Monday, January 25, 2016

News Post #3 - 2016

Happy, happy Monday, everyone! I hope you all had a super amazing, fabulous weekend, and you're ready to drag life, kicking and screaming, into the new week. Today is yet another news post. Boy, do I have some news for you! Grab your coffee, and get your clicking fingers ready, because here we go!

There's this movement happening on Facebook for new Indie authors. A team of awesome women have gotten together and are promoting these struggling Indies for free. Yes, I said free.

Why are they doing it? Well, because they love authors, and they love books, and they want to help those who don't know how to help themselves. There are some requisites for authors wanting to join:
  • You must have less than 3k page likes on your Facebook page.
  • You cannot have a street team already.
That's it! Once you hit 3k likes, they'll help you set up a street team of your own, teach them how to promote you, and push you out of the nest to make room for new/emerging authors.

Another bonus of being part of the group is the AAB (Author Advice Bureau). It's a place where members can pop in and ask publishing questions that get answered by seasoned vets (authors who've been in the game for at least 2 years and have a good following).

Pretty cool, huh?

So, who are they and how can you join as an author or promoter (PROMOTERS NEEDED)?

They're called S.A.S.S. (Struggling Author Street-team Service). You can find them here on Facebook. They vet every membership request, so please don't try to sneak in under the radar.

Their official launch is this Friday and Saturday! You can join the party here. Great books and prizes will be up for grabs, and there are tons of authors for you to get to know. It's always awesome to add to your tribe!

Current lineup (All times EST):
Friday 29th
1pm - Welcome from SASS an introduction to who we are, what we do and what we aim to do, we be throwing in some giveaways too!
2pm JN Roper presented by Shelley Custer
2:30pm SM Phillips
3pm RC Boldt
3:30pm - Laura Barnard
4pm Heather Osborne
4:30pm MA Phipps
5pm Patricia Rose
5:30pm CJ Rutherford
6pm Alisha Cole
6:30pm Kellie Wallace
7pm Caroline Gill
7:30pm SASS
1am Tricia Copeland

Saturday 30th
1pm Welcome to Part 2. A bit more about SASS and some more giveaways!
2pm NL Greene
2:30pm Brooke May
3pm RJ Craddock
3:30pm Eleanor Lloyd Jones
4pm Sahara Foley
4:30pm Tia Silverthorne Bach
5pm Nicole Author
5:30pm ML Preston
6pm Imy Santiago
6:30pm Ruth G Juliano
7pm Sophia Valentine
7:30pm Cora Graham

Giveaways sponsored by:
Rachael Brownell
Clint Thurmon
JN Chaney
Kinsey Taylor
Casey L Bond
Stevie Turner
Lynn Mullican
Cherime MacFarlane

If you apply for membership and are approved, you can join the AAB here.

It would be great to see you all at the launch event, even if you just come to give some support to a fellow Indie.

What do you think? Gonna check it out?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!



  1. Can't wait for this event. Going to be awesome

  2. This looks great! I asked to join, but I don't have my book out yet. (I have stories in anthologies, but I'm still editing my novel and it's not quite ready yet. Hoping to have it ready for publication this year though.)

    I'd love to help spread the word for others though! :)


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