Friday, March 8, 2013

Quora is Questioned - Day Eight WABC

Happy FRIDAY, good people of the blogosphere! Sorry I was late with yesterday's post. My daughter has been very ill this week and yesterday we ended up in the ER - twice. But she's all good now and bouncing around like a regular seven-year-old ought to be. With the weekend starting today, I'm glad to see her on the mend. Today, I'll be discussing something I'm not familiar with (but intend to be here shortly) called Quora. Here's the prompt from the challenge:

Are you using Quora? If you aren’t familiar with it, Quora enables users to ask questions and receive answers from those who allegedly know something about the topic. This is a phenomenal way to demonstrate your expertise – and even if you’re a novelist, you have an area of expertise – perhaps it’s simply “publishing your novel.” Unfortunately, it seems you’re required to have an account before you can dig around – UNLESS you know a person’s profile link. Here are two you can check out:

Yes – I just put myself on par with Seth Godin! Here’s your challenge: What’s the one question you would like to find an expert to answer? And conversely, what’s the one question you would feel most comfortable/confident answering? If you’re on Quora, please be sure to give us your link!

I looked around, created an account, and invited a couple of people over to join me. My profile is here:

At first glance, it seems you can become an authority in your field on Quora rather quickly by answering questions others post. I'll need some more time to explore it, but I can see the potential of being involved in such a website. Both professionally and business-wise, it seems like a good investment of time to pop over and answer a question once or twice a week.

As a bonus, it let me link all my social networks right up with the click of a button. Perhaps I'll gain new followers and new readers that way. What an awesome tool!

Just in case you missed yesterday's post (that I wrote this morning), I'm giving you all the video once again. Enjoy! I better see your toes tapping!

Whatcha think?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. I've just followed you & am still looking around. It looks like it's an interesting resource.

    1. I followed you back! :) It does look interesting, huh? I can't wait to get involved. Thanks for the comment :)

  2. Hi Melissa good to hear you daughter is bouncing back. Checked out your Quora and now following :-)

    1. Thanks, Merlene :) She's such a joy in my life. I was pretty worried there for a moment. I gave you a follow back! :)

  3. I just set up my profile and followed you. The site looks interesting and I'll have to look around further.

    1. I followed you back, Toni. We're sure to make quite a splash over there :)

  4. Love the video. Fun!!

    So sorry to hear about your daughter, and glad she's better. ERs are never fun.

    I jumped over today to check out Quora. Now I have to figure out all my questions and possible answers. *rubs hands together with a mischievous grin*

    1. Thanks, Tia! I saw you already hopping into the fray and splashing like a little kid in a sprinkler :) hehe We should have some fun with it, anyway!

  5. Sorry to hear your daughter was ill, never fun! I haven't even heard of Quora before, I think it woudl take some time to make it work for you. Will put it on my ever increasing to do list.

    1. Yeah, it was kinna scary! Hope you get some use out of Quora, Ashley. If you join up over there, pop me a follow :)


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