Showing posts with label cover art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cover art. Show all posts

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Cover Reveal - Ask Me About My Unicorn

A special thank you to Emily at Timeless Key Photography for making my beautiful banner. They are two awesome teens starting out their adventures in photography and are doing some amazing things. I have the best fans. -Delphina
Coming April 2015
Loving a unicorn is easy. Yourself?... not so much. 

Read Where It All Began
Unless you can be aUnicorn_high

Always be yourself That was the last advice Scout's Grandma Nora gave her before she died. Scout has spent her life trying to be anything but, but she has a chance to start anew as she moves several states away to college. She had always thought the glowing aura she saw around some people was a childhood fancy, but when it starts coming back just as she's starting her new life, she learns there was much hidden about who she truly is. Thankfully, she has a motley crew to help her along the way: a spunky bookseller, a trustworthy pub owner, a commanding grandmother, a possible best friend, and a hot rocker boy who only has eyes for her. Bonus: “Witches, and Werewolves, and Unicorns, Oh My!” By Elizabeth Kirke: A More than Magic Series Short Story— Exclusively written for Unless You Can Be a Unicorn


Saturday, February 28, 2015

Cover Reveal - Brave

Happy Saturday! EEP! Today, I have a cover reveal for you from the awesomeness that's Carlyle Labuschagne. I hope you enjoy it!

Brave is a short story prequel to The Broken Novels written from Rion's point of view on the life-altering events that led up to the discovery of The Chosen One. 
Rion must choose between love and his long awaited destiny to fulfill his role in a prophecy that is said to save a dying race and ultimately rescue life as we know it from a dark curse that threatens to eclipse all creation. . 

This story will be free to my readers on whattpad and will release in stages over the next few weeks. You can find my whattpad profile here. 
Brave releases February 28 2015

Connect with me on twitter. facebook . goodreads or youtube. You can find out more about me and my dramatic craziness on my websiteCarlyle is an South African award wining author, with a flair for mixing genres and adding loads of drama to every story she creates. For now she is happy to take over the world and convert non Sci-fi believers.
Her goal as an author is to touch people's lives, and help others love their differences and one another by delivering strong messages of faith, love and hope within every outrageous world she writes about.

"I love to swim, fight for the trees, and am a food lover who is driven by my passion for life. I dream that one day my stories will change the lives of countless teenagers and have them obsess over the world literacy can offer them instead of worrying about fitting in. Never sacrifice who you are, its in the dark times that the light comes to life."

Carlyle used writing as a healing tool and that is why she started her very own writers support event - SAIR bookfestival. 
 "To be a helping hand for those who strive to become full times writers, editors, bloggers, readers and cover artists - its a crazy world out there you dont have to go it alone!" 

What do you think? Sounds interesting, eh?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Cover Reveal - Secrets Revealed MysticSeekers III

Happy Saturday, everyone! Today, I have a little post for you all from N. L. Greene! I hope you enjoy this look at the newest installment of her series. Have a wonderful day and stay warm!

I'm so excited to finally share the cover for the final book in The MysticSeekers Series...

Secrets Revealed! 

But, before we do, here's a little bit about the book...

Author - 
N.L. Greene

Author Bio - 
Author N.L. Greene is a writer of YA and NA Contemporary and Paranormal Romances. She currently lives in Florida with her husband and two beautiful daughters. When she isn't writing or reading, she enjoys traveling around the world with her family, shopping and doing other girly things with her girls, or playing video games with her husband. She is a lover of dogs, chocolate, and anything pink!

Book Blurb - 
In the final book of The MysticSeeker Series, Katherine Rebecca will have some hard decisions to make that will forever alter her life.  Lance finally showed his true colors when he attacked and nearly raped her, but amid all the turmoil and confusion new secrets were exposed.  Shocking revelations that had her spinning and questioning everything and everyone in her life.
Sam is a magic user like Blaine and although she saved Becky, Becky's smart enough to know that her 'friends' sudden appearance in her life isn't a coincidence. What does Sam really want with Becky? And was she pretending to be her friend to get it?  Ethan, Becky's best friend and knight in shining armor has been there for her, proving to be a loyal and trustworthy friend. She hasn't been blind to his true feelings for her though. Having fallen for Blaine so quickly, she pushed Ethan away keeping him solidly in the friend zone. But when Ethan shows up distraught and worried after Lance's attack, she wonders if she'd made a mistake.
Until Blaine Winters knocked on her door again.
Can Becky handle Blaine's disappearing and reappearing acts while dealing with Ethan's feelings, Sam's deception, and the things that are still going bump in the night?

And Finally.... 

Author Links - 

Other books by this Author - Illusions Begin (MysticSeeker Series book 1) Magic Unfolds (MysticSeekers Series book 2), Twisted, & Fractured Glass (A novel anthology)

Love it? Yeah, so do I!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Cover Reveal - Crazy Love by Casey L. Bond

crazy love ecover 1
Title: Crazy Love
Author: Casey L. Bond
Genre: New Adult-Dystopian
Release Date: This Winter

Cover Jacket:

crazy love full wrap 1


Shelby Case avoids town and all the people in it. She can't stand the whispers behind covered lips, the judgmental stares. People say she's crazy, that she lost her mind when she lost her husband.
The Second U.S. Civil War has left widows and widowers scattered across the land. Shelby's just learned to cope. She's taught herself the fine art of self-preservation along with the skills to survive.
When the figment of her imagination, the man who's haunted her days and nights for the past two years, shows up on her doorstep, Shelby wonders if all of the whispers are true.

About Casey L. Bond:

EN7A9338editb&w cropped
  Casey L. Bond resides in Milton, West Virginia with her husband Elton and their two beautiful daughters, Juliet and Eris. When she’s not busy being a domestic goddess and chasing her baby girls, she loves to write young adult and new adult fiction. Bond graduated from Hurricane High School in 1999. In 2003, she graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree from Marshall University in the field of Criminal Justice.  

::::Connect with the Author::::


Facebook/ Website/ Twitter/ Pinterest/ Tumblr


Other Books By:Casey L. Bond

Devil's Creek Amazon US:
Amazon UK:  
Shady Bay Amazon US:
Amazon UK:  
Winter Shadows Amazon US:
Amazon UK:  
Pariah Amazon US:
Amazon UK:  
Reap Amazon US:
Amazon UK:  
Resist Amazon US: US:
Amazon UK:
 Sin Part 1 Amazon US:
Amazon UK:  
Sin Part 2 Amazon US:
Amazon UK:  
Sin Part 3 Amazon US:
Amazon UK:  
Sin Part 4 Amazon US:
Amazon UK:  
Sin Part 5 Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Sin The Complete Series Parts 1-5 Amazon US:
Amazon UK:  

Hosted By:

Cover Reveal Logo

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Cover Reveal - Tbinkerknese 101 Book One

Hello, lovelies! Welcome to the cover reveal for author E. L. Thomas Sr.'s new book Tbinkerknese 101 (Book One) Poetic Enrichment for Teens!

Before we get to the good stuff, here's a little about the author:

E. L. Thomas Sr. is a semi-retired construction worker, father, and grandfather born and raised in Valdosta, Georgia. And a United States NAVY veteran (U.S.S. Yosemite A D 19) who served during the Vietnam era. Earl has for a long time had this passion to write poetry, but only recently found what he considered to be a suitable outlet for some of his poems. His hope is, at the least, some of what he’s written will inspire teenagers to confront and conquer some of the immense challenges they’ll face during and after their teen years.

You can find E. L. Thomas Sr. at the following social media sites:
Facebook: Tbinkerknoxx Inc.
Twitter: @Tbinkerknese101

You'll find an odd quote on the front of Tbinkerknese 101. Here's a little about that, and Earl's vision for the book:

“A teen without the Means is like an orange without the juice.”

If you’ve ever seen an orange that’s shriveled and dried up with only the skin and dried pulp remaining, then you’ll be able to equate that piece of nearly useless fruit—which was deprived of the necessary resources to help it reach its full potential—to a teenager who’s been deprived or denied the opportunity to reach their full potential because of lackadaisical parents, disinterested teachers, or both.

The Tbinkerknoxx slogan implies that the teen who gets their juice (the motivating, inspiring, enabling force or factor) from the Means, will be able to substantially enhance both their physical and mental capabilities. These Means will employ high moral standards and encourage academic excellence, while exhausting all available resources in instructing the teens in proper discipline.

We believe the teens who’ve been provided the necessary resources (the Means and the juice), can become productive citizens in an increasingly competitive society.

Once again we want to reiterate and encourage all the adults who have the opportunity to help and can, within the proper channels, to please help our youth. It has been said by many and believed to be true that: “It takes a village to raise a child.”

Now, for the cover reveal and synopsis!

Title: Tbinkerknese 101 (Book One)
Author: E. L. Thomas Sr.
Genre: Young Adult Poetry
Length (Print): 106 pages
“Okay, teens, let’s go speak some TBINKERKNESE.”

E.L. Thomas has created this language specifically to break down communication barriers with teens. Quips, like the one above, in this inspiring book of poetry will keep you engaged throughout. Inside, there are 101 tidbits of useful, practical advice for teens, parents, and teachers, all communicated in a fun way while retaining a note of seriousness.

If you’re the parent of a teen, or a young person yourself, you’ll love getting lost in the pages of this book. Hopefully, it’ll open up lines of communication thought to be lost and get you thinking about life. With lines to record your thoughts as you read each poem, it beckons to be used as more than just a casual reading device.

Cover time!
Full Wrap:

This book will be available on Createspace, Amazon Kindle, Smashwords, and you'll be able to snag a coil-bound version on Lulu!

INDIE Books Gone Wild is sponsoring a giveaway to include a paperback, an e-book, or a coil-bound! That's right, IBGW is giving away a copy of each. There will be three lucky winners! Giveaway will run from April 26 through May 12. Enter via the Rafflecopter below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!

What do you think of the cover?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Cover Reveal - Magic Unfolds

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Woo hoo! New week, new stuff to do. If you missed yesterday's post with the interview of author Alison Pensey, be sure and check it out here. Today, I have another lovely UtopYA Con author, Ms. N. L. Greene. She's joining us for a cover reveal for her new book Magic Unfolds. It's the second book in the Mystic Seeker series and I can't wait to get my hands on it. Illusions Begin was an awesome read (review here) and I'm dying to know more. Without further jabbering on my end, I give you: the information (What? You didn't think I was going straight into the cover, did you?).

Title: Magic Unfolds (Book 2 of The Mystic Seeker Series)
Author: N. L. Greene

Blurb: For the first time in her life, Becky had hopes of fulfilling her own dreams when Blaine Winters inexplicably arrived into her quiet life, teasing her with astounding possibilities she never thought imaginable. Not only did he reveal that magic was indeed real, but he also stirred feelings in her that she had only read about in clichéd romance novels. But just as quickly as he appeared, he was gone. Then Becky’s life was turned upside down by a family emergency. With the overwhelming demands of running an elite law firm as well as her ex becoming more of a threat each day, she didn’t have time for whimsical thoughts or personal exploration anyway.

Now that Blaine has mysteriously disappeared from her life, she can put her family first and focus on what she needs to do. If only it were that easy. Blaine may be gone and all of Becky’s little girl dreams of a world filled with magic with him, but that doesn’t mean all’s forgotten. Nightmares are plaguing her, someone is watching her, and there are powers within her that she can’t seem to control.

Will Becky finally get her chance at magic after all, even if she doesn’t want it?

Sounds good, huh?

Now, on to what you came here for: the cover!

Oooooooooh! Pretty! How about the full wrap?

Oh my... Now that's a book cover :)

Are you wondering yet where you can pick up a copy? It's available for pre-order now!

Click here to pre-order the book from Barnes & Noble (you can also pre-order for iBooks). IF you get it before April 20th, it's just $0.99.

Illusions Begin (Book 1) is $0.99 through April 20th as well. Get started on the series while you can. Link to Amazon here.

About N. L. Greene

Author N.L. Greene is a writer of YA and NA Contemporary and Paranormal Romances. She currently lives in Florida with her husband and two beautiful daughters. When she isn't writing or reading, she enjoys traveling around the world with her family, shopping and doing other girly things with her girls, or playing video games with her husband. She is a lover of dogs, chocolate, and anything pink!

To connect with Ms. Greene on Social Media, click the following links:
Amazon Author Page
Facebook Page

I hope you all enjoyed this post! What do you think of the cover?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Cover Reveal - Waterfall by Amber Garr

Happy World Water Day! And happy cover reveal day for The Water Crisis Chronicles Book 0.5. As a part of today's celebration for raising awareness about water and energy consumption, I thought I'd celebrate with a cover and website reveal!

First, here's the cover and blurb for WATERFALL...


Waterfall (Book 0.5)

The water is gone. The wars have begun.

Clean water is a luxury most can no longer afford. Climate change, industrial sabotage, and greed have  turned country against country as each one tries to provide for its citizens. Terrorist groups target desalinization plants and frustrated governments hunt those who work against them. Rationing, sequestering, and patrolling have become routine at a time when there are too many people and not enough resources.

While the world around them disintegrates into chaos, Zach and Vivienne hope that their life in a government-run complex will retain some semblance of normalcy. But when attacks on their water supplies bring war to their sheltered community, they must accept their new fate. Stay and fight or flee and endure—it’s a difficult decision with lasting consequences.

Will they choose what’s safe? Or will they choose to survive?

Coming April 22, 2014

And now you can learn more about Zach and Vee's world, the government, the timeline, and what you can do help bring clean drinking water to the millions who don't have it (more about that coming later).

You can also read about how the series began with WATERPROOF sporting its new cover makeover as well!

Waterproof (Book 1)

Dying of thirst is the new reality.

Five years after the last drop of clean water disappeared, global societies collapsed and nuclear war shattered all hope of recovery. In a place now only a skeleton of its former self, survivors fight to avoid capture by the government. Forced to work in factories that produce the only drinking water available, those who go in, never come out.

Zach and Vivienne have lived as deserters since they were teenagers. Fighting amongst their own and scrounging for the necessities of life, they’ve learned to rely on each other in every way. Yet when tragedy strikes and the true objectives of the government facility are revealed, their world is ripped apart.

A fate once thought to hold their demise may be the sole answer to their survival. Who can they trust? Who can they believe?

In this life, it pays to be waterproof.

Cover by Creative Book Designs and Amber Garr

Find Amber at:
Her Website
On Facebook
On Twitter

I hope you all enjoyed this lovely cover reveal! What do you think? Is it awesome or what?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, March 6, 2014

Two Hats to Wear and Finding the Perfect Cover

Happy Thursday, everyone! I know I missed my post yesterday, but I have great reason. You see, I wear two hats: My writer/editor hat and my designer hat. When it's necessary for me to be in designer mode, I have trouble writing. Not just blog posts, but everything. I begin to think about typography and imagery. Photoshop plants seeds in my brain I have trouble shaking off until the design is done.

In other words, I can't write until my designer hat comes off. Well, I can, but it ends up sounding like gibberish and meanders in a billion different directions.

So, today you're getting a post about book design; because that's where my head is at.

Recently, I got a job editing a Poetry book for teens titled Tbinkerknese 101 (giveaway to come after publication), for the cover design and print formatting for that book, and the editing and cover design for a Young Adult Paranormal book titled Chasing Shadows (which I, hopefully, will also be doing the interior print book formatting for).

After a couple of weeks wearing my editor hat, I had to shift gears and put on my designer hat.

Now, it's probably pretty obvious to you that these two books are aimed a the same audience but have very different requirements.

Talk about your designer head-case! I was going back and forth between the two, trying to work out how to speak to the target audience without coming off preachy for the first, and too vague for the second.

It wasn't easy. But both of those authors now have 3 comps each to look at and choose from. Once we narrow it down to one, I'll move on to giving the cover finishing touches, tweaks, and creating the full wrap for each of them. Of course, my greatest fear is that both of them will come back and say they don't like anything I created. Then, I'll have to switch gears entirely and come up with a whole new concept to throw behind each one.

I stared at my blog yesterday, but the words wouldn't come. My brain was locked in design mode.

I know (from personal experience), when they see the cover they want, they'll gasp and say, "That's it! That's exactly what I love and what will speak to my audience!"

When you find the perfect cover or image for your novel, you know it right away. It'll be everything you hoped for. If you have a good designer, it'll be everything you hoped for plus some you never thought to include.

I love when my authors come back and tell me they found that little thing I added to the cover that speaks from the book. Yeah, I like to read the books I design covers for. I feel it gives me great insight.

I've studied typography for a long time. Still, I struggle with getting a handle on it. So I'm gonna start working on my digital swipe file and building things from the inside out.

I don't design book covers very often, I prefer to make the inside type/pages sing. But when I get the chance to design for a book I've read, the imagery on the front always speaks to the story inside.

So, here's your tip for today: Even if you have to go through ten covers, wait for the one that makes you gasp when you see it. That one will be the perfect cover, and you'll be glad you waited.

What's your favorite cover of yours so far? Who designed it? Give us links!

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Cover Reveal - Pariah by Casey L. Bond

Happy Thursday, good people of the blogosphere! I hope you're all excited about tomorrow being Friday and the weekend to come. I know I am. A break is very badly needed by me. Such exciting things going on, I'm feeling like I'm about to jump up and dance the salsa. If you recall, there's a giveaway going on here for a chance to win an e-copy of Keepers of Arden (The Brothers Volume 1) by L. K. Evans, and today I have a cover reveal for Pariah by Casey L. Bond! I can't wait for you all to see this cover. You're going to flip out!

Ready? Let's get going!

The New Covenant Series
by Casey L. Bond

What are the things that you need most in life—the things you crave? Solara longs for freedom. Having been raised under the Kingdom’s lock and key since the age of two, she wants to see the world. Upon turning seventeen and receiving no mark from the Lord, she believes freedom is finally within her grasp.

Unfortunately, she is wrong. The Kingdom has been fooled. She is marked by an angel of light and one of the fallen dark ones. Solara is God’s chosen, and with her birth, the new covenant made with mankind is made manifest.

Solara also longs for love, strong enough to last a lifetime, and beyond. Riven loves her. But is one of the fallen prophesied to betray the chosen. Can she trust him? Love him? Prophesy states that she is the key. The fate of humanity rests with her decision. She alone will determine whether the doors of Heaven or the gates of Hell open upon the Earth.

But how can a normal girl, who has been raised with no knowledge of either side, make such a decision? And how can she turn away from finally tasting those things she has craved for so long.

For fun, here's the full wrap cover:

Everyone say, "Oooooooooooh!"

Isn't it gorgeous?

Now, if you want to add Pariah to your Goodreads TBR list, go here:

Pariah on Goodreads

If you'd like to check out Pariah's Pinterest board, check it out here:

Pariah on Pinterest

While you're hanging around here, why not check out Casey and give her a follow on social media?


Or, you can check out other books by Casey L. Bond: Winter Shadows, Devil Creek, Reap (3.17.14)

Tomorrow, I'll be putting up my review for The Bestiarum Vocabulum. You want to come back for that one!

What do you think of the cover?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Cover Reveal - Devil Creek

Happy Tuesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I have a great cover reveal to share with you all! Tomorrow, we go back to our regularly scheduled program of writing tips and loveliness until Friday. I have an awesome surprise for you all next week (especially you authors) but I don't want to give anything away too soon. You know how I get around the holidays. Let's see how many days I can keep it a secret before I start singing like a canary. Yeah, I'm filling space here at the top of the blog right now to shove the images down under the fold so you have to work for them. Haha! Gotcha! Enough of my rambling, we have a cover to reveal! So grab your comfy chair and a cuppa and let's get going!

Cover Reveal - Devil Creek
by Casey L. Bond

Before we get to the awesome imagery, here's a little bit of info about the book:

Title: Devil Creek
Author: Casey L. Bond
Genre: NA Romance
Length: Around 65K words

I have to tell you, I read it as a beta-reader. I was left with my mouth hanging open. All I can say is, you're in for a treat!

I know, I know, you're all ready to see the cover, huh?

What fun would it be if I just plastered it all over the first few lines of the blog? Bo-ring.

No? Not boring?

Okay! You win! Here it is:

What is your greatest fear? For Aislin, it is the fear of being alone. She grew up in and out of foster care along with her brother, Declan. When he is killed by an IED blast while serving in Afghanistan, she leans on her brother's best friend, Gabriel. The two become inseparable.

When she catches her fiancée in bed with another girl? She isn’t even that upset. Mad as hell? Yes. As angry as she should be? No. That's the moment she realizes that she isn't in love with her fiancée. She is in love with her best friend, Gabriel. The only problem is that Gabe doesn't think he should cross the boundary between friend and lover with his dead best friend's sister. He wants her. He just doesn't want to want her. And, therein lies the problem.

After Aislin is attacked by a man she tried to love with her head in an attempt to heal her heart from rejection, she and Gabriel have one night of bliss together. Only one though. Gabriel gets spooked and runs. He is afraid. Afraid that Aislin will hate him for taking advantage of her vulnerability. Three years and nine months later, Gabe comes home to find Aislin with a dark-haired wanna-be rockstar and a three year old little girl with familiar blue eyes. Seeing her with Jude, makes his blood boil. But does Gabriel deserve her? No. Does he want her? With every fiber of his being. He will do anything it takes to win her heart and prove his love. He wants a place in her life and in the life of her daughter. What is in the cards for Gabriel and Aislin? Welcome to Devil Creek.

And, here's the full wrap cover!

Yes! Bonus!

Pretty, isn't it?

I'll be writing a review for this book once Ms. Bond is done editing it. I do hope you'll all come on back for that!

What do you think of the cover? Does it look/sound like something you'd read?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cover Reveal - The Druid's Doorway

Happy Tuesday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I bring you a cover reveal for Ms. S.G. Daniels, someone I'll be doing an interview with in April, 2014. She's one of the authors who'll be attending UtopYA next year. But enough of my blabbing, let's get going to the visually pleasing aspects of this post!

Title: The Druid’s Doorway
Author: S.G. Daniels
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy
Cover Reveal Date: November 24, 2013
Publication Date: December 14, 2013
Jake Reese thinks he’s just a screwed-up high school kid living in a small town isolated in the Arizona desert. Traumatized at an early age by his mother’s sudden death—and believing he might have had something to do with it—he’s allowed his guilt and lack of self-confidence to rule his life.

Hailey is the fiery little redhead that sees Jake as more than a just a good friend. When she invites him as her date to a school function, it brings down the walls he's built to protect his heart, and sets off a series of events that threaten not only Jake’s life, but that of everyone around him.

The discovery of a portal on the outskirts of town brings Jake face-to-face with death and reveals a closely guarded secret about his mother. No longer is his memory of her the only thing that haunts him. Something evil from her past has escaped through the portal, and nothing will prevent it from trying to steal Jake’s future.

Can Jake overcome his fears to keep Hailey safe? Will the decisions he's forced to make destroy everyone he knows and loves? And he strong enough to live with those choices?

About the author:
S.G. Daniels lives in rural Central Illinois with her husband of thirty-one years, and two spoiled cats, Payne and Jenks. She works full-time in a local medical facility as a patient accounting refund specialist. Most of her evenings she can be found in front of her computer, working on story ideas, or learning the ins and outs of the writing world. On the weekends, if she’s not spending time outside, she’s usually found nose-deep in a book. When S.G. unleashes her inner daredevil, she usually takes off through winding timber trails or country roads on the ATV. Her weaknesses are iced tea and pretzels, especially when she’s working on a story.

Facebook: Author Page
Twitter: @SGDanielsAuthor
Pinterest: S.G. Daniels

I bet you're all eager to see that cover now, eh? Okay, okay! Here you go!

Isn't that gorgeous?

Here's the full wrap cover!

I hear the oohs and ahhs! Very nicely done, eh?

Why don't you give this little lady a follow on social media so you can be sure and catch the book when it hits the shelves?

What do you think of the cover?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Cover Reveal - Iron Pendulum by Megan Curd

Happy Tuesday, blogospherians! Today I have a very special post for you from my fellow UtopYAn, Megan Curd. You'll get to meet Megan in one of my tell-all interviews at the end of the month. In the mean time, check out the great cover for Iron Pendulum, book two of The Periodic Series that began with Steel Lily.

By Megan Curd

A month ago, Avery thought the world ended outside Dome Four. Thought she was one of the few of her kind. Thought the war that brought the human race to the brink of extinction was over.

But a month can change everything.

Returning to the dome she longed to escape is a challenge for Avery, but now she knows there’s corruption lurking in the shadows. A massive steam shortage leaves half the dome without power, and people are falling ill. Dying.

And they’re blaming Avery.

A month can change everything. Another month could kill everyone. The clock is ticking.

Goodreads: Iron Pendulum
Twitter: @MeganCurd
Facebook: Author Megan Curd

Buy Steel Lily: For Kindle at $0.99

Now what you've all come for...

The thing I know you're dying to see!

I give you, the cover for Iron Pendulum:

And, for fun, let's have a look at the hardcover!

How completely awesome are those?

What do you think of the cover? Have you read Steel Lily yet?

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Friday, January 25, 2013

Hiring a Book or Cover Designer

Happy Friday! It's time for the weekend! I can hear you cheering. Today, I'm going to give you some tips on what to look for when hiring a designer for your manuscript and cover. I'll give you a list of questions you should ask, what you can expect from your designer, and what you should prepare in advance. So grab those pens and notebooks and let's get going!

First and foremost, you should prepare a creative brief. Your brief should include:
  • Your name and pen name
  • Your address and billing information
  • The book's title
  • Genre
  • Blurb
  • Any review matter you'd like included
  • Cover copy (the text that appears on the back or inside flap)
  • Your vision for your book
  • Other books in your genre (for reference)
  • Headshots, logos, or any other imagery that must be included (like awards the book has won)
Now that you have your brief, you should approach a designer. Before handing over your brief, you need to ask some questions to make sure you're hiring someone that knows their stuff. Ask things like:
  • Have you ever formatted for XYZ company's specs before?
  • Do you have a design degree? (While this isn't necessary, it doesn't hurt to know going in.)
  • What software do you use for design?
  • Can I see some of the other work you've done?
  • Explain bleed to me. Bleed is the area of the image that hangs over the edge and is cut away during production.
  • What is kerning? Kerning is adjusting the space between letters.
  • What is tracking? Tracking is adjusting the space between a whole line of letters.
  • What's the standard safety margin for live elements? Standard safety is .25" from the edge for books. Some production houses call for .125". Either answer is correct. However, CreateSpace wants .25".

If your designer nails all these questions, you've got someone that most likely knows their stuff.

What you can expect from your designer:
A good designer will give you three very different choices to start with. They'll ask you to narrow it down to one and give you up to two revisions on that one design. Once you decide on a cover, the interior should compliment fonts used and look and feel of the book. Again, I'll use The Bird as an example:

Note the font on the cover of the book and the design elements around the border.
Now note the font on the chapter heading and number and the design elements around the edges of the page.

Watch out for the designers that mix two script fonts, two serif fonts, or two sans serif fonts in their design. This is a basic Typography no-no because it always comes off looking like a mistake.

Your designer should provide you with all files:
  • Thumbnails
  • Cover sized and formatted for digital uploads
  • Cover sized and formatted for display on a website
  • Entire cover for production house, formatted properly and in proper color space (CMYK ONLY)
  • Cover in black & white
  • List of fonts used

They won't give you the original files they built. Don't ask. This is like you writing a story and someone else wanting to tinker with it and release it with your name on it without you approving the changes.

Your contract should include:
  • Statements saying the artwork is yours once the work is done and that you're free to use it in any way you see fit at no extra compensation for the designer or any third party.
  • Deadlines and penalties for not meeting them.
  • A guarantee clause stating all work is original and designed by them.
  • A clause stating all artwork contained in the design is free from copyright by third-party entities.
  • Number of revisions allowed at no extra charge.
  • Payment arrangements in detail.
  • Your name, their name, and all addresses associated with you both.
  • Number of files you'll receive and sizes/specs.

This is protection for both you and your designer. They should never ever balk at signing a contract.

I hope this helps many indie authors get the quality and professionalism they deserve in a designer. Over on Joel Friedlander's blog today, there's an interesting post about judging a book by it's cover. I beg you to go give it a read.

Any questions? Leave a comment and I'll get back with you ASAP.

Don't forget to enter the giveaway while you're here!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!


Thursday, January 3, 2013

Your Cover Speaks Volumes

Happy Thursday, good people of the blogosphere! Today, I'm going to talk about book covers. Things every author should think about when deciding on a cover for their book. Grab those pens and notebooks and let's get going!

I'm going to start by discussing my own book covers and a couple I've designed for other authors.
First up, the cover of Yassa.
I chose this design because of the quality of the artwork and what it says to the reader. Yassa is a law that outlines the idea of loyalty until death. The book inside is all about inner struggle, love, and culture. It's supposed to convey the softer side of a warlord like Genghis Khan. I know it's a geisha and I know there are no geisha in the book, but the geisha represented beauty and the cherry tree represented new life. It also worked really well in black and white. Pay attention to the type. It's strong yet beautiful.

The Abigale Chronicles features handwritten type done by a twelve-year-old girl. My main character is twelve and it seemed fitting to stay within the age group to which the book is geared. As the book progressed through volumes 2 and 3, the colors and the design elements are all that changed. I wanted it to be recognizable as a series from no more than a glance and to be unique.

My Mystic series features a digital painting representing the end of the world. I wanted all the books to look alike so I stayed with the idea of only changing the name inside the orb. Thinking of Markaza, I wanted the paranormal/mystical aspect to be clearly recognizable as well as the barren wasteland and dead tree. I chose the greyscale cover to impart death and loneliness. No bright colors would have worked for this design. Look at the flowing type. It says something on its own.

Divorced to Dating Disasters was designed for Ms. Chelsea Black. Her idea was one of chocolates and I had the perfect image to compliment the sweet wreckage her book portrays. Maybe when broken, things are sweeter. Perhaps it just creates a mess... Strong type was used to reinforce the words. Divorce is series, disasters are damaged, and Chelsea is a serious writer.

This bright and fun cover was designed for my good friend Crystal Lee. She gives workshops on how to grow things in the hot Arizona climate. We wanted something that said food, hot, and fun to read as well as making it eye-catching for the browsing readers over on Amazon. It was fun to design and the typography is just gorgeous. Don't you love that negative space between the y and the A? How about the way the O and G mimic the roundness of the peppers?

Last but not least, The Bird. If you're a frequent visitor to the blog, you probably saw the three design options for this book. You probably also voted on one or the other. I used a cardinal because he is the character that changes the story for Stormy. Everything is plodding along as usual before that pesky Trobodyte bird shows up. I chose blue and red because they're neighbors on the color wheel and looked good together. I wanted strong typographical elements to offset the strength of the digital painting of the bird. A border was added for punch.

I bet you're all wondering why I chose to show you these covers, right? I'm asking that you look at them. Really take a moment and look. Every one of them has something in common. Forget the imagery for a moment and focus on just the words. Look at the shapes of the letters and see how they speak on their own. Every typeface has a voice. You have to consider that when you're designing your book covers or when looking over a cover designed for you by an artist. If your cover doesn't work with just the type, your imagery will fall flat every time. Never rely on a great picture to get your feeling across.

I gave three options for each of the above books before I settled on one. You should see the rejects! Maybe one day I'll list them and go into why they didn't work.

Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!
