Monday, January 4, 2016

2016 Review Team

Because of popular demand, I'm bringing back the Time for Books Review Team!

Welcome to 2016, everyone :)

Last year, I signed up as HUNGRY, and I didn't make it. BOOOOOO!!! I only got to 16. This year, I'm signing up with the same commitment, but under the new level of EARLY BIRD.

Want to join the fun?

Here are the instructions:
  1. Choose your level of commitment.
  2. Grab the image below.
  3. Create a post on your blog about joining and why you did it.
  4. Add your name and the link to your post (not the main URL of your blog) to the linky thing on this page.
  5. Get to reading!
  6. Write your reviews.
  7. Link up your reviews here.

Last year, there were 540 book reviews written and linked up. You can check them out here.

Why should you join? I also curate a review magazine on Flipboard with over 2,000 regular readers, and has enjoyed over 87,000 shares of articles I include. Your review will go in there.

It's my way of helping you get more traffic to your blog and more eyes on the reviews you write.

Happy 2016! I look forward to reading with you!

Be sure and come back around tomorrow to check out my post on the changes that'll take place for 2016.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE READ ON!



  1. Definitely joining Jo! This will be lots of fun!

  2. Cool . . . I think I can do Night Owl! I'll sign up when I'm able to post a blog for it :-)


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