Showing posts with label betrayal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label betrayal. Show all posts

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Facts - Stranger than Fiction

Happy Thursday!!!! Wow, what a week! I've been busy gearing up for my blog party next week and have some amazing prizes for you guys to win! Be sure and come back every day to see what's new!

Today I'm going to spend some time doing a quick, "Did you know?" post for anyone who may not be familiar with the great man known as Genghis Khan. This is in honor of the book Yassa being on sale for the month of October both in Kindle (just $2.99) and paperback (just $7.99) formats. The paperback has had a beautiful re-work and the interior is to die for (screenshots after the post). I hope you all enjoy this post and that you learn a little, too.

The following are all facts that I based Yassa on. Yassa is a work of fiction steeped in factual history.

Did you know:
  • Genghis Khan began life as a boy named Temujin.
  • His father was poisoned when Temujin was just nine years old; forcing the child to step up and lead his people.
  • In Mongolia, it was common for a young boy to live with his betrothed's family to learn the ways of their people for up to four years before the marriage.
  • Temujin spent four years of his life in slavery, and his escape got him noticed by powerful men.
  • Blonde girls were an anomaly but highly sought-after prizes (I could find nothing that said Borte was one of these but I read it happened and went with it).
  • The Merkits stole Temujin's wife, Borte, just two weeks after they were married and his retribution made him a household name.
  • Jamuka was Temujin's anda (brother in life) but no one knows why they had a falling-out (most assume it was over power).
  • No one is sure if Temujin's first son, Jochi, was of his loin because of the timing of the child's birth (~ 9 mos after Borte was taken).
  • In the span of just twenty-five years, Genghis Khan took over much of Mongolia; uniting the tribes under one banner.
  • Genghis held the idea of loyalty above all else and wrote Yassa law based on it.
  • He developed a new writing style and demanded it be used across all of Mongolia so writings could be understood by all.
  • The cultivation of the Silk Road, made famous by Marco Polo, was done under the guidance of Genghis.
  • He truly believed he spoke to God and was tolerant of all religious followings.
Genghis Khan was one of the great men from history. He did things others had only dreamed of.

If you want to learn more about Genghis, in a fun way, you can find out a lot of fact by reading my historical fiction novel. I stuck as closely as possible to the actual timeline of events and used many of the facts you see above to mold my character and get inside his head.

Now for a shot of the new interior of Yassa.

Smaller type, smaller format, better design, and less expensive for you, the reader. Go grab a copy and get your learning on!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, May 3, 2012

"Indescribable" and Why it Cannot Work for a Writer

Ever hear someone say, "I don't know how to describe it!"? As writers, we are duty bound to describe everything. It comes with the territory. So I discuss feelings today and how we might describe them with our words.

Angry - Having a strong feeling of or showing annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of anger.

Okay, there's the definition. What about the feeling itself? How does it affect your body, mind, and thought process? That is what a writer must describe. Forget the damned definition for a minute and think of something that makes you angry. Dwell on it and let it consume you for a few minutes. Now, close your eyes, put your fingers on your keyboard, and describe that feeling.

My attempt (I will use a time I was betrayed by someone I considered a friend in school):

I want to rip her head off her shoulders. If I thought I could physically do that, I swear I would. My heart is racing, my stomach feels like it's on fire, everything in my vision is blurry. I am shaking from head to toe and I am scared I will not be able to control this beast if I let it out of its cage. My hands want to connect with something while balled into fists. My throat is tight and I want to scream horrible things at her. I want to ruin her life so she can feel the same way that I do right now. I would tear her hair, punch her face, and call her every name I think she deserves (which is many).

Now, you can tell someone exactly what betrayal of a friend feels like to Jo. In every book, we read feelings based on those that the writer has experienced. In every character, the writer suffers. If the writer does not suffer, the characters are flat and boring. Let's try another one.

Love - An intense feeling of deep affection

hahaha!! Now that definition is so basic, it makes me want to gag!!

Repeat steps above and write it down.

My attempt (I am thinking of my boyfriend and love of my life, Mike):

My heart is pounding in my chest and my whole body feels like every nerve ending is on overdrive. His face fills my mind and tears spring to my eyes because I am overwhelmed by the intensity of it and there's no other way to release the feeling. If I don't let it out or express it somehow, I am afraid it will keep growing and cause me to shut down completely until I feel his hand on mine or his arms around me. I feel like there is a steel cable that runs from my heart to his and that the further apart we are, the thicker and stronger it becomes. I have a pulling sensation in my stomach and chest that tells me I need to be near him. When I am near him, it stops pulling and lies at rest. I feel an all encompassing fear along with everything else because I worry that it's too good; too much. I see his face and smile because he is beautiful, he makes me unbelievably happy, and my feet and head feel light as a feather.

If you want to, feel free to draw on those descriptions. If you notice, they intertwine with other feelings.

I set this challenge for you today: BEGIN YOUR BIBLE OF FEELINGS

Open up your word processor and list every feeling you can think of. Spend a few minutes every day filling it out. I beg you not to try each and every one of them in a single day because you will end up totally spent and with such a tumult of emotions in you, you might not be able to think. In addition, drawing on all of those memories may leave you with the lingering feelings. You have memories! USE THEM!

Leave a comment today with your attempt. I would love to read them! List your feeling, the definition, and your description! Let's make it fun!

I am running late today. Time to write!!

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Chapter 20 Excerpt

Here is a little snatch from the almost completed chapter 20 - Rivalry

    I relieved Graêl of his burden and rubbed him down with a piece of cloth dipped in the water trough nearby; he nuzzled my hand in thanks.

    I said, “At least someone around here likes me.” and stroked his neck.

    When I was done and Graêl was comfortable, I headed back to speak with my wife again. I knew she was angry with me and I was lost as to how to fix it or make it just a little better. I entered a very silent house and wondered where all the children were. Just as I was about to bellow that I had arrived, my mother ambled out of her room. When I saw her, bent with age and with a full head of gray hair, my heart stung and I hurried over to help her to her yak fur.

    “Most honorable mother, what happened? Why are you bent over like this?”

    She smiled at me and said, “I am simply growing old. I have raised many sons and a daughter. You did not think I would be young and spry forever, did you?”

    I smiled back and said, “No. But I didn’t think age would take you so quickly. I have only been gone…” I began to count in my head.

    She interrupted and said, “Almost two years, my son.”

    Two years! How could that be? I was just home a few months prior! I tried to give voice to my thoughts but she cut me off again.

    “Twenty months you have been gone. Tolui is almost two years of age. He has never even seen you. Börte grows more withdrawn and sad every day. I am hoping your return will bring her life back. I believe she thought you abandoned her forever.”

    My heart hurt in that moment. Pain that began in my chest poured through my body and spiraled outward from that central point; I began to shake. What pain I had caused my wife! Where did my twenty months go? I choked back my tears and looked at my mother with remorse in my eyes.

    She touched my face and said, “Many men make mistakes. I knew when you left that you would be gone from us for a long time; Börte refused to believe me and held on to her thought that you would return within a few days. When a few days turned into a few weeks, and a few weeks turned into a few months, she began to wilt like a flower. I fear that if you had stayed gone much longer, she would have died of a broken heart.”

Temujin may redeem himself but you will have to read the book to find out how. Ha!

I hope you are all enjoying the excerpts and snatches thus far.

Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, February 10, 2012

Chapter 15 is Complete!

I got chapter 15 written yesterday and WOW, what a story! There is a special twist that happens in this chapter so I won't be posting an excerpt. I will give you a taste of chapter 16, where Temujin finally gets to pay some old enemies a visit and gets a little more revenge on people who have wronged him.

Poor Borte is left behind during his conquests! What do you think she will do to occupy herself while her husband is away? Only one way to find out! I know, I know, I am evil and you hate the suspense, right? Haha!

I can't wait to dig in and take a big bite out of chapter 16 this weekend. I ship my most recent work off to my focus group (I call them bookaphyles) today and can't wait to hear their comments. I know they are anxious to hear more of the story and just that makes the whole thing worth it.

I have a story to tell, if just one person enjoys it and learns a little about history while they are at it, I will be satisfied.

To the writers who read this blog, let me tell you that just producing a rough draft of a manuscript is an accomplishment you should pat yourself for every day. How many people that you know have ever written more than 200 pages of ANYthing in their lives?

Smile and know that you have done something great by enriching the life of someone else through your words.

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Chapter 14 is Written!

Yesterday, I was a machine and I cranked out over six-thousand words. Arguments and strain and betrayal and threats and oh man was it an awesome day!

I am feeling very good about my book today. I can't wait to publish it and let the world read this story that will have you punching the air with your fist and saying, "YESSSSSSSS!" one minute, crying into your pillow the next, then laughing hysterically at the antics of some of the more unique characters. I am filled with the emotions my characters experience and I am loving the roller coaster I am on.

My characters sleep with me at night and whisper their thoughts in my ear. They sit with me when I drink coffee and tell me their personal stories. It took me ten chapters before I truly knew them, but the journey has been worth every reward they have bestowed upon me. We have fought together, cried together, been terrified together, and even celebrated together on occasion.

I think the best thing about this whole story is that it has been based on history. Though some of the situations, some of the characters, and all of the character makeups are totally fictional, what Temujin and Borte went through before they were allowed to be together in reality just blows my mind.

I can't wait to share parts of the next few chapters. If you are reading this blog and have a moment, go back through the posted excerpts and have a look-see.

I will have this book IN your hands by the beginning of June (hopefully much sooner) so keep your eyes open and glued to this blog for an exact release date if you are as excited as I am.

Until next time, WRITE ON!!


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Chapter Outline

Well, I got my chapter outline done today. I wasn't sure how quickly the plot would progress until I got chapters 1-10 out of the way but I have a pretty good grasp of the story now and how it has decided to breathe. Here are all of the chapter titles and they tell a bit about what happens by name.

I am not listing summaries because, in my FIRM opinion, summaries are spoilers and you do not want to miss the upcoming action in this book! So, without further ado:

Chapter 1 – The Business of Wives:
Chapter 2 – Of Plots and Abandonment:
Chapter 3 – Metamorphosis
Chapter 4 – I Run, I Hide, I Die
Chapter 5 – Slaves
Chapter 6 – Escape
Chapter 7 – It’s Me Again
Chapter 8 – Training
Chapter 9 – Marriage
Chapter 10 – Bloodlust
Chapter 11 – To War
Chapter 12 – Revenge and Recovery
Chapter 13 – My Love
Chapter 14 – Goings and Comings
Chapter 15 – A Son is Born
Chapter 16 – The Tatars
Chapter 17 – Homecoming
Chapter 18 – Domination
Chapter 19 – Assassination
Chapter 20 – Rivalry
Chapter 21 – Ultimate Betrayal
Chapter 22 – Friends and Foes
Chapter 23 – Hunter
Chapter 24 – Borte
Chapter 25 – Fire Burns a Mighty Path
Chapter 26 – Seizure
Chapter 27 – Friendship
Chapter 28 – Genghis Khan

And, there you have it!!

I hope this puts some excitement into you for the upcoming excerpts!!

Until next time, Write ON!


Friday, February 3, 2012

Chapter 13 Excerpt!!

As promised, a little snatch from the middle of Chapter 13!!

    When I woke, her eyes were open and she was touching my hair and looking at me with such reverence on her face and such love in her eyes that my whole body tingled and my heart beat faster. I smiled sleepily at her and pulled her close. When she stiffened against me, I cringed inside and wondered if we could ever again be as we were. Those thoughts saddened me a bit but I decided to put them aside for the moment and just enjoy the closeness of my wife.

    I rose and called for Jamuka to come and sit with her while I went to find her some decent clothing. I hunted through the yurts until I found one that had been abandoned and had the touch of a woman on the inside. I sifted clothing until I found suitable attire and loaded my arms down with garments before heading back to the place I had left my wife.

With Temujin terrified to leave Borte's side, it makes one wonder how he manages to become Khan, doesn't it?

There is much betrayal still to come. Read what one of the critics said:

"I also really like Temujin’s character development. He’s a little clumsy and unsure of himself right now, growing from that colt-ish young man into something more. It’s nice to see an author make the reader take that journey with the character. It’s frustrating to me when I read about someone being perfect from the get-go." ~ B. Henderson

This story does, indeed, take you from an awkward nine-year-old's perspective to that of a full grown man's. I thought it pertinent to allow the book lover to grow up with the little rascal so they could have a better understanding of why he loves his wife the way he does and why he has so much trust in his anda.

I hope you are all chomping at the bit for the book now! More updates tomorrow!

Until then, WRITE ON!


Monday, January 30, 2012

Building Up & Breaking Down

It's kind of a funny thing I have going here with my main characters. I find myself building up relationships only to have them break down in the worst way after a chapter or two. Conflicts are running amok (love that word) and the ultimate betrayal of friendship is right around the corner.

In Mongolia, during the period when this story takes place, they sometimes had an honorary brother called an anda. It is a huge thing to break trust or betray your anda so when it happens in this story, it's not something to be taken lightly. I will show how the love of a woman can tear down men and make them mortal enemies until death; no matter how close they started out.

Some people say it seems a bit unbelievable. I say, if it is possible, it has been done; we just don't know it happened. Someone needed to tell this story of love, betrayal, and the ultimate sacrifice. I'm just glad Temujin allowed it to be me.

Until next time, WRITE ON!!
