Showing posts with label amwriting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label amwriting. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Why Rats Make Awesome Pets and Why You Shouldn't Get One

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to the blog. :) If it's your first time visiting me, super welcome, and I hope you stick around. It's easy to subscribe; look to the right. So! Why are we all here today? Rats. We're gonna talk about those little fluffballs that steal our hearts then leave us, and I'll tell you why you shouldn't get one.

Ready? Grab a cup of coffee and get cozy, because we're diving right on in.

Rats, specifically fancy rats (not wild like their cousins), as pets were first bred for color variety by two men named Jack Black and Jimmy Shaw in the Victorian Era. Up until then, rats were wild and dangerous, and many people viewed them as pests. They were also used in betting arenas, but I don't like to think about the fates that befell those cuties. Very sad.

How can you tell the difference between a wildie and a dom? Basically, you look at color and ears. While some domesticated rats still have top ears, a large majority of them have what are known as dumbo ears (ears lower on the head, like Agnus--the rat in the picture here). Wild rats are usually brown, and dom rats are generally any other color (but can still be brown).

Rats are intelligent, have been known to show empathy, grieve, can be litter trained, and are more than willing to be trained for the right treat (or any treat, really). A lot of people call them pocket puppies because they behave a lot like dogs. All these traits come together to make rats one of the best ever pets.

At one time, I had five, and I'm peppering their photos in as we go here. Mine were all females because I love the mischief they get into and how much energy they have. I got Agnus because I'd had a rat when I was younger, and she was my bestie. Her name was Baby, and we ran all over town together. She adored sitting on my shoulder and just hanging out. I didn't know at the time you need more than one for that rat to have a full life, and I didn't know rats couldn't be kept in tanks because there's not enough ventilation. Boy, did I make some errors in the beginning I had to undo quickly. haha. ha. Ugh.

For starters, you need at least three rats for a proper hierarchy to form (this is one reason you shouldn't get one--you should get MANY). I had Agnus for two weeks before I traipsed out and picked up Gemini (shown on the right here--LOOK at her EARRRRS). Man, did we ever bond. They were trained to come to me when I called them and jump in a bag-type carrier when they were ready to go back to their cage and have breakfast freshies (fruit and veg, and the occasional meaty treat).

Gemini started chasing my bestie Aggie around and biting Agnus's tail. Solution? Get another rat.

Here's the rub: You can't introduce just one rat when the other two are six months older like that. You have to get at least two more rats so they have same age, same sex company. You do not want to mix males and females. Baby rats are cute, but these critters multiply at an alarming rate. So, I got three girls (Shelia on the left here, Ethel on the right down below, and Betty on the left a little lower) in case one passed away for some reason.

They all lived. They were quarantined in a separate cage for two weeks then introduced to my other two girls via what's known as the carrier method. So, I had FIVE rats. I decided to give them the best lives I could, got them the biggest, best enclosure I could, and built them a nice playpen around it so I could just open the door and give them time in the out.

Rats need at least an hour of active time outside their cage daily so they can run and stretch their legs to ward off Hind Leg Degeneration or HLD. We had a lovely routine, and I never had an issue getting them back in the cage after they'd been out. Food is a wonderful motivator. hahaha

While I did have five rats, Aggie was my heart rat and the one I was most closely bonded with. If you haven't figured it out yet, she was the only one I really wanted. All the others were literally for her.

Another reason you shouldn't get a rat is because they'll die and break your heart. Aggie lived almost two years, which is the standard, but Gemma died first. After that, they dropped like flies. It's so hard to have them, love them, and lose them so quickly. Both of those girls died in my arms, and the others... Well, they went on their own.

One thing to remember about rats is that they only live about two years, so they're in your life for a flash, but you're in theirs forever. Whatever you can do for yours (if you get some) while they're on this earth is something they'll have their whole lives. My girls loved puzzle toys with treats in them, and they adored their rat tree (huge cat tree, but we don't talk about those here).

You also may not want to get a rat if you have other pets. Rats should never be around other pets, and cats should never be in the room with rats. It only takes seconds for an accident to occur, and I've seen some pretty messed up cats because the rat got scared and attacked. Same goes for dogs. Rats have enormous teeth that can cut through tendon and muscle like butter.

They need enrichment daily through either pea fishing (that's what Betty is doing up there) or some other kind of puzzle to make them work to get their food. They don't want pellets fed to them in a bowl; wild rats have to hunt and forage, and their counterparts need that stimulation. Besides, would you want bland cardboard fed to you in a bowl? No. Yuck.

A lot of people complain about the smell of rats (but they REEK, Jo!), but I found if you clean the litter box twice a week, the cage every two weeks, and have an air purifier nearby, you'll never smell them. Not ever. 

They can also be goofy and funny. They each have their own little personality, and it's fun getting to know them. If you want a rat as a pet, please seek out an actual breeder who breeds for temperament and health rather than coat color or ear type. You'll thank me later.

So, the reasons to have rats as pets far outweigh the downsides. They're a lot of work, which makes them totally unsuitable for small children to manage alone, and they're expensive if they have to go to the doctor (Agnus, I'm looking at you), but they give so much love and affection in return. Plus, they fit in your pocket, which is pretty cool.

Here are some fun pictures of Aggie and Gemma to brighten your day. What's better than rats in hats?

I hope you all enjoyed this post and learned a thing or three, and I hope to see you again!

Have you ever owned a rat? What did you love most about them? Interested in getting some and have questions? Ask me. I'm an open book.

Well, that's all for today, folks!

Until next time, WRITE ON!


Monday, March 24, 2025

How My Writing Has Evolved Over Time

Welcome back, good people of the blogosphere, and happy Monday. We're going to have a beautiful week, so prepare yourselves! Today, we'll be taking a look at some of my earliest writing (both here on the blog and in my first novel, which coincide, weirdly) and see just how cringe we can make the experience (for me, obviously). This should be a riot. I haven't visited my early blog posts for a long time. haha

If you're ready to get going and laugh alongside me, grab some coffee and settle in. Here we go!

My first-ever blog post can be found here. This was back when I didn't understand what the hell a blog was or how to run one. I literally thought I could write a gabillion posts on one book. Boy, how naive was I?

Bold as I am, my dumbass posted a snippet from my book, and when I read it now, I want to slap myself silly. Let's just grab the first paragraph and have a looksee.


He screamed, louder this time, as Temujin cut off another one of his fingers. I involuntarily flexed my own in response to the act. I had never seen a man fight like my friend had last night. It was like something other than his own mind was working his muscles, causing him to strike and slash like a harbinger of death. It made me appreciate that I had made a friend of him and not an enemy. When he began to peel back the man’s skin from his body, I almost vomited. I took a few steps away and turned my head.


While this isn't terrible, it's not great, either. How would I write this today? Let's just see...


He screamed again, louder than the first time, as Temujin removed another one of the man's fingers with the swift strike of a blade. 

I involuntarily clenched my fists. I'd never seen a man fight like Temujin had last night. It was as though he was possessed, a demon from Hell working his muscles, causing him to strike and slash like a harbinger of death. It made me glad I'd made a friend of him and not an enemy. When he began to peel the man’s skin back from his body, I took a few steps away and turned my head, nausea roiling. 


This is how I'd revise. New character, new paragraph, and staying in one tense (first-person past). While Jamuka is the person from whom we're getting the story in the prologue, it's still about the other man. Not a bad opening line for a book though.

Now, let's go back and take a peek at my first advice blog. You can find it here. It's not exactly advice, but it is book-world news about closing bookstores.

All I can think of as I read my rambling diatribe is the sad loss of contractions. You'd think, someone who writes like I do now would've been into contractions from the start. Nope. I suppose I loved writing everything out formally. *vomit* It also sounds so transactional. Like, who the frack did I think I was? Zero humility. Though I still have very lofty opinions of myself, they're much more focused than they were back then. hahaha

Okay, those two were from 2012 (I've been around a while), so let's jump forward to 2014. Check this one out. We're talking about fun writing exercises, and I seem to have adopted my style for a greeting by then. I also have become far more comfortable with my readers, and even went above and beyond by making printable things for y'all.

Gonna jump forward to 2016 and see how we fare now. Surprisingly, I found a post where I talked about my MS diagnoses. Didn't think I'd done that before. Don't I look stupid? LOL! You can see it here, and you'll notice I was putting a lot of images in my posts back then. Scroll down to the comments section, and if those don't make you tear up... Yeah, you don't have a heart. 

I also noticed a BUNCH of my 2016 posts were cover reveals and new releases. How freaking dull am I? Jeesh.

Okay, now we'll go to 2018 and see where I was...

44 posts that year compared to 71 the year before and hundreds the years before that. You could literally see me slowing down. *cries in my coffee* I even remember the troll who caused me to halt the blog. Boy, was that frustrating. I got nasty comments telling me how I wasn't doing enough... I wrote a whole post about it. Well, to hell with them. I was doing what I could at the time. Ugh. Don't sign up for that newsletter!! It's dead and gone. Also to be resurrected sometime in the future!

I did come across this beauty of a post while I was digging. It's still how I write today and how I'm able to crank out thousands of words in just a few hours. Go enjoy it because I seem to have honed my blog voice by then.

I've gotten awfully wordy today! I hope you had a good laugh and were riveted to the page long enough to get down here. I'm excited about what Wednesday will bring, and I hope to see you all back here for that. This was fun and cathartic. :)

That's all for today, folks!

Until next time, WRITE ON! <----this has stayed with this blog since day one. *happy tear*


Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Navigating Big Life Changes

Happy Wednesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, we're talking about something that's hitting me hard right now, and that's Big Life Changes. Not only am I moving for the first time in over ten years, but I've also gone back to a previous job that's very demanding on my writer self. How the hell am I managing to also come back here and blog?

Well, that's the topic for today's post, silly. This is how I'm feeling about everything I have going on:

I know I can get wordy up here, but not today, gosh darn it. Get cozy and get scrolling!

Let's start by getting a rundown of things considered to be Big Life Changes. 

  • Death of a loved one
  • Changing careers or major career shifts
  • Marriage or divorce
  • Having children or becoming an empty-nester
  • Major illness, injury, or health diagnosis
  • Retirement or planning for retirement
  • Starting or ending a significant relationship
  • Financial gain or loss (bankruptcy, inheritance, winning money, job loss)
  • Returning to school or significant educational pursuit
  • Relocating to a new city, state, or country (separate from moving houses locally)
  • Launching a new business or creative venture
  • Significant milestone birthdays (turning 40, 50, 60, etc.)
  • Becoming a caretaker for someone ill or elderly
  • Pets passing away or adopting new pets
  • Significant personal accomplishments (publishing a major work, reaching a personal goal)
  • Spiritual or philosophical transformations

I don't know about you, but I'm going through a number of those right now:

  • Relocating to a new state
  • Becoming an empty nester
  • Major career shift
  • Pets passing away
  • And I'm always struggling with my illness, so... Yeah...

It's a lot, but scheduling and planning helps a ton. One thing you have to keep in mind as you go through these things is carving out time for yourself. If you get sick or worn out, you won't have the energy to keep up with anything else. It's imperative you take care of you.

Steps I take to take to navigate huge task dumps:

  • Talking it out over coffee with a friend
  • Breaking tasks into smaller pieces so I can easily get my head around them
  • Sorting and planning, realistically, time to do each task
  • Writing everything out in a planner with time slots
  • Using a timer to ensure I stick to the plan and wrapping up super quickly when it goes off

These not only save my sanity, but they allow me to accomplish things in smaller pieces so I get both a sense of pride and a sense of accomplishment. Checking things off a list feels SO GOOD, doesn't it? Not only that, but I make sure to work in time for friends, family, and my own leisure pursuits (y'all know about the new Hunger Games book--enough said).

If I sit down and try to do everything at once, it all becomes a jumbled mess in front of me, but by breaking it down and scheduling it, everything suddenly has a time and a reason. It's much easier to accomplish little things than big ones.

My other job is rather demanding right now because I'm trying to clean up and get my team on a new path. Researching tools that will help us do our job was a big part of that, and properly utilizing the tools we already had, and are paying for, required a lot of up-front work. It was overwhelming, but I took a stand-back-and-examine approach, and I think I have our priorities sorted. That was a huge step. It's frustrating to see tools that aren't being used, but we've gotten our bull by the horns now.

Revitalizing this blog is a huge personal goal of mine, and because I'm unapologetic about what I post or if I miss a day, I feel like that turns a lot of people off. However, I refuse to change that about myself. If I can't do it, I can't do it, but I hope you all know I give it my level best. It's important to me, so I make it as much of a priority as I can. :)

Bear with me through the changes. We'll find our footing. I promise you.

What kind of Big Life Changes are you dealing with right now? Any advice to add?

I hope you all took something away from this post and enjoyed the read. Unsure what the next post will be about, but we'll get through it together! I hope. hahaha

Well, that's all for today, folks!

Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, March 7, 2025

Passive vs Active Work and Why Each Matters

Happy Friday, good people of the blogosphere! Welcome back. I know things have been kind of all over the place this month, but hey, you're not here for normal. If you wanted that, there are a ton of other blogs out there that'll deliver. Ha! One thing you won't get here are pre-written blog posts created by anyone, or thing, other than me. Despite my interest in AI and what it can offer writers, I prefer to tickle the keys and bring you my winning personality. :)

All that being said, today, we're diving into the differences between active and passive work and why you should be doing both. Why do they matter? Are they really both important?

There's only one way to find out! Let's stop wasting time up here and dive on in, shall we? Get that coffee, get comfortable, and get to scrolling.

Passive Work - This is most easily defined as learning. On a more complex level, you can call it a dabble (practice), gaining education, thinking about what you need to do, or setting up preparation to complete a task. Now, let's break those down.

Thinking about your task is the first thing you should do. While it does still matter, it usually comes in the form of considering what you need to complete the task, how you'll tackle the dabble, what books you'll read or videos you'll watch, and thinking about timing/making a schedule so you know when you're ready to prepare. You can also spend this time making a playlist or ordering/buying books you'll need for the education phase.

Dabbling gives you the advantage of basically trying before buying. This is where you try the skill or get used to the tools you're about to use to perform a bigger task. In the form of art, it's trying different mediums to see how they feel or react to whatever substrate you plan to use or getting the feel of different tools in your hands. In writing, it's things like blogging or journaling. Just keep in mind that practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes permanent, so assure you're practicing with the right form in mind. Either by holding that brush just the right way or using complete sentences.

When you're passively tackling education, it's all about reading or watching someone else do what you're about to do. Taking classes to further your education in one area or another is also considered education. Lots of folks dive into this before they start to dabble. Yeah, there could be a set path, but sometimes, you dabble, educate, then do, so nothing is really set in stone. I know I started dabbling in writing when I was about twelve, and I didn't dive into the education side until much later. :) By the way, those first stories never saw the light of day. They were just mine. I shudder to think about the reviews... You also practice here because that's learning. Read, paint, do whatever until you're good at it.Something a lot of people don't know is that MailerLite has an education course where you can become certified. If you're thinking about that newsletter, go take the course and practice using their platform.

Now, with preparation, this is your woolgathering stage. You set the circumstances, get everything together that you need to perform the task, and make a plan or schedule to get things done. A lot of folks might call scheduling active work, but it's not. It's passive. 

Active Work - This is the doing. We can break it down into creating the thing; making sure others create the thing; or diving, well prepared, into that task.

When you're creating the thing (whatever it may be), you should know exactly what to do next and be well prepared to do it. You know your stuff because you spent passive time learning how to do the task(s) needed. You're familiar with the tools. All that passive work leads to the doing.

If someone else needs guidance (if you're a manager or foreman), you're the one with the skills to show them how to do it, and you can keep people on task because you have a schedule you created during your passive time.

Active work will be a small percentage of your day unless you're already well versed on the things you need to accomplish and how to get them done. Every time you're learning a new skill, you'll have more passive time in your workflow.

I've heard of some companies giving employees up to two hours a day to spend on learning so they get better at their jobs. Something to think about. When we know more, we're more productive and have to spend less time stopping to learn what we're doing when we come upon something we're not sure how to do. You know it ahead of time.

Spend the time learning how to do everything related to the tasks you know you'll be facing, and you'll be more productive and have fewer hours of downtime from having to backtrack or look something up (which is oftentimes where writers get lost in the internet). Ha!

I feel sometimes too much emphasis is put on the active side of things because that's where actual results can be seen, but passive work is equally as important, or you lose a lot of production hours. I know you know what I mean. :P

I hope this post was informative! Do you find yourself engaged in more passive or active work? How do you find the balance? Drop me a comment and let me know. :)

Well, that's all for today, folks!

Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, February 19, 2025

How AI is Changing the Publishing Landscape

Hello, and happy Wednesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, we’ll be talking about how AI is changing writing and publishing for thousands, or hundreds of thousands, of authors. We’ll take a peek into how writers are using AI, and we’ll discuss what changes have happened (that I know about) through the publishing industry.

That sound good? Excellent. Get comfy, turn up the heater (those of you in the Midwest, BRRRRR!), and grab a drink. Unsure how long this will be, but it’ll be nowhere near the length of the AI trial posts I’ve been doing. :)

Authors are using AI in various different ways. Some are cranking out books by having AI write the whole thing and just clicking publish, even though many publishers now demand you to disclose if AI was used to write the book. Most writers, however, are using it as a helping tool. They don’t just plug in a prompt and get a book. They’re spending hours creating an outline, characters, worlds, and other such things, and then they get a chapter at a time they have to heavily edit. Sometimes, the AI will give them a workable chapter, and sometimes, they’re forced to redo the entire thing because they forgot something.

None of these programs are cheap to use, either. Sure, GPT costs about $20 a month, but as you saw in my previous posts, it needs a ton of rewording before it’s usable. Most good programs cost you per word.

Then why use it?

Well, it makes their writing go faster, helps them past a part where they may be stuck, or gives them ideas they may not have come up with otherwise. For some writers, that’s invaluable. We all still have the same issue though: marketing. How to get a book in front of readers who may enjoy it, right?

There’s also the folks who won’t touch a book written with AI with a ten-foot pole. I think a lot of people don’t realize nearly every word processor has some kind of AI built in now. Even MS Word has the new CoPilot AI running. Avoiding AI books is becoming as difficult as avoiding the sun in SW Florida.

Now, the horrors of AI are those books simply produced 100% by AI and are published without any kind of editing done. It makes every author using the program as a tool to help them write look like a hack. Some books, you’d never know used any kind of AI unless the author tells you. Some, are obviously AI and are obviously terrible from page one. This is why samples are so important, yeah?

Along with Amazon, Ingram Spark had some AI drama not long ago, and if I remember correctly, it had something to do with them wanting to use the content of the books submitted to create audio with AI.

Well, that’s not okay. A lot of authors I know already have an audiobook company, and I imagine the Actor’s Guild had something to say about that…

Another problem I see is the AI editors. Grammarly often corrects incorrectly, and they’ve been in hot water lately because they said they’d use the text they’re editing to train their AI. That was quite a blowback, but I’m positive there are a ton of folks out there who didn’t read the fine print and are using the program without knowing. Are they still doing it? I don’t know. Check the fine print.

That’s something you should be doing anyway if you don’t want your stuff used.

I can’t see any of these things going away anytime soon, but whomever amongst the masses still chooses to 86 any kind of AI, be absolutely sure you’re checking the ToS or ToU for whatever program you use or install.

It won’t be long until AI gets enough input to output pretty convincing books, so in time, we may have no idea what was and wasn’t AI to begin with. Book covers are already generated, and a lot of those are pretty convincing, so you can pretty much count on the content inside to catch up.

There’s no way to stop it. It will happen, but you can just keep doing what you do and keep doing it as well as you can. That’s all you can do. You can boycott, but there are people who just don’t care, and there are enough of them to make a difference. Screaming in the streets and online seems to also make no difference, but as I said, you can keep doing what you do, and there are those who’ll follow you into the depths of Hell because of your choice either way—to AI or not AI.

What do you think? Can you think of any examples? Drop me a comment below.

Well, that’s all for today, folks!

Until next time, WRITE ON!



Monday, February 17, 2025

Big Words and Bigger Egos

Hello, and happy Monday, y’all!! Today, we’re discussing something, as an editor, drives me bananas: big words. We’ll take a look at when to use them, how to use them, and when to avoid them like the plague. Even the AI we’ve been discussing tends to drop in big words with no context, so this isn’t a singular issue. Unsure if that program’s developers simply told it to pepper the manuscript with big words for effect or if the papers/training material fed to it influenced it to use words most people don’t know, but it sure is annoying to have to look up every third word.

So, if you’re ready to be inundated by information, grab a cup of coffee or tea, settle in, and let’s learn some shizz.

Definition of Big Words: Things not easily understood by the majority of the population without some context clues for identification as to the meaning of the word. Words which need to be researched for understanding.

Big words are considered any singular word or multi-word phrase a common reader can’t comprehend without a dictionary or internet search. Used too often, they can turn a reader off the book or article you’ve written. Of course, there’s a time and place for everything, as you know.

When should you use big words?

When you can spare the word count to define them, you’re good, and when you’re 99% sure people will understand your meaning, a well-placed big word can enhance the narrative. For example: Gargantuan is a big word, and my pun is totally intended. Most people know what it means. Those who don’t can figure it out if you’ve used excellent context clues to help with definition.

She took a gargantuan bite of the sandwich, her mouth stretching like a python’s around the two slices of bread with all the meat and cheese I could fathom between them. How she managed to chew without choking, I’ll never know.

You get it. It’s a BIG bite. Gigantic. Ginormous. Huge. Gargantuan.

See? You got several words to relate to the one you may not have known the definition of. That’s context. Of course, the majority of people already know what the word means, so the context isn’t as needed, but it’s still helpful.

How should you use big words?

To enhance the narrative. Period. If there’s a simpler way to say something, say it that way.

When should you avoid big words like the plague?

If you’re writing for a young-adult audience, for children, or for the news (which is mass consumed), just say no. Unless you’re really, really good at context definitions, you want to use big words sparingly in these publications.

Why is this a thing which makes me nuts?

Because I read a ton. If I don’t know what a word means, there’s an excellent chance the common reader won’t know it either. We don’t need to be slapped in the face with your presumed intelligence or your overinflated ego because you believe you’re the wordsmith of legend. We simply find you arrogant and repulsive because you can’t pull your head out of your ass long enough to be on our level. If you’re writing for “smart” people, you’re not going to sell that many books; I don’t care how riveting your prose may be. As I said, it’s tiring AF to look up every third word. Yuck. DNF every time.

What books have you read that left you with the nasty aftertaste of dictionary? Did you finish?

Well, that’s all for today, folks!

Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Book Excerpt #1 - Intensification - Pen Pals and Serial Killers Story Three

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Today, I'm scheduled to give you all an excerpt of my WIP, Intensification. Warning: It's not for the feint of heart. This excerpt will introduce you to both main characters, Detective Hank Reynolds and Claude. I hope you enjoy it! As a side note, Provocation is with the proofreader, and a release date will be coming at you soon! If you missed the first two excerpts from that book, check them out here and here. Grab your coffee, or tea, and let's get going!

First, a little about the book:

Title: Intensification - Pen Pals and Serial Killers - Story Three
Author: Jo Michaels
Genre: Psychological Thriller
Length: Looking like it'll be around 70k
Release Date: TBD (Spring 2018 for sure)

Detective Hank Reynolds has just been handed the case of a lifetime. Another reality TV star has gone missing, and it’s up to the Atlanta police department to find her before it’s too late. While he’s digging around, he discovers there have been nearly twenty similar kidnappings in the surrounding areas over the last twenty years, and while trying to find out more—and a witness that’s still alive—he’s dragged into a past he wishes he could erase. His dreams become nightmares about the women, and his sanity unravels. Even his eyes begin to play tricks on him, but no hallucinations are as devious as the antics of the killer—who’s always one breath away—waiting for the chance to strike again.

Now for the excerpt!

Chapter One

Rolling over, Claude’s eyes fell on the clock. Ten p.m. He grinned. That would give him plenty of time to do the things he wanted to do and still be back before it was time to get up and get moving for the day.
His feet made no noise as he padded down the hall to the garage, and he disabled the alarm system before opening the door. Careful not to knock anything over, he made his way in the dark to the table on the other side of the room and slid it to one side. A few wrenches hanging from pegs banged together, but there was no noise otherwise. Every night he went out, he was more grateful he’d thought to put the rollers on the legs. Once the table was slid aside, he stuck his pinky finger through a hole in the sheetrock and pulled.
It swung forward easily, the hole the only indication there was anything there. Inside were the articles he’d worn every night: A gray coverall, high boots, and a baseball cap with his favorite team’s logo emblazoned on the front.
He chuckled as he pulled it on, the NY turned toward the back. F--- the Red Sox and the horse they rode in on, he’d be a Yankees fan until the day he died.
Carefully, he folded the pajamas he’d been wearing before and put them in the hidey-hole, closing the door softly. His boots were in his hand, and he waited until he was safely in the alcove of the side door before slipping them on his feet. It wouldn’t do to leave prints from boots he wasn’t supposed to have anywhere inside.
Hands in his pockets, he stepped to the sidewalk, casting his gaze both directions before turning left and scurrying down three blocks then going right. His house was the fourth one on the left in the cul-de-sac, a large Tudor with an impressive privacy fence, a high gate, and only a few lights on inside that backed up to a large, wooded area. Before he went up to the door, he grabbed the mail out of the box, snickered at the fliers inviting him to shop at one store or another—they really didn’t want him anywhere near their establishments—and threw everything in the neighbor’s recycling bin.
It had been nearly a week since he’d been able to come home, and he could almost hear his beauties calling out to him. His hand shook as he put the key in the lock and turned, the excitement he was feeling threatening to boil over and consume him whole.
Claude dashed in and spun to engage the deadbolt, also sliding the long chain into place. Once it was locked, he allowed himself to relax. He peeled off the hat and boots, leaving them near the door, and the next to go was his coveralls. No clothing was required in his home, but he preferred to keep the boxer-briefs on. Sitting on chairs in the nude just made his balls sweaty, and he wasn’t about to suffer the discomfort.
As he walked through the kitchen, he swatted Alice on the ass and whispered in her ear, “I’ll be back in a few minutes. I have something to take care of first.”
She giggled in response, and he checked her wires to make sure she was secure before moving on to Nadine.
“How are you tonight, my love?” he asked, caressing her beautiful, brown face.
“I’m excellent, Claude. How are you?” Her sweet voice was like milk and honey to his ears, and he kissed her on the tip of her nose.
“Wonderful. Glad to be home.” After checking her wires as well, he ignored the other ladies and went for the door to the basement. He glanced around to be sure no one was watching and pulled his key out of its hiding place under the plant nearby.
Door finally unlocked, he gave it a hard tug, enjoying the cool hiss of air as the seal broke. He stepped through and pulled the door shut all the way, re-engaging the locks, before hitting the switch to turn on the light. The LEDs nearly blinded him, and as soon as they came to full strength, she started screaming.
There was no need to run or get angry, so he whistled as he made his way down the steps to her cage, laughing to himself the whole time.
When he rounded the corner, something whizzed past his head, and he ducked back.
“Easy now. You sure you want to throw things at me, madame?” He’d been working on his French accent, and it was nearly perfect.
“F--- you! Let me the f--- out of here, you f---ing psycho!” Her cage bars rattled.
“That’s not a nice way to speak to me, cherie. I saved you.”
“F--- that!” Her voice was so shrill, it echoed off the soundproof walls and bounced around like a pinball.
He winced and leaned out a bit so he could see her. There was nothing else nearby for her to throw, and her hands were empty, so he stepped all the way out and smiled at her. “Cherie, I’ve missed you.”
She backed away from his side of the cage, flattening her body to the back bars, her eyes wide and fixed on his approaching form.
That was the reaction that made him feel most powerful—when they moved away as though they could sense there was something dark inside him.
“I recognize you. You were that guy on the news, huh?”
“No. That wasn’t me.”
“Then your twin brother? I don’t understand how you two can be so diff—”
He launched himself at the bars. “Shut. Up.”
Laughter sprung up and out of her.
“Don’t you dare talk about things you have no knowledge of, or I’ll end your life right now.”
“That’s what you plan to do anyway, right? So why should I give a sh-t if you care what I’m saying or not?”
“Because what you say is the line drawn between whether you enjoy your death or have a really f---ing hard time of it, bitch.” He snarled as the last word dripped from his lips and smiled when she flinched.
As he tracked a path around the outside of the cage, she moved, too, keeping her body on the side farthest away from him. The way her muscles moved under the skin of her thighs made his c-ck hard, and he wiped drool off his chin. Her breasts were magnificent creatures, rising and falling every time she panted. Though she could use a washing, she was still the most alluring one he’d taken.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispered as he moved.
“F--- you!” she screamed.
“I can’t wait to add you to my collection. You’ll be my prized possession. I already have a room made up for you, and it’s just like something you’d pick for yourself. I can hear you thanking me now.” He lifted his voice a few octaves as he mimicked her. “‘Oh, Claude, I love every part of it so very much! You’re the best ever.’ And then maybe you’ll give me a kiss.”
“You know nothing about me, and there’s no way I’m ever going to kiss you.”
“Oh, but I do, Sharon. I do. I watched you for months on television, and then I followed you, always in the shadows where you couldn’t see me. That prick you were dating wasn’t worthy of you, darling.” His hand snaked out and caught her hair, and he pulled her to the bars closest to him. “You’ll never have to worry about not having the right man again, because I promise to take care of you for all time.”
“Killing someone isn’t taking care of them.” Tears were streaming down her face then, and her shoulders sagged. “Please, Claude. Please. Let me go?”
Pulling her head back, he yanked on her hair so the skin on her throat grew tight, the pulse banging away just under the surface. His teeth ached to sink into the supple flesh, tear at it, but he knew if he did, her corpse would be ruined, and he wanted her in his collection very badly.
He inhaled, savoring her perfume.
“Please,” she whispered.
“No.” It was a simple answer, and he watched her to see how she might react. That always told him the most about the women—how they responded when they didn’t get something they’d begged for.
Rather than grow angry, she softened, and her shoulders shook.
“Weak. Just as I expected.” His fingers opened, and he dropped her, letting her sink to the floor. “Tomorrow, mon cherie. Tomorrow!”
After bringing her some food that he left on a paper plate near the cage, he replenished her supply of water bottles then whistled his way back upstairs.
His ladies were waiting, and he had big plans for the evening.
He locked the door and stowed the key after making sure none of the women were watching, and then he went to join Ginger on the couch. “Mind if I have the remote?” he asked.
“Not at all, Claude.”
Taking it from her hand, he was careful not to knock around the supporting wire and damage the limb again like he’d done the week prior. It had been a bitch to repair, and he just didn’t have the time to dick around with it.
With a click of the red power button, the television came on, and he activated the DVR, looking for the latest episodes of She Wants to Marry Him.
Carefully, he put one arm around Ginger and pulled her close, moving her head so it rested on his shoulder. He kissed her blonde hair and laughed when the photos of the women on the show scrolled across the screen, their names emblazoned underneath. “Remember when you were on this show?”
Hand in her hair, he moved her head up and down.
“I bet you do. That d-ckless wonder didn’t know what he had in you, did he?”
Her head moved left and right.
“Let’s see what happens tonight.”
For two hours, he caught up on episodes he’d missed, using the notebook on the coffee table to write down details he thought might be important later on.
He tossed the pad back on the table, turned the television off, stood, and adjusted Ginger so she looked like she did when he arrived, caressing her chin with his thumb. “You’re so beautiful. It’s a shame you didn’t win that one, but it was probably because you’re so stupid.”
Returning to the kitchen and Alice, he wrapped his arms around her from behind and pressed himself to her back and rear. She was still firm, and he liked it. Her roundness made him ache with desire. He buried his face in her hair but pulled back when he got a whiff of something unpleasant.
Moving her hair to one side, he examined her neck, and found a small patch of skin had peeled back, revealing the stuffing he’d packed her with. A little more digging in the hole found the culprit of the horrendous smell. It was a tiny patch of mildew. She’d been near the sink too long and needed to dry out.
“Alice, darling. You’re positively rotting from the inside out. I’ll need to move you, okay?”
Her head moved up and down.
“Perhaps Hailey would like to take your place. I’ll just go ask her. Be right back.” He sprinted up the stairs, flipping on the light at the landing, and making a hard right into the master bedroom. There, he found Hailey lying on the bed with Juniper lying nearby, one hand covering one of Hailey’s breasts. “Get up, ladies! I need Hailey dressed and downstairs to take Alice’s place. You want to do that, sweetheart?”
“Of course, Claude. Anything for you,” she answered.
He dug a pretty dress out of the closet and helped Hailey into it, and then he lifted her over his shoulder and carried her down, careful not to bang her head on anything.
Alice was unhooked from the wires, the dry sponge taken from her hand, and she was placed on the floor nearby. Hailey was buckled in, the sponge put in her right hand, and a clean plate fixed to her left with some Velcro strips he kept in a nearby drawer.
After carrying Alice upstairs, stripping her naked, and arranging her in the bed with Juniper, he pressed his back to the wall to admire his handiwork, deciding quickly that her hand was too high. He adjusted it so it was between Alice’s legs and sighed.
Again, he backed up to the wall and peered at them. His ---- immediately as he watched them play with one another, giggling, kissing, and rolling on the bed, but he shook it off. There was no time for that right then. He had to get back before his time expired. Kissing each lady on the head, he scurried out and down the steps, his hard-on dropping the moment he stepped off the last one.
“Well, my lovelies, I’ll see you all tomorrow! We’ll have a splendid party soon! I’ll bring champagne, and you can welcome Sharon with open arms when I finally bring her up.”
They cheered.
He quickly dressed and hurried out the door, being sure to lock it behind himself, before jogging back the way he’d come.
Quickly and quietly, he snuck through the garage door, changed, rearmed the alarm system, and slipped back into bed.


At six a.m. sharp, the alarm sounded, jolting Hank out of a deep sleep. He rolled onto his back, one hand absently slapping at the offending noise. Finally, it stopped, and he groaned. It was like he hadn’t slept in weeks, and it was starting to take a toll on him. A decision was made then and there that the sleeping pills the doctor had prescribed would be taken that night. Just one night of rest was all he needed to trudge on through another few weeks of restlessness.
He peeled himself out of bed, pressed the button on the coffee pot, and headed for the shower. Music poured out of his mouth, and he took the detachable sprayer and held it in front of his lips, filling the small space with crescendos and a strong, natural vibrato. It was his favorite time of day, before dealing with the people from the office, before having to get into it with victims calling about some bullshit that may or may not have happened in the middle of the night; in that moment, he was just a man with music in his soul and warm spray from his shower microphone.
Once he was clean, he stepped out and toweled off, going to the kitchen to pour a huge cup of the coffee he could smell from the shower. He gulped at it, loving the way it burned as it made its way to his stomach. A sigh tore out of him. Perfection.
His routine was firmly established, and the next half hour was spoken for as he trimmed his beard, brushed his teeth, and dressed for the day in slacks and a button down, strapping his gun belt to his waist. He always grabbed was his wallet and badge as he left the bedroom, and those went in his back pockets. Then, he filled his travel cup with coffee and left for the day. On the drive to the precinct, he checked his voicemail. There were three calls: One from his ex-girlfriend inviting him for drinks—delete, another from his partner about the upcoming softball game—save, and a third from someone he didn’t know asking about the rich girl kidnapping—delete.
He sighed and threw the phone on the passenger’s seat, leaning back with two hands on the wheel, and finished driving to work while yelling at other drivers to pay attention to what they were freaking doing before they killed someone.
Pulling into the lot, he parked in his designated spot and got out, coffee in hand, to go up to his office. His partner was already there.
“Morning,” Hank said.
“Dude. Phones are blowing up over that rich girl model that went missing. Cap says we need to nail this bastard soon.” Tony thumped the desk with his forehead. “Sorry. Good morning to you, too.”
“Do we have any new information?”
“No. That’s the thing. There have been a million and one ‘hot tips,’ but none of them check out, ya know?”
Falling into a rolling chair behind a desk facing Tony’s, Hank shook his head as his anger bubbled. “Don’t know what Cap wants us to do about it if we don’t have any damned leads. The guys snatching these women might as well be g--damned ghosts!”
“I know. You’re preaching to the choir, man.”
“I’m just so f---ing frustrated with it all.”
“Well, what do you want to do today? Beat the streets?”
“We’re gonna have to.” Frustrated, he pulled the file folder over and flipped it open. A pretty brunette smiled out of the photograph. Missing nearly a week, she’d disappeared while grocery shopping at a local store, one with no exterior cameras. He read over the report once again, but the only thing that stuck out to him was that she’d been on TV on some reality show about marriage. There had been a couple of similar cases over the previous two years, and he assumed it was a pattern. He wondered if anyone else had put that together.
Their captain stuck his head out the door and barked at them to “get in his office. Now.”
With a sigh, Tony and Hank rose and went through the glass door.
“Take a seat, boys.”
They did, neither of them saying a word, Hank still clutching the file.
“I need you two on top of your game. This f---er has everyone terrified to take a step outside.”
He held up a hand. “Whoa. Hold on a sec, Cap. I’m thinking maybe this isn’t random and isn’t linked with those other two snatch-and-grab jobs from Fulton County. It struck me a few minutes ago that four young women who’ve been on one reality TV show or another have gone missing over the last few years. That suggests a pattern, right? I’m not sure Jane the Wife has anything to be afraid of—as long as she doesn’t live in Fulton.”
“Right. Suggests. There’s no way to be sure of that, Reynolds. If they’d all gone missing after being part of one show, we’d have something.”
Truer words were never spoken, and he knew it; he just didn’t really like it all that much. A kidnapper had to be established a number of years, and have a definitive pattern, but the cases they were working had no links between all the victims, only four out of six. It also seemed their realty perp only been active a little while. If Hank’s suspicions were correct, the guy had already snatched the three other women who were in the public eye, but lesser known than the most recent.
“My gut tells me we’ll catch someone soon, so I want you boys looking into everything you can think of, okay? Get out there and get me some answers. I need to assure people that my guys aren’t complete morons.” Cap crushed his cigarette in the ashtray and waved his hands. “Get!”
Tony and Hank got up and left, neither of them with a spring in their step.
“Let’s go, big guy,” Tony said.
“Wait a sec. I’m gonna grab another cup.” Hank refilled his travel thermos and capped it. “Okay. Ready. Let’s do this sh-t.”
They got into Tony’s car, a black Impala, and pulled out, headed for the last known address of the missing girl and the grocery store she’d gone missing from.

I hope you enjoyed that! EEP!

What do you think? Is Claude's house weird or what?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
