Monday, March 4, 2013

LinkedOut - Day Four WABC

Happy Monday, good people of the blogosphere! Oooooh, I heard that groan! I know, another work week just began and you all want to go back to bed. Well, you can do that after you read this post! Ha! My topic for today is LinkedIn. I call it LinkedOut because I'm out of the loop on most of its glorious possibilities. But more on that after the prompt for today:

LinkedIn is a business-oriented social networking site. Launched in May 2003, it has undergone many metamorphoses – the most recent of which involved retiring two of its most popular features, LinkedIn Events and LinkedIn Answers. Are you using LinkedIn to promote yourself as an author? Does your professional profile include or feature your writing? What is the best connection you’ve made through your involvement on LinkedIn? With whom would you still like to connect? Might LinkedIn be a good vehicle for making such a connection? What is your biggest question, frustration, or suggestion regarding LinkedIn? IF YOU’RE NOT USING LinkedIn, why not? Here’s a good overview of LinkedIn’s features. After perusing it, how MIGHT you use LinkedIn to help build your author profile? Is it something you’re considering? Be sure to give us the link to your LinkedIn profile.

I'm on LinkedIn, I just don't use it to its full potential. My profile has a lot of stuff on it, again, branded as my other sites are, but it hasn't been nearly as helpful as Facebook or Twitter for my promotional network.

Don't get me wrong, it's great for business connections! I just tend to focus more on connecting with readers than I do with businesses. Those readers are active on Facebook and Twitter, not LinkedIn. They're not business owners. My target market doesn't 'hang out' on LinkedIn.

My best connection over there is The Greatest Boyfriend in the World. He has one of the top 100 profiles on LinkedIn and sometimes reposts my stuff for me. I do have a complete listing of my books on my profile there and, I'd say the one book I have that would help the folks there is: The Indie Author's Guide to: Building a Great Book. Though it needs an update to include a couple of very handy tools I've run across in the last week.

No words of wisdom for others on how to use it, because I'm certainly LinkedOut.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. I had someone request me on LinkedIn and that's the only reason I set up a profile. There's just too many social networks out there to keep up with! I tend to stick mostly with FB and Twitter.

    1. It was the same for me. But you have to put yourself out there on as many sites as possible to increase your visibility :) Thanks for the comment, Heather :)

  2. It sounds like we're all about the same here, we have profiles and auto link our blogs, but not much else... I'm not sure it's as useful as some of the other forms of social media for authors, but then again what would I know?

    1. I'm not even sure I have a link to my blog from LinkedIn, but I should... Thanks for mentioning, Ashley. :)

  3. I use LinkedIn, but only for my "day" career. I will be curious to know how useful other WABC'ers find LinkedIn.

    1. I don't find it super useful, Alana. I tend to stick with what I know and LinkedIn isn't one of the platforms I'm in love with. :)

  4. It seems to be a consensus. Every post I've read so far today suggests LinkedIn is not a favorite for authors. I agree!

    1. I'll be using it to promote my editing, but that's a business, not a sales page. :)

  5. Hey Jo,
    LinkedIn is an interesting tool for connecting and meeting others. Here's my challenge:I built two profiles, lost a password and had to start all over! Guess I'm LinkedOut Too!


    1. Hey, Judith! I'd be mighty upset if I spent all that time only to lose my password! YIKES!! :(

  6. Glad I'm not the only one who doesn't use it much. I've just sent you a connection request :)

    1. Which I accepted, Melissa :) I know it has power, just not sure how to tap into that for sales of books...


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