Friday, September 20, 2013

Book Giveaway - Sixty Days of Grace by Dorothy Ruppert

Happy Friday, good people of the blogosphere! Tomorrow starts the weekend! I heard that sigh of relief. I'm right there with ya! Today I'm sharing with you all a giveaway we have running on the IBGW blog. It's for a printed copy of a wonderful book. Even if you aren't a religious person, you'll find this book a much loved read. I know I did. Enjoy! Rafflecopter entry form follows!

Title: Sixty Days of Grace: Reflections on God's Sufficiency for the Journey
Author: Dorothy Ruppert
Genre: Christian Inspirational
Pages: 136 printed pages
Amazon link: Paperback $10.58
Kindle $3.99

Description from Amazon:
In today's world, women desperately struggle to meet the unrealistic expectations of others and of themselves. Society tells women they can do it all, and yet they instinctively know they do not have the resources to accomplish all the demands placed upon them. Drawing on their own strength is not enough; in order to survive, women must draw on God. Sixty Days of Grace shares sixty stories from author Dorothy Ruppert, who has struggled through life and succeeded, only because of God's grace. This grace is the prevalent theme of the Bible. From beginning to end, the accounts of the lives of biblical figures demonstrate His eternal grace. However, in modern society His grace is often overlooked. There are many challenges women face as daughters of the King living in a broken environment. Ruppert has been there, as mother, grandmother, working woman, and retiree. Thanks to His grace, she found her strength. All women can do the same, with the power of God. It's time to turn away from self-sufficiency and lean on God's everlasting arm, because His grace is sufficient for the journey; His power is made perfect in human weakness.

It's a book you won't want to put down. But rather than a one-sitting consumption, the author suggests you read one chapter a day for two months. Besides, that cover is just lovely, isn't it?

Without further ado, the rafflecopter entry form!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck, everyone!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. The cover is very pretty and sounds like very inspiring stories!

    1. It's very well done. I proofread it and loved just reading it. Made me feel inspired! Thanks for the comment, Heather :)


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