First off, let me abide by their request on their Squidoo Logo page and say, "I am not affiliated with or endorsed by Squidoo LLC."
Not that I'm selling you anything, see, but they politely ask that you state this if you use their logo. On to the good stuff!!
They have their own lens making tips that can be found here:
Jo's top ten tips for creating a Squidoo lens:
- Be sure you're creating original content and that you have the rights to publish/share said content. If you don't, your lens will be locked and (eventually) deleted.
- Decide on a snappy title, give your lens a good number of tags, and flesh out the description well.
- Use photos to make your lens aesthetically pleasing. Make sure your images are related to your topic. You don't want a photo of flowers in a post about the apocalypse (unless they're dead, maybe).
- Give your readers plenty of sections to peruse by using the add module button on the right hand side of your lens.
- Pay attention to the progress bar on the top right hand side and be sure you're fleshing out your lens with enough content to get to 100%.
- When/if you recommend products on your lens, make sure they're relevant to your content.
- If there's a YouTube video out there related to your topic, add it.
- Know what you're creating before you begin to create.
- If your ultimate goal is to sell something to the reader, make sure you're easing them into the sale rather than shoving it in their faces.
- Above all else, have fun. Create something folks can't (or don't want to) look up elsewhere. Squidoo is all about discussion and creating a community full of information with your own POV. Be original and have original thoughts.
Book Formatting
Using Flipboard to Manage Social Media
Things I Learned from My Editor
Have you used Squidoo yet? Why/why not?
Well, that's all for today, folks! Until next time, WRITE ON!