ella Monroe, a college freshman from Virginia living quietly and unaware of her powers or her past. But a renegade Chorý has other plans for the protection of a girl he has loved through the ages. Can Kale convince Ella of who she is, what she is destined to become, and what he once meant to her? Is he truly the best protector to shield the world from the devastating misuse of her powers that Laurent is bent on controlling? Or will the forbidden love they share and Kale’s cursed condition as a retched and hated Chorý be used against them both?

This paranormal romance told from the heroine’s perspective builds in intensity and intrigue to a finale you won’t see coming. Heart pounding action mixed with heartwarming friendships and heartbreaking romance will leave you breathless and begging for more.

Title: Awakened (Few Are Angels #2)
Genre: New Adult Paranormal
Length (print):  269 pages
Buy Link: Amazon Kindle $2.99

What must he overcome to protect her?
With no clue of what to do next and the responsibility of looking after Alex and Mia as promised, Kale is up to his ears in problems and no solutions. How will Kale save Ella, keep Alex and Mia safe, control Jace as well as control the Bloodlust that creeps beneath the surface waiting to be released? Will Kale be Ella's savior or will he convict her to a fate worse than the one Laurent has already promised her?

What truths will she learn?
Ella knows that the choices she makes affects not only her but everyone else around her, but what about the choices made to find her? Ella learns the truth about the death of her parents, learns that the ones she thought she could trust aren't so trustworthy after all.

How will Ella handle these betrayals, and will she be able to sacrifice what is necessary to obtain eternal life?

Title: Immortal Heart (Few Are Angels #0.5)
Genre: New Adult Paranormal
Length (print):  262 pages
Buy Link: Amazon Kindle $2.99

More than a century after the tragedy of Hélène's death and before Ella found Kale bruised and broken on her doorstep, Kale moved through the world in a haze of personal punishment allowing it to consume him. Until his friend, Detective Deacon, a newly infected Chorý calls on him for a favor.

In this prequel to the Few Are Angels series, Kale is thrown into a world of human blood trafficking and is introduced to a Chorý that offers him a chance at happiness— in blood.

Title: Running in the Dark (Running in the Dark #1)
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Length (print):  208 pages
Buy Link: Amazon Kindle $2.99

Trace’s job has always revolved around death. Trace is a Watcher, a position created assist to the undead to their final resting place without alerting humans of the vampire race. Whether his job is to witness the death of a fellow vampire or deal it, Trace has learned that being a Grim Reaper isn’t what he thought it would be. After years of killing, he’s ready for a new job, a new life, or to just disappear. When Bessina becomes his new target after she witnesses the death of fellow vampires Sam and Hope, Trace is ready to eliminate her—until a strange course of events turns the tables and has Trace protecting Bessina from his boss and running for his life.

Title: Sinners in the Dark (Running in the Dark #2)
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Length (print):  268 pages
Buy Link: Amazon Kindle $2.99

Depending on who you talk to, the Vampire Nation is either corrupt or a necessary evil. The Sect was formed to eradicate all things vampire, or maybe it’s just their mission to protect humans. Echo has been on both sides. He was once a Watcher for the Vampire Nation, but when he uncovers an ongoing plan to kill chosen Sect leaders to force war, he is driven to make a decision he never thought he’d make.

Echo becomes a Ghost, the name used for traitors of the Vampire Nation. It’s a dangerous way to leave the Nation, but Echo is sick of all the blood on his hands. However, leaving the darkness behind isn’t as easy as he thinks. Choices he made might cost him the one person that could help redeem his soul.

Olivia lost so much at a young age, and she has spent the last four years wading through the blood of vampires. Her goal has always been to avenge her family’s massacre. When she met Echo in battle two years ago, there was instant chemistry. Now, he is not only a part of the Sect but her new partner. Will she be able to set aside her hatred for vamps to expose the V Nation for what they really are?

Title: Goodnight Sam (Running in the Dark #0.5)
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Length (print):  12 pages
Buy Link: Amazon Kindle FREE

An intimate narrative of the exchange between Samuel and Hope, told from Hope's perspective, this short story prequel to the Running in the Dark series sheds light on a frightening event witnessed by Beth, who later narrates book one of the series.

Goodnight Sam reveals the tragic history of Sam and Hope, who have existed as vampires since the eighteenth century. Sam has grown weary of the new world along with the escalating conflicts of his kind and wishes to attain peace in what is know as 'the true death', while Hope desperately desires to pursue a more fulfilling life together. The repercussions of the shocking mutual decision they make, and Beth's role as a witness to it, become the catalyst for the dangers facing Beth in the Running in the Dark Series.

Title: Incarcerated  (Love and War #1)
Author: Inger Iversen
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length (print): 342 pages
Buy links: Amazon Kindle 2.99

One of the few white kids in a rural Kentucky town, Logan Whyte always kept to his own kind out of self-preservation. He never considered himself racist, but that didn’t stop him from falling in with the wrong crowd—who celebrated hate as much as he fought it—or from ending up in prison for eight years on an armed robbery charge.

A successful, educated black woman, Katie Andreassen was tired of being accused of betraying her own race. Her lonely isolation, coupled with her grief over losing her mother, inspire her to create a new pen pal program at Capshaw State Penitentiary, where her father is a warden.

The program brings the unlikely pair together, but Logan and Katie soon find themselves forced to overcome past fears and prejudices. Their friendship doesn’t come easily … threatened by a crooked lawyer with a grudge and a best friend who betrays her promise to help.

When faced with a world that forces them apart, Logan and Katie must show everyone else what they have discovered: that love is, in fact, colorblind.

Title: Inevitable (Love and War #2)
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Length (print):  318 pages
Buy Link: Amazon Kindle $2.99

Ex-Marine and former combat trainer, Trent Reed has been shot at, he’s been in a coma and placed in war zones behind enemy lines most of his Marine career, but when his best friend calls for a favor, he is faced with one of the hardest decisions of his life—to be the Best Man. His turbulent past with races other than his own have him at odds with his best friend and the man’s new African American fiancée, and not helping matters is Trent’s crazy girlfriend who is on him about getting married too. When Trent accepts the job as Best Man against his better judgment, it’s done with a heavy heart and the understanding that his friend is soon to be out of his life—for good.

Teal Lofton is finally warming up to her best friend’s fiancé and ex convict when she learns that they are expecting just a few short months before their wedding. If that’s not enough, as Maid of Honor, Teal had to put up with budget issues, a sobbing and hormonal bride, juggling her Katie’s secret pregnancy and not to mention, Trent, Logan’s jerk of a best friend and Best Man who she is strangely, yet wildly attracted to. When the shit hits the fan during the bachelor party and Trent disappears with the wedding rings, Teal flips her lid and chases him off into the night to fix yet again, another problem, but a tragic accident sets Trent and Teal on an inevitable course of self discovery and passion like they’ve never experienced before.

What are you waiting for? Get going! There are a couple of freebies up there to get you started!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, March 27, 2015

Book Junkie: Not so Anonymous - utopYA Con Friday Night Event and Saturday Signing

Happy Friday, everyone! Wow, what a busy couple of days it's been, huh? I totally missed my post yesterday. BOO! But today's will make up for it, I promise. *grin* As always, on Friday, you get some amazing information about utopYA Con 2015. This week it's from Book Junkie: Not so Anonymous. Our dear Ashley has a BIG giveaway of Saturday signing space! I know you're all excited, so let's get going!

From Book Junkie:

Alright, ladies and gentleman! Every time I get to put together one of my official posts, with more information about the conference (which is only EIGHTY-THREE DAYS from now!) I get more and more excited about this year's events! And today, I get to share with you some REALLY exciting information!

First up is an awesome, exclusive opportunity for 225 utopYA attendees...

See the rest here!

Yeah, you know you want to read more of THAT! What are you waiting for? Oh, right! You wanna know how to win.

Well, you have to collect all four parts of the entry phrase then enter them in the Rafflecopter form. But you have to visit all the bloggers' official posts to get the pieces.

Here they are (in order):
Jo Michaels Blog - C. J. Redwine interview
A Book Vacation - Victoria Faye Whit & Ware interview
Paisley Reader - How to create a Google pre-order form
Book Junkie - Special Friday night event and Saturday signing

Now, what are you waiting for? Getcher booty movin'!

Did you enter to win?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, March 25, 2015

utopYA 2015 Experience - Write Your own Future

writeyourfutureHave you got a story in your heart simply bursting to be told? Or characters in your head who never stop whispering their secrets? Maybe you're a devoted reader who wants to tell the world about your favorite books. No matter your goals, UtopYA will envelop you with open arms as well as inspire you beyond belief! The book conference brings female writers of contemporary and supernatural YA and NA fiction together with their fans. Book lovers from far and wide, including authors and readers as far away as the UK, Scotland, and South Africa. This year’s expected attendance of 700-1,000 will be its highest ever.

Those who are interested in a thriving book community will enjoy panels and camaraderie. Readers will not only meet some of their favorite authors (and even do karaoke with them!), but they'll attend educational panels to learn about honing their craft. Whether it's writing or editing a book, designing covers, developing marketing strategies, blogging - they've got a panel for that and more!

Keynote speakers Denise Grover Swank, Lauren Miller and Kim Holden will kick off each day followed by educational panels, games, screenings and more. These panels contain expert advice to aspiring authors and book bloggers, plus open discussion for audience participation. Over 100 exhibitors will showcase their work and meet readers; a B&N and indie bookstore are also on site. In addition to the cosplay karaoke on Friday night, the highly anticipated UtopYA Awards will take place Saturday evening, where nominees are honored thanks to their peers and fans. We'll get dressed up and dance the night away as we fangirl over our favorite book boyfriends ;)

In addition, there is a book signing on Saturday that is open to the public - all UtopYA asks is a book donation or $5 to their charity, Book 'Em. In return, you'll meet bestselling authors, plus a chance to discover plenty of new ones! More than a few women have called this event a life-changing experience! The event is already at 75% capacity, so get your tickets here or hurry over for more information at

Want to know who will be there? Here’s a PARTIAL list of authors, experts, models, and vendors who are ready to meet YOU:

Denise Grover Swank • Kim Holden • Lauren Miller • Marissa Meyer • Myra McEntire • Tammara Webber • Rebecca Donovan • Amy A. Bartol • Jessica Sorensen • Ella James • Cameo Renae • Elizabeth Kirke • Amanda Jones • T.A. Kunz • Chelsea Fine • Whit & Ware • Mae I Design • Indie-Visible • Teal Haviland • Kristie Cook • Clean Teen Publishing • CHBB • Timid Monster • Tia Bach and Indie Books Gone Wild • The Paisley Reader • Delphina Henley • Shana Benedict • Book Junkie Not So Anonymous • Michele Madow • Courtney Stevens • C.J. Redwine • #NALitChat • Chanda Hahn • RK Ryals • A.M. Hargrove • B.J. Sheldon • Cambria Hebert • Tessi Conquest • Nathan Weller • Kendra Malcolm • Madison Daniel • Mindy Ruiz • Bryna Butler • Curiosity Quills • P.K. Hrezo • Rysa Walker • Mary Ting • Bella Roccaforte • Raine Thomas • The Rebel Writers • Michele G. Miller • Raye Wagner • Heather Hildenbrand • S.M. Boyce • Rebecca Yarros • Rachel Harris • Tammy Blackwell • Plot Ninja • Helene Dunbar • Lila Felix • Lizzy Ford • A.G. Henley • Toni Lesatz • Nikki Jefford • Katie McGarry • Stormy Smith • Amy Miles • Rick Miles • Jon Miller • Misty Provencher • Kallie Ross • Stacie Wilson • Morgan Wylie and so many more.

Check the web site for full list of authors, exhibitors, panelists and more!

Now if that didn't get you all abuzz, I don't know what will! Get your tickets!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

YouTube for Bloggers and Authors

Happy Tuesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'm gonna talk a little bit about You Tube and how bloggers and authors can use it to their advantage. Ready? Grab those pens and notebooks and let's get going!

You Tube. I bet most of you have watched a video or two hundreds of videos from this little channel, either via your Facebook feed or by browsing for something you were interested in, right?

Well, I invite you today to expand your horizons and look beyond browsing and watching; let's go into making.

If you've never made a video, you're not alone. There are hundreds of thousands of people just like you in the world who either don't have time or have no idea how to get started. So, first, I'm gonna walk you through a quick lesson on creating and uploading that video, then we'll get to how you can use the platform to your advantage (what you might consider recording to share).

You'll (possibly) need the following equipment:
  • Something to record yourself with (this can be an iPhone, iPad, computer camera, or other camera that captures video)
  • A video editing tool (on Windows, you have Movie Maker - FREE, and I'm not sure about Mac, but I believe they come with something similar)
  • An image editing tool (Paint will do fine)
  • A noise cancelling microphone or headset (if you plan to only speak)
  • This link for music (if you want to add some beats - these are FREE for YouTube use)
Now that you have those things, we're ready to create an awesome video. Here are the steps:
  1. Create a script (this is what you want to say once you're on camera) so you aren't stumbling all over the place
  2. Set up your recording device on a stable surface so there isn't a ton of camera shake (if you're only doing audio, this is where you strap on your headset or affix your freestanding mic to something)
  3. Get your screen grabs (if you're doing a walk-through to show someone how to do something, you'll want to go step-by-step through the screens - Use Ctrl+PrtScr then open Paint and use Ctrl+V to paste the shot in - be sure to save them with labels like Screenshot1_tutorial1, Screenshot2_tutorial1, etc...) You can skip this step if you plan to record yourself talking.
  4. Get to recording. Lay down all audio and video tracks now
  5. Open Movie Maker and create an intro section (it's pretty self-explanatory), then drop in the other images you plan to use and set their run times.
  6. Add your audio where you want it and tweak the video where necessary. Be sure and save your project often in case of a crash.
  7. Render it (again, it kinda walks you through it), and save to your hard drive.
  8. Go create a YouTube Channel.
  9. Upload your video, add tags, and click publish.
You're done!

I bet you're thinking: That's awesome, Jo, but what the hell do I have to record that people will give two craps about?

Everyone has a skill, and most people know something they can share with or teach others. If all else fails, read a portion of your novel so people can have a taste of it, or do a book review. You can also create a cool book trailer. Once you graduate from Movie Maker, you can get into more technical editors that might cost a little money, but produce studio grade results. But cut your teeth on something easy to use first.

Here are a couple of little videos I did with Movie Maker:

So, you can see the possibilities are there. Crafts, books, technology, marketing, allathat and more!

What are you waiting for? Get going!

Do you have a YouTube channel? Share the link!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
