Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Ouch! Your Pin Stuck Me! - Day Five WABC

Happy Tuesday! My good people, today's topic is Pinterest. Another prompt from the Winter Author Blog Challenge brings up a number of questions I'm glad to answer. Hey, we're all learning here, right? So sit back, relax, and drink your coffee as you read; beginning with today's prompt:

One of the newest and fastest growing social media platforms is Pinterest. Have you jumped on board? What kinds of images do (or could) you post that are related to your book or the topic of your book? What other kinds of images do you post? Are you linking each post back to your blog, website, or Amazon page? IF YOU’RE NOT USING Pinterest, what’s holding you back? Take a look at book marketer extraordinaire John Kremer’s Pinterest Boards. After perusing them, how MIGHT you use Pinterest to brand yourself and your book? Is it something you’re considering? Be sure to give us your Pinterest link.

I'm a member of Pinterest. You can find my boards here: WriteJoMichaels  I post a lot of my book covers and blog posts there, as well as images from blogs I love to visit. Like I do on my blog, I try to provide useful content beyond shoving my books in your face and screaming, "Buy my book!" While I'd love it if folks ran out and bought my books, I try not to shove it down their throats so much.

I have boards for useful things I find, quotes I love, and one that's just for The Best Boyfriend in the World. Things I want to share with him and loving sentiments get plastered all over that one. I just can't help myself!

I don't link everything back to my own blog or Amazon page because not everything I post there has to do with my stuff.

After looking through John Kremer's boards, I see he does the same but has a lot more boards than I do. I tend to run lean on Pinterest because it's a time suck if I allow it to be. I much prefer Facebook and Twitter.

I have an announcement to make! Thanks to a heads up by the lovely +Jo Harrison, I've enrolled in Smashwords' Read an EBook Week. From midnight tonight PST, my ebooks on Smashwords will all be on sale. The Abigale Chronicles will be $0.99 each (books 1 & 2), Yassa will be just $2.25, and The Indie Author's Guide to: Building a Great Book will be FREE. This promotion will run until 11:59pm on March 9th. Here's the link to my profile: Jo Michaels. I hope you all go peruse the selection catalog when it goes live tonight at midnight.

What have you found daunting about Pinterest?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. I use Pinterest as a resource so much more than I do as a marketing tool. Since I love to read summaries and reviews of books, I prefer to go to GoodReads as a reader, so I tend to also use it as an author.

    I wouldn't go to Pinterest for book suggestions. I do, however, go there quite often for recipes, craft ideas, school project ideas, etc.

    Great post!

    1. I'm with you, Tia! So, how do we change that? Isn't that the #1 question? :) Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment.

  2. I pin my blog posts, but I also use it a lot for personal reasons, like crafts for my boys and recipes.

    1. Yikes, Heather! I don't even do that :( Guess I should start, huh?

  3. Like Tia, I use Pinterest more as a resource, though I have just started using it to promote one of my blogs.

    1. I think most of us do, Melissa. I'm wondering how we beat the status quo though...

  4. Have followed you - starting my account, great ideas.

    1. Thanks for the follow, Ashley! Can't wait to see what you pin :)

  5. I'll have to remember to go check out your "Indie Authors Guide" Always interested in hearing what another author has to share from their experience!

    1. It's an amazing resource for an indie author, Rundy. You won't be sorry. Especially because it's FREE for the next week :)

  6. What I love about Pinterest, well one of the things - is the diversity from board to board and member to member and yours is a great example of this :-)

    1. Thanks, Merlene. I love diversity as well. I just wish I had a firmer grasp on it. ;)


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